who:CindyLou Romberg what: Foreign Accent Syndrome when:1981 where:Port Angeles, Washington why:It might have been from an accident when she fell out of a truck and suffered depressed skull fracture
I feel sorry for this lady because she is sad she doesn't have her normal voice anymore. I would be very sad if this happened to me because it would feel awkward listening to myself with a different accent
What-a lady who has Foreign Accent Syndrome. Who-CindyLou Romberg . Where-In Washington When-November 13 2008 Why-because she had a car accident so she had a barin injury.
This article is pretty interesting because this is something that doesn't happen everyday.Its weird because she just randomly wakes up speaking a weird language.If this were to happen to me it will be cool because i think i'll be cool that i speak differently.I think i would like having a different accent.
who:CindyLou Romberg what:she talks with a forein accent when:since 1981 where:Port Angeles, Washington why:It might have been from an accident when she fell out of a truck and suffered depressed skull fracture
i feelkind of bad for her bu its also kinda cool she sounds like she is from different countries
who:CindyLou Romberg what:she talks with a forein accent when:since 1981 where:Port Angeles, Washington why:It might have been from an accident when she fell out of a truck and suffered depressed skull fracture
i feelkind of bad for her bu its also kinda cool she sounds like she is from different countries
WHO:CindyLou Romberg WHAT: sounds like she could be from any number of exotic countries around the world WHEN:1981 WHERE:hometown of Port Angeles, Wash WHY:Romberg suffers from what doctors call Foreign Accent Syndrome, or FAS, an extremely rare brain disorder that, as the name implies, causes its sufferers to speak as if they are from a foreign country.
Obama may have to give up e-messaging http://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/11/17/obama.blackberry.ap/index.html
Who: President-elect Barack Obama
What: Might have to give up his blackberry, due to being elected president.
Where: Washington
Why/How: Since he became president, he may have to give up his blackberry because of the possibly of federal e-mails being hacked. If I suddenly became president, i would be upset that i would have to give my phOne because, like Obama it is important to me.
What:sounds like she could be from any number of exotic countries around the world.
When: The syndrome is likely related to an accident in 1981 when CindyLou suffered a depressed skull fracture after falling out of a moving truck, scientists say.
Where:hometown of Port Angeles, Wash.
Why/How:Romberg suffers from what doctors call Foreign Accent Syndrome, or FAS, an extremely rare brain disorder that, as the name implies, causes its sufferers to speak as if they are from a foreign country.
I think its sad. I would feel bad if that would happen to me. I dont think i would know what to do with my self i would cry everyday.
Who:Cindy Lou Romberg What?She suffers with foreign accent syndrome When:November 13,2008 Where?Port Angeles,Washington Why:Because FAS causes its sufferers to speak as if they are from a foreign country
If this happened to me I would just take a accent reducing class and consult with a shrink.I actually know a lady who has FAS she talks with a british accent.
What-a lady who has Foreign Accent Syndrome. Who-CindyLou Romberg . Where-In Washington When-November 13 2008 Why-because she had a car accident so she had a barin injury.
If this ever happen to me i would think it would be cool in a way. i wouldnt mind it but i would miss my old voice.Also it would be hard to get use to but things happen and there nothing you can do about it.
who:CindyLou Romberg what: she has a disorder where her voice changes and sounds like she has different accents when:occuring since 1981 where:port angeles, washington why:she had an accident before that ended up eventually making her have foreign accent syndrome
-I think thats a very random syndrome and I'm not quite sure how it works so that makes it interesting.
If this happened to me I'd be like CindyLou and miss the voice I was born with and eventually i'd get used to it and grow to like it.
What: One woman was diagnosed with a rare condition called foreign accent syndrome. Sounds like she could be from any number of exotic countries around the world.
Where: she's never left her hometown of Port Angeles, Wash.
When: doesn't specifically say
Why/How: The syndrome is likely related to an accident in 1981 when CindyLou suffered a depressed skull fracture after falling out of a moving truck, scientists say.
If I woke up one day, and I was speaking with a totally different accent out of no where, I would be concerned, obviously. I think it would be pretty cool, because it would be different. But on the other hand, I would get annoyed with it and probably want my old voice back.
when the interview was nov 13 08 and the accident happened in 1981
why)it happened t her when she fell out of a truck in 1981 and suffered a depressed skull fracture and after 17 years she visted a chiropractor and then lost her voice for two days then she woke up one day with a different voice
my reaction to this accident was that it was fake at first but afeter the interview i realized that this could happen to anybody if the conditions are just right
Who:CindyLou Romberg What:Foreign Accent Syndrome When:1981 Where:Port Angeles, Wash Why:She had fell of a moving truck and she got injured and suffered skull fracture
I think it sad because she lost her real voice and sound real different with another voice
Who: CindyLou Romberg What: She has Foreign Accent Syndrome When: 1981 Where: Port Angeles, Washington Why: She got into a car accident, and has been like that ever since.
-If this happened to me I wouldn't really have a problem with it, because I don't care what people think of me.
What: hav a brain disorder called Forein Language Syndrome
Where: woke up with it at her house in washington
When: 17 years after an accident
Why:a problem that was caused by an earlier accident with her falling out of a moving truck
Why: she has a severe brain injury
Response: I honestly wouldnt know how to act. i would be frustrated if i couldn't talk the way i wanted to. especially if i've been talking like that for years.
Who: CinyLou Romberg What: CindyLou talks with a foreign accentbecause of a disease When: Nov. 13, 2008 Where: Port Angeles, Washington Why: She was in a serious accident in which she fell out of a moving truck causing her to have 'Foreign Accent Syndrome'.
My Reaction: I think that it would be very annoying at times but maybe very helpful when speaking to people with a different accent than yours, if it happened to me I'm not sure if I would ever notice it when i talk.
Who:CindyLou Romberg What: sounds like she could be from any number of exotic countries around the world. Where: Port Angeles, Wash. When: since 1981 Why: she has Foreign Accent Syndrome.
I think that it's kind of wierd, but cool at the same time. Having an accent that you didn't grow up around is very different. I have never heard of this syndrome.
who:Cindylou Romberg What:She wakes up talking with a Foreign accent syndrome. When:Ever since 1981 Where:Port Angeles, Wash Why:Romberg suffers from what doctors call Foreign Accent Syndrome, or FAS
I wouldnt mind because people might actually understand me for once.
who? CindyLou Romberg what? she talks with a forein accent when? in 1981 where? Port Angeles, Wash why?it could have came from an accident she had which cause her to suffer from depressed skull fracture which now she has foreign accent syndrome. Reaction:I think it is cool cause your able to speak a certain way without even being from that country. Cathy Belony Block4
who?: CindyLou Romberg what?: Shes speaks with a forein accent out if know where. where?:Port Angeles, Washington when?: Doesnt really say. why?: It happened due to a accident in 1981 when CindyLou suffered a depressed skull fracture after falling out of a moving truck.
My reaction is just shocked i didnt think this could happen how could your brain know how to do that?? If you were never expressed to that kind of language before? its kinda interesting but kinda sad.
who-cindylou romberg what-she talks in a messed up accent where-port angeles, washington why-she has suffered an accident that has made her accent wierd
i feel kind of bad because she lost her normal voice and it must be hard to talk to friends and then hear them say your voice is wierd.
who:Cindylou Romberg what:her accent has changed. when:nov.13, 2008 where:Port Angeles, Wash why:She feel out of a truck and got the Foreign Accent Syndrome.
I wouldn't be mad if i got the foreign accent sydrome, i think thet should embrace it.This is a pretty interesting interview because this doesn't happen everyday Kimery Franklin Block 4th
who-cindylou romberg what-she talks in a messed up accent where-port angeles, washington why-she has suffered an accident that has made her accent wierd
i feel kind of bad because she lost her normal voice and it must be hard to talk to friends and then hear them say your voice is wierd.
who:CindyLou Romberg what: Foreign Accent Syndrome when:1981 Where:hometown of Port Angeles, Washington. Why:Romberg suffers from what doctors call Foreign Accent Syndrome, or FAS, an extremely rare brain disorder that, as the name implies, causes its sufferers to speak as if they are from a foreign country
Who:Cindy Romberg What:she talks with an accent that is not hers When:since 1981 Where:port angeles Why:she was diagnosed with foreign accent syndrome
i think that its sad that one day you wake up with an accent you've never had before. people who know you are going to think that your crazy because thier not used to you that way.
who-cindy romberg what-diagnosed with foreign accent syndrome when-1981 where-port angeles why-she fell off of a moving truck
it can be bad or good depending on what type of person you are. good because you dont sound like most people your around. bad because your not the same person
Who: CindyLou Romberg. What: CindyLou had lost her voice and when she got it back, it was not the voice she was used to. She now had a type of accent as if she were from a foreign country. Where: Port Angeles, Washington. When: Two years ago. Why: She fell out of a moving truck in 1981 and a depressed skull fracture. Now she possibly suffers Foreign Accent Syndrome.
This is really crazy and I don't know what I would do if this happened to me. Especially not being able to say her daughter's name. It must make her go psycho every time she even tries. But on the other hand, it's kind of something cool. I would kind of love to wake up with another accent :)
WHO-CindyLou Romberg What-she wakes up with a foreign accent. WHEN-1981 WHERE-Port Angeles, Washington WHY- She has a rear brain disoder foreign accent syndrome
who:CindyLou Romberg what: Foreign Accent Syndrome when:1981 where:Port Angeles, Washington why:she suffered from an accident in which she fell out of a truck that cause a depressed skull fracture
i think its weird that falling out of a truck can alter the way you speak. i dont really feel bad for her because most likely she'll be like that for the rest of her life so she might as well get used to it.
WHAT: sounds like she could be from any number of exotic countries around the world
WHERE:hometown of Port Angeles, Wash
WHY:Romberg suffers from what doctors call Foreign Accent Syndrome, or FAS, an extremely rare brain disorder that, as the name implies, causes its sufferers to speak as if they are from a foreign country.
Who? CindyLou Romberg What? Foreign Accent Syndrome When? Since 2006 Where? Port Angeles, Washington Why? She got into a car accident in 1981, but the accents started two years ago.
I think the situation is weird, but kind of cool at the same time because of the difference in the way she spoke before, and how she has to speak now.
who: CindyLou Romberg What:Foreign Accent Syndrome When:1981 Where:Port Angeles, Washington Why:She got into a car accident in 1981, but the accents started two years ago.
It seems a little weird that the accents started so late arter if happend to her.
If if happened to me there would really be anything i could do about it just live with it i guess.
who= 8 year old boy what= said to have shot his dad when= nov 18 where= at the home why= unknown
i think if he really did shoot his dad then thats horrible because first of all its horrible to shoot/kill people especially your dad, he raised you and took care of you and you go and kill him... at 8 years old!
what? Whoke up 1 morning and came to find that she had a foriegn accent.
when? 2 years ago.
where?Port Angeles, Wash
why? The syndrome is likely related to an accident in 1981 when CindyLou suffered a depressed skull fracture after falling out of a moving truck, scientists say. She recovered from a severe brain injury, and spoke normally until just two years
If i woke up one morning with a foreign accent i dnt kno how i would feel to be honest with you. I would have probably went and got it checked out. And if it couldnt be cured than i would just have to live with it.
who: Cindy lou Romberg what: she suffers from a foreign accent syndrome when: 1981 where: Port Angeles Why: Because of the syndrome she has
Im sure most people think its cool, and not that big of a deal to live with, but i would assume waking up in the morning and having a completly random accent would be terrifying... i have so much sympothy for her, i would never be able to live like that!
Who; CindyLou Romberg What; She has foriegn accent syndrome When; 1981 Where; Port Angeles, Washington Why; She suffers from foreign accent syndrome from a brain ingury.
If that happened to me i would be terrified and feel so weird! I would never want that to happen to me, I feel so bad for her.
Who-CindyLou Romberg What-CindyLou Romberg sounds like she could be from any number of exotic countries around the world. She sometimes rolls her "R"s like a Russian, chops syllables like a German or turns an unsuspecting "W" into a "V," like a Swede.
Where-Port Angeles, Wash.
When- just two years ago when she lost her voice for a couple of days after a visit with a chiropractor.
Why-"She may have suffered a small episode of decreased blood supply to the brain during the manipulation that provided an additional injury, which led to the FAS," neuroscientist Julius Fridriksson said.
Fridriksson said that FAS comes from a trauma to the left side of the brain in an area responsible for speech.
Who: CindyLou Romberg What: She talks with an accent When: Since 1981 but lost her voice after and then that's when the accent came Where: Port Angeles, Washington Why: She has what they call: Foreign Accent Syndrome(FAS)
I personally felt very bad for the lady, and the rest of them because i would kill if this happened to me. It's not that big of a deal but the way people are,is so rude, that I wouldn't want to talk.
Who:Cindy Lou Romberg What?She suffers with foreign accent syndrome When:November 13,2008 Where?Port Angeles,Washington Why:Because FAS causes its sufferers to speak as if they are from a foreign country
If this happened to me I would just take a accent reducing class and consult with a shrink.I actually know a lady who has FAS she talks with a british accent.
who= 8 year old boy what= Shot his dad when: Nov 18 where: At the home why: Unknown
I think that if he did shoot his dad then thats sick because first of all its horrible to shoot/kill people, but especially your dad. He raised you and took care of you and you go and kill him.
who:CindyLou Romberg what:she talks with a forein accent when:since 1981 where:Port Angeles, Washington why:It might have been from an accident when she fell out of a truck and suffered depressed skull fracture
i feelkind of bad for her bu its also kinda cool she sounds like she is from different countries
Who; CindyLou Romberg What; She has foriegn accent syndrome When; 1981 Where; Port Angeles, Washington Why; She suffers from foreign accent syndrome from a brain ingury.
If that happened to me i would be terrified and feel so weird! I would never want that to happen to me, I feel so bad for her.
who? CindyLou Romberg
what? she talks with a forein accent
when? snice 1981
where? Port Angeles, Wash
why? she has Foreign Accent Syndrome
i think that its kinda cool. if this happened to me i wouldnt care because people already think i have an accent.
jessica young
block 3
who:CindyLou Romberg
what: Foreign Accent Syndrome
where:Port Angeles, Washington
why:It might have been from an accident when she fell out of a truck and suffered depressed skull fracture
I feel sorry for this lady because she is sad she doesn't have her normal voice anymore. I would be very sad if this happened to me because it would feel awkward listening to myself with a different accent
bao nguyen
block 3
What-a lady who has Foreign Accent Syndrome.
Who-CindyLou Romberg .
Where-In Washington
When-November 13 2008
Why-because she had a car accident so she had a barin injury.
This article is pretty interesting because this is something that doesn't happen everyday.Its weird because she just randomly wakes up speaking a weird language.If this were to happen to me it will be cool because i think i'll be cool that i speak differently.I think i would like having a different accent.
Catherine Sarmiento
block 3
who:CindyLou Romberg
what:she talks with a forein accent
when:since 1981
where:Port Angeles, Washington
why:It might have been from an accident when she fell out of a truck and suffered depressed skull fracture
i feelkind of bad for her bu its also kinda cool she sounds like she is from different countries
Eric Dellaporta
block 3
who:CindyLou Romberg
what:she talks with a forein accent
when:since 1981
where:Port Angeles, Washington
why:It might have been from an accident when she fell out of a truck and suffered depressed skull fracture
i feelkind of bad for her bu its also kinda cool she sounds like she is from different countries
Eric Dellaporta
block 3
WHO:CindyLou Romberg
WHAT: sounds like she could be from any number of exotic countries around the world
WHERE:hometown of Port Angeles, Wash
WHY:Romberg suffers from what doctors call Foreign Accent Syndrome, or FAS, an extremely rare brain disorder that, as the name implies, causes its sufferers to speak as if they are from a foreign country.
Obama may have to give up e-messaging
Who: President-elect Barack Obama
What: Might have to give up his blackberry, due to being elected president.
Where: Washington
Why/How: Since he became president, he may have to give up his blackberry because of the possibly of federal e-mails being hacked.
If I suddenly became president, i would be upset that i would have to give my phOne because, like Obama it is important to me.
Who:CindyLou Romberg
What:sounds like she could be from any number of exotic countries around the world.
When: The syndrome is likely related to an accident in 1981 when CindyLou suffered a depressed skull fracture after falling out of a moving truck, scientists say.
Where:hometown of Port Angeles, Wash.
Why/How:Romberg suffers from what doctors call Foreign Accent Syndrome, or FAS, an extremely rare brain disorder that, as the name implies, causes its sufferers to speak as if they are from a foreign country.
I think its sad. I would feel bad if that would happen to me. I dont think i would know what to do with my self i would cry everyday.
Alexia Patterson
block 3.
Who?CindyLou Romberg.
What?she talks with a forein accent.
When?snice 1981.
Where?Port Angeles, Washington.
Why?she has Foreign Accent Syndrome.
If this happened to me i wouldnt care. I think its kind of cool but if i could choose i would keep my american accent.
Logan peltz
Block 3
Who:Cindy Lou Romberg
What?She suffers with foreign accent syndrome
When:November 13,2008
Where?Port Angeles,Washington
Why:Because FAS causes its sufferers to speak as if they are from a foreign country
If this happened to me I would just take a accent reducing class and consult with a shrink.I actually know a lady who has FAS she talks with a british accent.
Aisha Henry
Block 3
What-a lady who has Foreign Accent Syndrome.
Who-CindyLou Romberg .
Where-In Washington
When-November 13 2008
Why-because she had a car accident so she had a barin injury.
If this ever happen to me i would think it would be cool in a way. i wouldnt mind it but i would miss my old voice.Also it would be hard to get use to but things happen and there nothing you can do about it.
Shawn Z
3rd Block
who:CindyLou Romberg
what: she has a disorder where her voice changes and sounds like she has different accents
when:occuring since 1981
where:port angeles, washington
why:she had an accident before that ended up eventually making her have foreign accent syndrome
-I think thats a very random syndrome and I'm not quite sure how it works so that makes it interesting.
If this happened to me I'd be like CindyLou and miss the voice I was born with and eventually i'd get used to it and grow to like it.
Kirstyn Kronsbein
Block 3
Who: CindyLou Romberg
What: One woman was diagnosed with a rare condition called foreign accent syndrome. Sounds like she could be from any number of exotic countries around the world.
Where: she's never left her hometown of Port Angeles, Wash.
When: doesn't specifically say
Why/How: The syndrome is likely related to an accident in 1981 when CindyLou suffered a depressed skull fracture after falling out of a moving truck, scientists say.
If I woke up one day, and I was speaking with a totally different accent out of no where, I would be concerned, obviously. I think it would be pretty cool, because it would be different. But on the other hand, I would get annoyed with it and probably want my old voice back.
Megan O'Connor
Block 3 :)
who)CindyLou Romberg
what)she woke upone day with a different acent
where) port angulas washinton
when the interview was nov 13 08 and the accident happened in 1981
why)it happened t her when she fell out of a truck in 1981 and suffered a depressed skull fracture and after 17 years she visted a chiropractor and then lost her voice for two days then she woke up one day with a
different voice
my reaction to this accident was that it was fake at first but afeter the interview i realized that this could happen to anybody if the conditions are just right
justin reid
bl 3
Who:CindyLou Romberg
What:Foreign Accent Syndrome
Where:Port Angeles, Wash
Why:She had fell of a moving truck and she got injured and suffered skull fracture
I think it sad because she lost her real voice and sound real different with another voice
jessica sejour
Who: CindyLou Romberg
What: She has Foreign Accent Syndrome
When: 1981
Where: Port Angeles, Washington
Why: She got into a car accident, and has been like that ever since.
-If this happened to me I wouldn't really have a problem with it, because I don't care what people think of me.
Who-CindyLou Romberg
What-has foreign accent syndrome
When-since 1981
Where-Port Angeles,Wash
Why-she has FAS
If this happened to me I wouldnt feel right because I'm not from a foriegn country so I shouldn't have an accent .
chelsea w.
block 3
who:cindylou romberg
what:she talks with a foreign accent that compared to a swedish or german lady.
why:cindy was in a accident where she fell out of her truck.suffered depressed skull fracture.
lynwood walker
who? CindyLou Romberg
what? she talks with a forein accent
when? since 1981
where? Port Angeles, Wash
why? she has Foreign Accent Syndrome due to an injury.
i think its weird but cool in a way. if i was to get that i like the french accent.lol. but in all i guess she misses her old voice.
lauren godwin
blk 3
who? cindylou romberg
what? a lady with a forein accent
when? 1981
where? port angeles, wash
why/ SYNDROME called foreign accent
trevis smith blk 3
What: hav a brain disorder called Forein Language Syndrome
Where: woke up with it at her house in washington
When: 17 years after an accident
Why:a problem that was caused by an earlier accident with her falling out of a moving truck
Why: she has a severe brain injury
Response: I honestly wouldnt know how to act. i would be frustrated if i couldn't talk the way i wanted to. especially if i've been talking like that for years.
Name: Xavier Dent
Block: 3
Who: CinyLou Romberg
What: CindyLou talks with a foreign accentbecause of a disease
When: Nov. 13, 2008
Where: Port Angeles, Washington
Why: She was in a serious accident in which she fell out of a moving truck causing her to have 'Foreign Accent Syndrome'.
My Reaction: I think that it would be very annoying at times but maybe very helpful when speaking to people with a different accent than yours, if it happened to me I'm not sure if I would ever notice it when i talk.
Brett Sharp
Block 3
Who:CindyLou Romberg
What: sounds like she could be from any number of exotic countries around the world.
Where: Port Angeles, Wash.
When: since 1981
Why: she has Foreign Accent Syndrome.
I think that it's kind of wierd, but cool at the same time. Having an accent that you didn't grow up around is very different. I have never heard of this syndrome.
Kasey Bartholomew
Block 4 :]]
Who: CindyLou Romeberg
What: she has a foreign accent syndrome
Where: In Port Angeles, Washington
When: in 1981
Why: she fell out of a moving truck
I think that's the weirdest medical mystery Ive ever heard. I would not like to be like that. I like the voice I have right now.
Todd Akselrod block 4
who:Cindylou Romberg
What:She wakes up talking with a Foreign accent syndrome.
When:Ever since 1981
Where:Port Angeles, Wash
Why:Romberg suffers from what doctors call Foreign Accent Syndrome, or FAS
I wouldnt mind because people might actually understand me for once.
Roderick Lacroix
Block 4
who? CindyLou Romberg
what? she talks with a forein accent
when? in 1981
where? Port Angeles, Wash
why?it could have came from an accident she had which cause her to suffer from depressed skull fracture which now she has foreign accent syndrome.
Reaction:I think it is cool cause your able to speak a certain way without even being from that country.
Cathy Belony
who?: CindyLou Romberg
what?: Shes speaks with a forein accent out if know where.
where?:Port Angeles, Washington
when?: Doesnt really say.
why?: It happened due to a accident in 1981 when CindyLou suffered a depressed skull fracture after falling out of a moving truck.
My reaction is just shocked i didnt think this could happen how could your brain know how to do that?? If you were never expressed to that kind of language before? its kinda interesting but kinda sad.
who-cindylou romberg
what-she talks in a messed up accent
where-port angeles, washington
why-she has suffered an accident that has made her accent wierd
i feel kind of bad because she lost her normal voice and it must be hard to talk to friends and then hear them say your voice is wierd.
Who.)CindyLou Romberg
What.)She has Foreign Accen Syndrome.
When.)Syndrome is related to an accident in 1981 when CindyLou suffered a depressed skull fracture,after falling out of a moving truck,scientist say.
Where.)Port Angeles, washington
Why.)It could have been when she had fell out of that moving truck,that caused the brain injury.
I think that its sad beacuse her whole life has changed.
It that would have happened to me i wouldnt feel right, cause i wouldnt sound right talking a diffrent way.
Daundre Heller
Block 4
who:Cindylou Romberg
what:her accent has changed.
when:nov.13, 2008
where:Port Angeles, Wash
why:She feel out of a truck and got the Foreign Accent Syndrome.
I wouldn't be mad if i got the foreign accent sydrome, i think thet should embrace it.This is a pretty interesting interview because this doesn't happen everyday
Kimery Franklin
Block 4th
who-cindylou romberg
what-she talks in a messed up accent
where-port angeles, washington
why-she has suffered an accident that has made her accent wierd
i feel kind of bad because she lost her normal voice and it must be hard to talk to friends and then hear them say your voice is wierd.
sebastian alba
block 4
who:CindyLou Romberg
what: Foreign Accent Syndrome
Where:hometown of Port Angeles, Washington.
Why:Romberg suffers from what doctors call Foreign Accent Syndrome, or FAS, an extremely rare brain disorder that, as the name implies, causes its sufferers to speak as if they are from a foreign country
Gabby Galvan
Block 4
who? CindyLou Romberg
what-she talks with a forein accent
when-since 1981
where-Port Angeles, Wash
why-she has Foreign Accent Syndrome due to an injury.
keandra grant
block 4
Who:Cindy Romberg
What:she talks with an accent that is not hers
When:since 1981
Where:port angeles
Why:she was diagnosed with foreign accent syndrome
i think that its sad that one day you wake up with an accent you've never had before. people who know you are going to think that your crazy because thier not used to you that way.
sadei ceran block 4
who-cindy romberg
what-diagnosed with foreign accent syndrome
where-port angeles
why-she fell off of a moving truck
it can be bad or good depending on what type of person you are. good because you dont sound like most people your around. bad because your not the same person
Who: CindyLou Romberg.
What: CindyLou had lost her voice and when she got it back, it was not the voice she was used to. She now had a type of accent as if she were from a foreign country.
Where: Port Angeles, Washington.
When: Two years ago.
Why: She fell out of a moving truck in 1981 and a depressed skull fracture. Now she possibly suffers Foreign Accent Syndrome.
This is really crazy and I don't know what I would do if this happened to me. Especially not being able to say her daughter's name. It must make her go psycho every time she even tries. But on the other hand, it's kind of something cool. I would kind of love to wake up with another accent :)
Desmond Brown
Block 4
Who:CindyLou Romberg
What: she talks with a foreign accent.
Where: Port Angeles, Washington
Why: She has the Syndrome
I think it is weird because i did not know there was such syndrome.
WHO-cindylou romberg
what- was in a accident and started talking with an accent.
where-washington port angeles
why- she was in a accident.
i think that it is different
WHO-CindyLou Romberg
What-she wakes up with a foreign accent.
WHERE-Port Angeles, Washington
WHY- She has a rear brain disoder foreign accent syndrome
(De'Onna Rush BLOCK4)
WHO?Harold Washington
WHEN? November 17th, 2008
WHERE?Quinnipiac University in Connecticut
NOV 17 08
WHO?Harold Washington
WHEN? November 17th, 2008
WHERE?Quinnipiac University in Connecticut
NOV 17 08
WHO:CindyLou Romberg
WHAT: A foreign accent syndrome
WHEN: Since 1981
WHERE: Port Angeles, WA
WHY: She has the syndrome
I feel sorry for her because i wouldnt want totalk wierd.
Natasha Brown
Block 4 11/17/08
who:CindyLou Romberg
what: Foreign Accent Syndrome
where:Port Angeles, Washington
why:she suffered from an accident in which she fell out of a truck that cause a depressed skull fracture
i think its weird that falling out of a truck can alter the way you speak. i dont really feel bad for her because most likely she'll be like that for the rest of her life so she might as well get used to it.
c h r i s t i n a p.
blk 4
WHO:CindyLou Romberg
WHAT: sounds like she could be from any number of exotic countries around the world
WHERE:hometown of Port Angeles, Wash
WHY:Romberg suffers from what doctors call Foreign Accent Syndrome, or FAS, an extremely rare brain disorder that, as the name implies, causes its sufferers to speak as if they are from a foreign country.
Who? CindyLou Romberg
What? Foreign Accent Syndrome
When? Since 2006
Where? Port Angeles, Washington
Why? She got into a car accident in 1981, but the accents started two years ago.
I think the situation is weird, but kind of cool at the same time because of the difference in the way she spoke before, and how she has to speak now.
who: CindyLou Romberg
What:Foreign Accent Syndrome
Where:Port Angeles, Washington
Why:She got into a car accident in 1981, but the accents started two years ago.
It seems a little weird that the accents started so late arter if happend to her.
If if happened to me there would really be anything i could do about it just live with it i guess.
Block 3.
who= 8 year old boy
what= said to have shot his dad
when= nov 18
where= at the home
why= unknown
i think if he really did shoot his dad then thats horrible because first of all its horrible to shoot/kill people especially your dad, he raised you and took care of you and you go and kill him... at 8 years old!
BrieAnna Wallace
Block 3
Who? CindyLou Romberg.
what? Whoke up 1 morning and came to find that she had a foriegn accent.
when? 2 years ago.
where?Port Angeles, Wash
why? The syndrome is likely related to an accident in 1981 when CindyLou suffered a depressed skull fracture after falling out of a moving truck, scientists say. She recovered from a severe brain injury, and spoke normally until just two years
If i woke up one morning with a foreign accent i dnt kno how i would feel to be honest with you. I would have probably went and got it checked out. And if it couldnt be cured than i would just have to live with it.
Treyon B.
Blk 3
Cindy Lou Romberg
she suffers from a rare brain disorder that makes her talk with a foriegn accent even though she doesnt speak the language.
Port Angeles Washington.
it started about two years ago
She was involved in a truck accident
if that happened to me i would hope i get a cool accident cuz then i wouldnt mind so much. it would actualy bekinda cool.
Jessica Robles
Block 3
who: Cindy lou Romberg
what: she suffers from a foreign accent syndrome
when: 1981
where: Port Angeles
Why: Because of the syndrome she has
Im sure most people think its cool, and not that big of a deal to live with, but i would assume waking up in the morning and having a completly random accent would be terrifying... i have so much sympothy for her, i would never be able to live like that!
BrieAnna Walace
Block 3
Who; CindyLou Romberg
What; She has foriegn accent syndrome
When; 1981
Where; Port Angeles, Washington
Why; She suffers from foreign accent syndrome from a brain ingury.
If that happened to me i would be terrified and feel so weird! I would never want that to happen to me, I feel so bad for her.
Who-CindyLou Romberg
What-CindyLou Romberg sounds like she could be from any number of exotic countries around the world. She sometimes rolls her "R"s like a Russian, chops syllables like a German or turns an unsuspecting "W" into a "V," like a Swede.
Where-Port Angeles, Wash.
just two years ago when she lost her voice for a couple of days after a visit with a chiropractor.
Why-"She may have suffered a small episode of decreased blood supply to the brain during the manipulation that provided an additional injury, which led to the FAS," neuroscientist Julius Fridriksson said.
Fridriksson said that FAS comes from a trauma to the left side of the brain in an area responsible for speech.
who- CindyLou Romberg
what- she has a forein accent
where- Port Angeles, Wash
when-for a long time 1981
why- she has Foregin Accent Syndrome
nishelle johnson
Who: CindyLou Romberg
What: She talks with an accent
When: Since 1981 but lost her voice after and then that's when the accent came
Where: Port Angeles, Washington
Why: She has what they call: Foreign Accent Syndrome(FAS)
I personally felt very bad for the lady, and the rest of them because i would kill if this happened to me. It's not that big of a deal but the way people are,is so rude, that I wouldn't want to talk.
Valerie V block 3
Who:Cindy Lou Romberg
What?She suffers with foreign accent syndrome
When:November 13,2008
Where?Port Angeles,Washington
Why:Because FAS causes its sufferers to speak as if they are from a foreign country
If this happened to me I would just take a accent reducing class and consult with a shrink.I actually know a lady who has FAS she talks with a british accent.
jazzy kse 4th blcok
who? CindyLou Romberg
what? she talks with a forein accent
when? 1981
where? Port Angeles, Washington
why? she has Foreign Accent Syndrome
I think its pretty interesting, i mean the way she got it is not good but its intresting and pretty weird at the same time!!! :]]
monique joseph block 3
who= 8 year old boy
what= Shot his dad
when: Nov 18
where: At the home
why: Unknown
I think that if he did shoot his dad then thats sick because first of all its horrible to shoot/kill people, but especially your dad. He raised you and took care of you and you go and kill him.
4th Block
who:CindyLou Romberg
what:she talks with a forein accent
when:since 1981
where:Port Angeles, Washington
why:It might have been from an accident when she fell out of a truck and suffered depressed skull fracture
i feelkind of bad for her bu its also kinda cool she sounds like she is from different countries
Who; CindyLou Romberg
What; She has foriegn accent syndrome
When; 1981
Where; Port Angeles, Washington
Why; She suffers from foreign accent syndrome from a brain ingury.
If that happened to me i would be terrified and feel so weird! I would never want that to happen to me, I feel so bad for her.
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