Friday, September 5, 2008

Post # 11 (Comment Grade Info)

Make sure that you know some things about the grading...

Yes, you can post a late comment to the blog. You will receive late credit. Late credit is up to 60% of full credit.

When you post a late comment, please send me an email or tell me during class. (BTW there is a timestamp and datestamp on every post.)


Anonymous said...

okay so i just checked my grades and pinnacle said that i didn't do the cover vote #1 when i actually did.
most likely i didn't comment but i know for a fact that i did vote.

Kaitlyn M.
Block 4

Mr. Conde said...

Kaitlyn, you did not have to post another comment for Post #2 (cover vote# 1). If you go back to the post that you just did, you will see that you posted on August 28th at 12:23pm. Most of the class posted on the 21st or 22nd so you will receive late credit and NOT a zero.

Anonymous said...

so if i comment all of the posts what will my grade go to

Eric dellaporta
blcok 3