Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Post #35

MySpace Cyberbullying.... By a PARENT!

Read the article.
5 W's
Who is involved
What happened? What is cyberbullying?
Where did this happen?
Give me your opinion about the article in 4-6 sentences.


Anonymous said...

Who: Lori Drew and Megan Meier
What: Lori created a fake myspace account for a fictional character by the name of "josh evans"

What is cyberbullying? Harassment

Where: St. Louis

When: May 26, 2008

Why? Josh would send Megan messages basically flirting with her, so evantually "she fell in love", then he stopped talking to her and then she hung herself.

Valerie V block 3

Anonymous said...

Myspace Bullying

Who: Lori Drew and Megan Meier
What: A mother, Lori, of a girl who goes to school with Megan, made a fake myspace and cyberbullied Megan until she committed suicide. Cyberbullying is harrassment over the computer.
Where: St. Louis
When: May 2006
Why: Megan hung herself because this fake guy was flirting with her and she was liking him and he told her that he didn't like her anymore and the world would be a better place without her, so she killed herself. but really, this "guy" flirting with her was some girls 49 year old mom.

I think that the mother who bullied that young girl over myspace should be put in jail. because she led a girl into thinking that some guy liked her and then totally crushed her emotionally. and that caused that girl to kill herself. cyberbullying is against the law so the lady should go to jail. but not only did she bully her, she caused her to committ suicide.

Megan O'Connor
block 3

Anonymous said...

who:Lori drew and megan meier
What:lori made a fictional myspace account named Josh Evans.
When:May 26 2008
Why:so Called "josh" would send her messages to flirt with her and lori fell in love with josh and then josh said "the world is a better place without you" and she hung herself in her bedroom.

Logan Peltz
Block 3

Anonymous said...

who: Lori Drew and Megan Meier

What: Lori created a fake myspace account for a fictional character by the name of Josh Evans .

Where: St.Louis

When: May 26, 2008

Why: Josh sent Megan messages basically flirting with her and eventually she fell in love with him then he stopped talking to her and she hung herself .

chelsea w.
block 3

Anonymous said...

Who is involved-Lori Drew and Megan Meir.
What happened?Mrs.Drew pretended to be a boy on myspace and flirted alittle with a 13 year old girl and than she told the girl that the world would be a better place without her and the girl hung herself.
What is
cyberbullying?Cyberbulling is harassment.

Where did this happen? this happen in ST.Louis and Los Angeles.
When?May 26, 2008

Why?Because the lady had nothing to do and she thought it would have been a good idea to start a myspace account and when she sarted talking to Mgan she satrted to flirt with herbecause nothing to do.

I think that the lady has mental problems and doesn't know what she is doing.

Catherine Sarmiento

block 3

Anonymous said...

who:Lori drew and megan meier
What:lori made a fictional myspace account named Josh Evans.
When:May 26 2008
Why:so Called "josh" would send her messages to flirt with her and lori fell in love with josh and then josh said "the world is a better place without you" and she hung herself in her bedroom.

My reaction to the story is that a girl like that shouldnt have a myspace in the first place and that lori should go to jail.


Logan Peltz
Block 3

Anonymous said...

Who: 49 year-old Lori Drew and 13 year-old Megan Meier

What: Lori made a myspace page acting as a young boy named Josh Evans to make fun of Megan.

What is Cyber-Bullying: Cyber Bullying is the act of harrasing someone over the internet or on a computer.

Where: St.Louis Missouri.

When: Monday, May 26, 2008

Why: Lori, posing as Josh would send messages to Megan saying she was "sexi", and she started to have feelings for "Josh". Then all of a sudden Josh said "The world would be a better place without you", she later hung herself in her bathroom.

I think that what Lori did was wrong but I don't think that she should serve 20 Years for what Megan did to herself. Lori did not make her hang herself she made that choice on her own. I think that Lori should serve around 5 years and pay Megan's Family a settlement of a bunch of money. I do feel sorry for Megan and her family but I don't think that Lori should suffer possibly the rest of her life behind bars for this.

Brett Sharp
Block 3

Anonymous said...

who:Lori Drew and Megan Meier

what:lori made a fake myspace account with a fake name of "josh evans" and cyberbullying causing

where: St.louis

when:Oct. 16, 2006

why: josh started to flirt with her and eventually she fell in love and one day josh said the world would be a better place without u so she hung herself

my oppinoin is that i think that was really messed up . i dont know why you would possible do somthing like that i mean they made her kill herself . thats pretty heartless

Eric dellaporta
block 3

Anonymous said...

Who: Lori Drew and Megan Meier
What: Lori created a fake myspace account for a fictional character by the name of josh evans

What? Harassment

Where: St. Louis

When: May 26, 2008

WHY:But the flirtation ended just as quickly and mysteriously as it had begun. Josh's last communique to Megan came on Oct. 16, 2006: "The world would be a better place without you." Later that day, Megan, who had a history of mental health issues, hanged herself in her bedroom.
deandra block3

Anonymous said...

who: Lori Drew && Megan Meier
What Lori a.k.a Josh evans- made a fake myspace account cyber bullied Megan- which is internet harrassment.
When:May 26
Where:St louis.
Why:Megan hung herself because she fell in love with "Josh" who was a 49 year old woman.

What was the reason for the lady to even torture someome like that she needs to be put into a mental institute.

Anonymous said...

Who is involved- Lori Drew and Meggan Meier.
What happened? What is cyberbullying?- Harassment.
Where did this happen?- St. Louis and Los Angeles.
When?- May 26, 2008
Why?- She has absolutely no life. She probaly has mental issues or something.

She crazy.


Anonymous said...

Who:Lori Drew and Megan Meier

What:Lori made a fictional myspace account named Josh Evans.
Cyberbullying is harrasement.



Why/How:Megan hung herself because this fake guy was flirting with her and she was liking him and he told her that he didn't like her anymore and the world would be a better place without her.

I think that lady should go to jail for playing with that little girls heads and driving her to kill her self.

Alexia Patterson
Block 3.

Anonymous said...

Who:Lori Drew,Megan Meier

What:A 49 year old woman name Lori Drew created a fictional myspace account using the name of Josh Evans,a character she made up


Why:Josh would send messages to Megan and flirted with her through myspace.Then he stopped talking to her.She became depressed and later hung her self.

I think Lori Drew is terrible for doing that to Megan and also if your a 49 year old women harrasing teenagers through myspace or the internet you seriously need to get a life and find something better to do.

Block 3

Anonymous said...

who: Megan Meier
What: Hung herself
when: May 26, 2008
Where: St. Luois
Why: Whas told the world will bhe better without her.

I cannot understand why someone will make a fictional character on myspace. Why will someone accept someone as their frind on myspace that they don't even know. Lori must be cyco if she thinks she can have friends with little girls on the internet and till them they are worthless.

Bao Nguyen

Block 3

Anonymous said...

who: lori and megan

what: lori made a myspace under the fake name josh evans

what is cyberbullying: playing with people

where: may 26

why: lori would message megan under the name of losh and after a few messages she fell in love and after she delated the fake myspace she she was sad and that caused her to hang her self

justin reid bl 3

Anonymous said...

who: Lori Drew && Megan Meier
What Lori a.k.a Josh evans- made a fake myspace account cyber bullied Megan- which is internet harrassment.
When:May 26
Where:St louis.
Why:Megan hung herself because she fell in love with "Josh" who was a 49 year old woman.

trevis smith blk3

Anonymous said...

who-Lori Drew and Megan Meir
what- Lori,a mom made a fake myspace interigating megan making her committ suicide.
when-May 26,08
why-well "Josh"a.k.a the mother would send messages to megan messages makin her fall in love with him and then one day he told her he didnt want her anymore and that the world would be a better place without her so she comitted suicide.

I think that that was so frickin wrong man and the mother deserves to serve some time and think about her actions because that was so wrong!!but hey its life and things happen for dumb reasons!!!


Anonymous said...

Who:Lori Drew and Megan Meier
What:Lori made a fake myspace page pretending she was a boy name josh evans.
Cyberbullyingis harassment
Where:St. Louis
When:Monday, May 26, 2008:Oct. 16, 2006
Why:Josh would send megan a message trying to flirt with her then megan fell in love with the fake person josh then he stop talking to her and then she hung herself

I think this is so stuipd because lori dont have no life pretending she is a boy.

jessica sejour

Anonymous said...

Who: Lori Drew and Megan Meier

What:Lori helped make a fake Myspace account under the name of fictional boy "Josh Evans". Ultmately drove Megan to hang herself.

when:may 26, 2008


Why:Lori would send megan messages proclaiming her love for her.Then one day she sunt megan a message stateing the world would be better without you. this lead megan to kill her self.

lynwood walker

Anonymous said...

Who: Lori Drew a.k.a "Josh" and Megan

What:lori made a myspace and pretended to be this fictional charactor Josh Evans. She was charged with computer fraud and cyber fraud and abuse

Where:St. Louis

When: May 26, 2008

Why: Ms. Drew used a fake Cyber identity to mess with a young girl's head and it lead to that 13-year old girl hanging her self

Reaction: I understand that Lori broke the law by committing Cyber Fraud, but its not like she killed the girl. Megan killed herself so why does Lori have to be in jail for what could be her last 20 years of her life.

Anonymous said...

Who: Lori Drew a.k.a "Josh" and Megan

What:lori made a myspace and pretended to be this fictional charactor Josh Evans. She was charged with computer fraud and cyber fraud and abuse

Where:St. Louis

When: May 26, 2008

Why: Ms. Drew used a fake Cyber identity to mess with a young girl's head and it lead to that 13-year old girl hanging her self

Reaction: I understand that Lori broke the law by committing Cyber Fraud, but its not like she killed the girl. Megan killed herself so why does Lori have to be in jail for what could be her last 20 years of her life.

Name:Xavier Dent
Block: 3

Anonymous said...

who: Lori Drew and Megan Meier

What: Lori created a fake myspace account for a fictional character by the name of Josh Evans .

Where: St.Louis

When: May 26, 2008

Why: Josh sent Megan messages basically flirting with her and eventually she fell in love with him then he stopped talking to her and she hung herself .

The 49 year old women should be sent to jail for life because she is a pedifile and wants to harm children and teens.

Shawn Z
3rd Block

Anonymous said...

Myspace Bullying

Who; Lori Drew and Megan Meier

What; A mother name Lori made a fake myspace and harrased a student, Megan until she commited suicide.

Where; St.Louis

When; May 26, 2008

Why; Megan killed herself because the "guy" on myspace she fell in love with and liked him alot then he stopped talking to her so she hung herself.

I feel that it is a very sad story, no one should ever bully anyone anywhere! Especially to drive someone to kill themselves! Its horrible and cruel! She should be punished to the full extent.

Rachel Leighton
Block 3

Anonymous said...

Who:Lori Drew and Megan Meier
What:Lori made a fictional myspace account named Josh Evans.
Cyberbullying is harrasement.
Why/How:Megan hung herself because this fake guy was flirting with her and she was liking him and he told her that he didn't like her anymore and the world would be a better place without her.

i think that that lady should be charged and go to jail because she had an illness and you shouldnt even be playing like that in the first place

lauren godwin
blk. 3

Anonymous said...

who-lori drew and megan meier.
what-lori made a fake myspace acc named josh evans.
when-october 16 2006

where-st louis

why- a old women made a myspace acc named josh evans and then met a girl named megan meier that started to like him and then he sent her a message saying he doesnt like her anymore and she hung herself.

that women should go to jail for making her commit suicide.and cyber bullying.

sebastian alba
block 4

Anonymous said...

Myspace Bullying

Who: Lori Drew and Megan Meier
What: A mother, Lori, of a girl who goes to school with Megan, made a fake myspace and cyberbullied Megan until she committed suicide. Cyberbullying is harrassment over the computer.

Where: St. Louis

When: May 2006-octoder16,2006

Why: Megan hung herself because this fake guy was flirting with her and she started having feelings for him then the guy told her this world would be a better place without her but it was a 49year old mother pretend to be the guy named Josh.

Reaction:I think that Meagan was really dumb to hang herself because of that and she didnt even know the person this shows thatpeople should really be carful for what they are doing.Also the mother is really crazy for doing that.
Cathy Belony

Anonymous said...

Who: Lori Drew (as Josh Evans) and Megan Meier
What: Megan hung herself after Lori said the world would be a better place without her. Cyberbullying is harrassment over the computer.
Where: over the computer on myspace
When: in 2006
Why: Lori sent Megan a message saying that the world would be a better place without her

Todd Akselrod block 4

Anonymous said...

who:Lori drew and megan meier
What:lori made a fictional myspace account named Josh Evans.
When:May 26 2008
Why:so Called "josh" would send her messages to flirt with her and lori fell in love with josh and then josh said "the world is a better place without you" and she hung herself in her bedroom.
reaction:this is very dunb

Anonymous said...

Who.)lLori Drew and Megan Meir

What.)she made an fake myspace pretending to be a boy named Josh Evans.

What.) Cyberbullying is like harassment.

When.)Monday, May 26, 2008

Where.) St. louis

Why.) this happened beacuse josh had sent messeges to megan making her fall in love. Then the so called josh told megan that he didnt like her anymore so megan hung herself.

My opinion of the article is that i thought that it was pretty dumb beacuse why would he or she do something like that.

Daundre Heller Block 4

Anonymous said...

Who: Lori Drew and Megan Meier
What: Lori created a fake myspace page with the name of a fictional character named " Josh Evans" Cyberbullying is when someone bullys another person online.
Where: Suburbian St. Louis
When: May 26, 2008

This parent should be held responcible for all of those charges and then some. She should be charged with manslaughter because the death of the girl was because of her. The girl wouldn't have of commited suicide if she didn't think that a fictional character was in love with her.

Kasey Bartholomew
Blockk 4 =]]

Anonymous said...

Who is invloved: Megan Meier, the 13-year-old girl and Lori Drew, the49-year-old cyberbully.
What happened: Lori Drew created an account on the MySpace online social network for a fictional character named Josh Evans amd "Josh" began sending messages to Megan making her become infatuated and proclaimed her love for the boy. On October 16, Megan hung herself.
What is cyberbullying: Cyberbullying is harrassment over a sorce of technology, such as the computer.
Where did this happen: St. Louis, Missouri
When: October 16, 2006
Why: Lori Drew sent messages to Megan as a boy named Josh and told her that "The world would be a better place without you."

Opinion: I feel that this lady, Lori Drew, is really dumb and should receive more than a 20 year sentence behind bars. She must have mental problems herself if she really was willing to harrass a 13-year-old girl for no particular reason. But on the other hand, Megan should of known to be smarter than that and not "fall in love with" with someone she doesn't even know. Also, she shouldn't have even replied or paid any attention to what "Josh" had to say about her. But unfortunately she did and Lori should be deeply punished for it.

G. Torre
Block 04

Anonymous said...

Desmond Brown
Block 4

Who:Lori drew and megan meier
What:Lori created a fake myspace account for a fictional character by the name of Josh Evans .
Where:St. Louis

When:May 26, 2008

Why: Megan hung herself because this fake myspace guy was flirting with her and she was liking him and he told her that he didn't like her anymore and the world would be a better place without her, so she killed herself. but really, this guy flirting with her was some girls 49 year old mom.

I think that the girl has mental issues because computer love is fake.

Anonymous said...

who: Lori Drew and Megan Meier
what:she made a fake myspace
where: St.Louis
when: may 26,2008
why:he send her message's saying how she love her an paly with her mind. then stop wirting her an she hung her self.

Anonymous said...

Who: Lori Drew and Megan Meier
What: Lori made a fake myspace and made up a boy named Josh Evens
Where: St.Louis
When:Oct. 16, 2006
Why: Lori Drew sent messages to Megan as a boy named Josh and told her that "The world would be a better place without you."

I think that this lady Lori Drew has problems and she needs help.

4th Block

flower said...

WHO:lori Drew and Megan Meier

What:Megan was talking to this boy and he told her that the world would be better with out her so she killed herself.

WHEN: Oct. 16, 2006

WHERE:St. Louis

WHY:The boy would send messages to her saying that he likes her but prettymuch he was lieing and just playing around so after he told her that she sholud kill herself because the world would be better with out her. She killed her sefl in shame.

De'Onna Rush Period 4

Anonymous said...


Who: Lori Drew also Megan Meier

What: Lori created a fake myspace page with the name of a fake guy named "Josh Evans" Cyberbullying is when someone bullys someone else online.

Where: Suburbian St. Louis, Missouri

Why: Bordum or just cruel conscience

When: May 26, 2008

This parent should be held accountable for all of the charges. She should be charged with murder because the her lies caused this girl to kill herself.

Anonymous said...

who: lori drew and megan meier
what: lori created a fake myspace and named herself josh evans
where: st louis
when: 5. 26. 2008
why: josh could send megan messages so that she can fall in love with him and then once he stopped talking to her she would hang herself

i think that the mother should pay the consequences for what she did.
she was doing cyberbullying which is totally against the law and she should be punished for it. im very disappointed that a grown woman would do ssomething to childish

sadei ceran block 4

Art Lab said...

who: Lori Drew & Megan Meier(victum)

what happened: lori made a fake name and myspace account to fool and teas Meg

What is cyberbullying: Harassment over the internet

Where: St. Louis, Missouri

When: May 26, 2008

Why: to create humiliation and to fool Megan Meier into killing herself, they tricked her into thinking that a so called "Josh Evans" was falling in love with her and made her kill herself

Anonymous said...

Who: Lori Drew and Megan Meier
What: Lori created a fake myspace account for a fictional character by the name of josh evans

What? Harassment

Where: St. Louis

When: May 26, 2008

WHY:But the flirtation ended just as quickly and mysteriously as it had begun. Josh's last communique to Megan came on Oct. 16, 2006: "The world would be a better place without you." Later that day, Megan, who had a history of mental health issues, hanged herself in her bedroom.

Gabby Galvan
Block 4

Anonymous said...

Who: Lori Drew & Megan Meier

What: Lori created a fake myspace account for a fictional character by the name of "josh evans"

What is cyberbullying? Harassing people

Where: in St. Louis

When: on May 26, 2008

Why? Josh would send Megan messages basically flirting with her, so evantually "she fell in love", then he stopped talking to her and then she hung herself.all because off faking to like someone lead into death

cherelle barnes
blk 4

Anonymous said...

who?Lori Drew and Meggan Meier.

what?myspace bullying

what is cyber bullying?Harassment online or on cellular phone.

Where did this happen?- St. Louis and Los Angeles.

When?- May 26, 2008

Why?- She has no life. She probaly has issues or something.

Roderick l
Block 4

Anonymous said...

Who is involved-Ms. Drew
What happened?The 49-year-old suburban St. Louis woman is said to have helped create an account on the MySpace online social network for a fictional character named Josh Evans. Josh began sending messages to Megan Meier, a 13-year-old girl who went to school with Ms. Drew's daughter.
Where did this happen?St. Louis
When?Oct. 16, 2006
Why? did not create it or send or dictate messages posted under the name of Josh Evans.
no ne knows the correct reason why.
i think the lady should go to clinic for ill people for weven to think to do something like that.

Anonymous said...

who:Lori drew and megan meier

What:lori made a fictional myspace account named Josh Evans.


When:May 26 2008

why:Megan hung herself because she fell in love with "Josh" who was a 49 year old woman

this woman obviously has no life why would she do that to a young girl people today are so cruel

keandra grant
block 4

Anonymous said...

who: Lori Drew and Megan Meier

What: Lori created a fake myspace account for a fictional character by the name of Josh Evans .

Where: St.Louis

When: May 26, 2008

Why: Josh sent Megan messages basically flirting with her and eventually she fell in love with him then he stopped talking to her and she hung herself .

jasmine sawyer 4th block

Anonymous said...

who:Lori drew and megan meier
What:lori made a fake myspace account named Josh Evans.
When:May 26 2008
Why: "josh" would send her messages to flirt with her and megan fell in love with josh and then josh said "the world is a better place without you" and she hung herself in her bedroom.

i think that the woman should be ashamed of herself for doing something like that to a young girl. obviously she has too much time on her hands if she can make a fake myspace & bully a kid.

c h r i s t i n a p .
blk 4

Anonymous said...

Who? Lori Drew and Megan Meier

What happened? Lori Drew help dreate a myspace account under the fictional character by the name of Josh Evans. Ultimately lead Megan to commit sucide.

What is cyberbullying? Harassment over the internet.

Where did this happen? St. Louis, Missouri.

When? October 16, 2006-Megan's death.
May 26, 2008- Article written.

Why? Meier killed herself because Lori, posed as Josh sent messages to Megan saying she was "sexi", and she started to have feelings for him. Then out of no where, Josh told her that the world would be a better place without her.

Lori did was unacceptable, and she should be punished to the fullest extent. Megan should've been smart enough to not fall in love with someone she didn't know over the internet. I think that Lori must have mental problems herself, becuae she harassed a little girl for no particualr reason.


Anonymous said...

who: Lori Drew and Megan Meier
what: lori created a fake myspace with a name of josh evans and started talking to megan.
when: may 26,2008
where: st. louis
why: meagan meier commited suicide do to a "heart break" over a fake boy named josh evans.

from what i've read and heard lori drew was selfless and cold hearted. and because of her decisiona teen life was lost. she has no morals whatsoever and needs help. i hope the court sees her as guilty as ever and she never somes out of.

kaitlyn m
block 4 :DDD

Anonymous said...

who?:Lori Drew and Megan Meier
what?:Lori drew made a fake myspace named josh evans to lead megan on.
when?:May 26, 2008
why?:There were issues between loris daughter and megan
how?:Lori told megan as "josh Evans" "The world would be a better place without you" later that day she hung herself in her room.

Opinion:My opinion of this story is horrible. Even if lori didnt know about her mental sickness she shouldnt be in her daughters probelm, ecspecially leading a girl on and then dropping her, that was so wrong and its an example of cyber-bullying.

Anonymous said...

who:Lori Drew and Megan Meier
what:Lori made a myspace page acting as a young boy named Josh Evans to make fun of Megan.
when:Monday, May 26, 2008
why:lori would message megan under the name of losh and after a few messages she fell in love and after she deleted the fake myspace,and she was sad and that caused her to hang her self

I think that situaion was pretty sick and you have to have alot og hatred to ever do something like that to somebody
KImery Franklin

Anonymous said...

Myspace Bullying

Who: Lori Drew and Megan Meier

What:lori made a fake myspace and cyberbullied Megan until she committed suicide.

Where: St. Louis

When: May 26 2006

Why: she killed herself because she thought josh didnt like her and said some really mean things about her.

I think Lori should go to jail. Its really immature and just plain ridiculous that a mom is bullying a girl. Even though she didnt directly kill megan, i think she should be charged with some degree of murder.

BrieAnna Wallace
block 3

Anonymous said...

who:Lori drew and megan meier
What:lori made a fictional myspace account named Josh Evans.
When:May 26 2008
Why:so Called "josh" would send her messages to flirt with her and lori fell in love with josh and then josh said "the world is a better place without you" and she hung herself in her bedroom.

i think Lori was a sick women. teenagers are already going through alot of stuff poeple dont need strangers to make them feel worse

Jessica Robles
Block 3

Anonymous said...

Who-Lori Drew and Megan Meir.
What-Mrs.Drew pretended to be a boy on myspace and messed with a little girl.
What-Cyberbulling is harassment online.
Where- ST.Louis
When-May 26
Why-This happened because some adult with nothing better to do decided that they were going to go online and mess with an unsuspecting person.....who in return killed them self!! :((

I think that the woman had no life and nothing better to do!!!!

monique j block 3

Anonymous said...

Who is involved-Lori Drew and Megan Meir.
What happened?Mrs.Drew pretended to be a boy on myspace and flirted alittle with a 13 year old girl and than she told the girl that the world would be a better place without her and the girl hung herself.
What is
cyberbullying?Cyberbulling is harassment.

Where did this happen? this happen in ST.Louis and Los Angeles.
When?May 26, 2008

Why?Because the lady had nothing to do and she thought it would have been a good idea to start a myspace account and when she sarted talking to Mgan she satrted to flirt with herbecause nothing to do.

I think that the lady has mental problems and doesn't know what she is doing.


Anonymous said...

Who: Megan Meier nad Lori Drew

What: A mother (Lori) of a girl who goes to school with Megan, made a fake myspace and cyberbullied Megan until she committed suicide. Cyberbullying is harrassment over the computer.

Where: St. Louis

When: May 2006

Why: Megan hung herself because this fake guy was flirting with her and she was liking him and he told her that he didn't like her anymore and the world would be a better place without her, so she killed herself. but really, this "guy" flirting with her was some girls 49 year old mom.

I think that was a really bad thing to do and that mother should be punished for what she has done. She caused that girl not only to feel emotionally bad but to go as far as to commit suicide

Natasha Brown
12/11/08 Blk 4

Anonymous said...

Who: Lori Drew,Megan Meier

What: Lori Drew the mother of someone who went to school with Megan Meier, created a fake myspace account to harrass her using the name josh evans.

Cyberbullying is harrassing someone over the internet.

When: May 26, 2008

Why: After Lori Drew had sent flirty messages to Megan over myspace she said her feelings for "him" and she had a history of mental health issues, ended up killing herself when Lori told her the world would be better without her.

- My opinion about the article is that mother should be kicked in the face. Thirteen is a confusing age for most girls and is known most for depression. And what kind of adult harrasses children over myspace? thats very immature and I think she deserves more than 20 years in jail.

Kirstyn Kronsein
Block 3