Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Assignment #3

Ouch!! Gator Bite!

5 W's

New Taxes in CA

5 W's


Anonymous said...

Gator Bite


Anonymous said...

Alliea Bacchus
Block 3

Today I did my final copy of the Orchestra and fccla body copies.

Anonymous said...

Final copy for NHS body copy and edited papers.

Tridecia Henry

Anonymous said...

who:unidentified guy

what:alligator bite

when: jan 27, 1 p.m

where:5200 block of Lake Osborne Drive near Lake


Who:arnold schwarzenegger

What:Wants To Tax Golf, Auto Repairs

When:jan 26,2009

Where:sacramento cali

Why:wants to help close a nearly $42 billion state budget deficit by taxing rounds of golf, auto repairs, veterinary care, amusement park and sporting event admissions and appliance and furniture repairs.

Roderick l
block 3

Anonymous said...

Gator Bite

Who: The article didnt say
What: Alligator bites off man's hand
Where: Outside John Prince Memorial Park
When: Afternoon of January 27
Why: The article didnt say

Taxes in CA

What: Wants to tax Golf, Auto Repairs
Where: In california
When: January 26
Why: wants to help close a nearly $42 billion state budget deficit by taxing rounds of golf, auto repairs, veterinary care, amusement park and sporting event admissions and appliance and furniture repairs.

Todd Akselrod
Block 3

Anonymous said...


What:An alligator bit off part of a man's hand at Lake Osborne.

When:jan,27,2009 around one pm


Lynwood walker

Anonymous said...

Desmond Brown

Mr. Conde On the first and second post i was getting interview for silver knights and today i was doing sports bodycopy.

Anonymous said...

Ouch!! Gator Bite!
Who: A man
What:An alligator bit off part of a man's hand at Lake Osborne just outside John Prince Memorial Park.
When: January 27,2009
Where: Lake Worth, Florida
Why: Doesn't say why.

New Taxes in CA
Who:California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger
What:Proposed to extend the state sales tax by taxing rounds of golf, auto repairs, veterinary care, amusement park and sporting event admissions and appliance and furniture repairs.
Where: Sacramento, California
When: January 26, 2009
Why: To cover more sevices in the state.

Anonymous said...

name:carly chery
who:a man
what:an alligator bitoff a part a man
where:at lake osbournes
when:january 27
what:wants to autos repairs
when:jan 26
where:Sacramento cali
why:to help close a budjet deficit

Anonymous said...

Who:un identified man
When:1pm January 27,2008
Why:Wasn't clear why
What:man bitten by alligator

Who:Gov. of Cali
What:new taxes
When:not sure
Why:to help pay of a debt

Anonymous said...

WHO:doesnt say




Why:i goes cause he didnt see the gator

WHO- Arnold Schwarzenegger


Anonymous said...

I was dealing with the picutres and finishing up my behind the music interviews

Andrice Blk.3

Anonymous said...

1. who: not identified man
what: got his hand bitten off by an alligator
where: Lake Osborne
when: Tuesday afternoon, 1/27/09
why: It wasn't clear how the man got bitten.

2. who: Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.
what: is taxing rounds of golf, auto repairs, veterinary care, amusement park and sporting event admissions and appliance and furniture repairs.
where: in California
when: this year
why: to help close a nearly $42 billion state budget deficit

Megan O'Connor
block 4 :)

Anonymous said...

who: n/a
what: got bit by an alligator
when: January 27, 2009
Where: Lake Osborne
why: alligator bit him

Who: Arnold Schwarzenegger
What: Wants To Tax Golf, Auto Repairs
When: Janary 26, 2009
Why: to plug crippling budget deficits

Bao Nguyen

Anonymous said...

Ouch!! Gator Bite!

who: unidentified man

what: he got part of his hand biten off

where: 5200 block of Lake Osborne Drive near Lake Worth, DeLucia

when: this afternoon at about 1

why: doesnt say


New Taxes in CA

who:arnold schwarzenegger

what: wants to tax auto and golf repair services

where: california

when: january 26 09

why: he wants to help close a nearly $42 billion state budget deficit by taxing rounds of golf, auto repairs, veterinary care, amusement park and sporting event admissions and appliance and furniture repairs.

justin reid
bl 4

Anonymous said...

ouch gator bite!
who:the man was not identfied
what:An alligator bit off part of a man's hand
when:about 1p.m january 27,2009
where: Lake Osborne just outside John Prince Memorial Park
why: not stated.

new taxes in cali.
who: arnold Schwarzenegger
what:Wants To Tax Golf, Auto Repairs
when:by 2011
why:wants to help close a nearly $42 billion state budget deficit

kaitlyn m.
block four

Anonymous said...

Gator Bite

Who: Unknown
What: Man gets bit by gator
When: Jan. 27th Around 1p.m.
Where: Lake Osborne just outside John Prince Memorial Park
Why: The gator was hungry

New Taxes for Cali.

Who: California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger
What: Wants to tax golf and auto repairs
When: By 2011
Where: Cali.
Why: To close a nearly $42 billion state budget deficit by taxing rounds of golf, auto repairs, veterinary care, amusement park, sporting event admissions and appliance and furniture repairs.

Michael Weiner
3rd Block

flower said...

WHO:the man was not identified
WHAT:his hand was practicly biten off by an alligator
WHERE:Lake Osborne just outside John Prince Memorial Park
WHEN:this arternoon
WHY:it wasn't clear how the man got biten i guess the gator just wanted to.

WHO:California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger
WHAT:he wants to extend the state sales tax to cover more services
WHEN:jan. 26,2009
WHY:to cover more services.

De'Onna Rush Block 4

Anonymous said...

who-doesn't say
where-of Lake Osborne Drive near Lake Worth, DeLucia
when-Tuesday, January 27, 2009
why-doesn't say why.
what-a alligator bites part of a hand of a man.

who- Arnold Schwarzenegger
where-In california
when-Jan 26, 2009
why-wants to help close a nearly $42 billion state budget deficit by taxing rounds of golf, auto repairs, veterinary care, amusement park and sporting event admissions and appliance and furniture repairs and a proposal to extend the state sales tax to cover more services, an idea that has surfaced in other states as they race to plug crippling budget deficits.
what-want to extend the state sales tax.

Catherine Sarmiento
Block 4

Anonymous said...

1. who: not identified man
what: got his hand bitten off by an alligator
where: Lake Osborne
when: Tuesday afternoon, 1/27/09
why: It wasn't clear how the man got bitten.

2. who: Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.
what: is taxing rounds of golf, auto repairs, veterinary care, amusement park and sporting event admissions and appliance and furniture repairs.
where: in California
when: this year
why: to help close a nearly $42 billion state budget deficit

trevis simith

Anonymous said...

who- some guy dont no the name
what-ailligotar bit
where-5200 block near a lake

who- aronld swaaragrator
what-went to teaxes to talk
when- jan 27
why- dont really say so

nishelle johnson

Anonymous said...

Who: An unidentified man

What: Arm bittin of by alligator

When: the afternoon yesterday

Where: John Prince Memorial Park

Why: N/A
Who: Arnold Schwarzenegger

What: Schwarzenegger wants to help close a nearly $42 billion state budget deficit by taxing rounds of golf, auto repairs, veterinary care, amusement park and sporting event admissions and appliance and furniture repairs.

When: Jan.26,2009

Where: Sacramento, California

Why: wants to help close a nearly $42 billion state budget deficit

Name: Xavier Dent
Block: 4

Anonymous said...

who:Unknown man
what:An alligator bit off part of a man's hand
where:outside John Prince Memorial Park
when:this afternoona,at about 1 p.m
why:doesnt say maybe he was hungry.

who:California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger
what:Proposal to extend the state sales tax to cover more services
when:Jan 26, 2009
why:Schwarzenegger wants to help close a nearly $42 billion state budget deficit by taxing rounds of golf, auto repairs, veterinary care, amusement park and sporting event admissions and appliance and

Anonymous said...

ouch..! gator bite:
who:the man was not identified

what: An alligator bit off part of a man's hand

when:tuesday afternoon at about 1 p.m.

where:Lake Osborne

why:It wasn't clear how the man got bitten.

new taxes in cal
who:Arnold Schwarzenegger

what:Republican governor's propose to extend the state sales tax to cover more services

when:sometime next year


why:Schwarzenegger wants to help close a nearly $42 billion state budget deficit by taxing rounds of golf, auto repairs, veterinary care, amusement park and sporting event admissions and appliance and furniture repairs.


Anonymous said...

Gator Bite
Who:unidentified man
What:Got bit by a alligator
Where:Lake Worth
Why:Did not say

New Taxes In CA
Who: Governer Schwarzenegger
What:wants to tax auto repairs and golf.
Why:to help pay off debt

Aisha Henry
Block 3

Anonymous said...

Gator Bite!!

who;the man was unidentified

what;got bitten by in alligator

when;January 27, 2009

where;Lake Osborne just outside John Prince Memorial Park

why;doesnt say...

"Schwarzenegger Wants To Tax Golf, Auto Repairs"

who;Arnold Swarsenagger

what;he wants to tax golf,auto repairs

when;Jan 26, 2009


why;To help pay all the money back that was lost by taxin it to golf, auto repairs, amusement parks...etc


Anonymous said...

Gator Bite;

Who; An unidentified man

What; He got bit by an alligator

When; Jan. 27, 2009

Where; Lake Worth

Why; Didnt say =(

New Taxes In California;

Who; Governer Schwarzenegger

What; Wants to tax auto repairs and golf.

When; Jan 26, 2009

Where: California

Why; To help pay off debt.


Anonymous said...

who:unidentified guy

what:alligator bite

when: jan 27, 1 p.m

where:5200 block of Lake Osborne Drive near Lake


Who: Arnold Schwarzenegger

What: Wants To Tax Golf, Auto Repairs

When: Janary 26, 2009


Why: to plug crippling budget deficits.

Shawn Z
3rd Block

Anonymous said...

reviewing pages

monique j block 3

Anonymous said...

Gator bites off part of man's hand near Lake Worth

Who: Alligator
What: Bites off part of a mans hand
When: January 27th at 1pm
Where: 5200 block of Lake Osborne Drive near Lake Worth
Why: It wasnt clear how the man got bitten

Schwarzenegger Wants To Tax Golf, Auto Repairs.

Who: Arnold Schwarzenegger
What: Schwarzenegger wants to help close a nearly $42 billion state budget deficit
When: Januaryy 26
Where: Sacramento, Cali
Why: Golf course owners and some of their customers are teed off about the state sale taxes.

Gabby Galvan
Block 3

Anonymous said...

painting the school for africa

Anonymous said...

Gator Bite

Who:didnt say
What: a guy got his hand bit off by an alligator
Where: lakeworth, fl
When:jan 27, 2009 1 pm
Why:doesnt say


Who:Arnold Schwarzenegger
What:he wants to tax golf and auto repairs
Where: sacremento, california
When: January 26, 2009
Why: he wants to close a $42 billion state budget deficit by taxing auto repairs, golf, veterinary care, amusement parks, appliance and furniture repairs, and sporting event tickets.

block 4 sadei ceran

Anonymous said...

I worked on the JV Girl's Basketball body copy. I finished the rough draft and final copy.

Kristen Walden
Block 3

Anonymous said...

1. who: not identified man
what: got his hand bitten off by an alligator
where: Lake Osborne
when: Tuesday afternoon, 1/27/09
why: It wasn't clear how the man got bitten.


2. who: Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.
what: is taxing rounds of golf, auto repairs, veterinary care, amusement park and sporting event admissions and appliance and furniture repairs.
where: in California
when: this year
why: to help close a nearly $42 billion state budget deficit


Anonymous said...

who:it didnt say who

what:the person got bit by an alligator

when: January 27, 2009

Where: Lake Osborn

why: maybe he was doin the wrong thing at the wrong time

Cherelle Barnes
blk 4

Anonymous said...

WHO:doesnt say




Why:i goes cause he didnt see the gator


WHO- Arnold Schwarzenegger





jasmine sawyer 4th block

Anonymous said...

Ouch!! Gator Bite!

Who: some man
What:got part of his hand bitten off by an alligator
When: January 27
Where: Lake Worth Florida
Why: didnt mention

New Taxes in CA

Who: Arnold Schwarzenegger
What:wants to extend the state sales tax.
Where: Sacramento, California
When: January 26, 2009
Why: To cover more sevices in the state.

christina p

Anonymous said...

Who: Doesn't specify
What: An alligator bit off part of a man's hand
When: The attack occurred at about 1 p.m
Where: Lake Osborne just outside John Prince Memorial Park
Why: Doesn't say

Who: Arnold Schwarzenegger
What: Schwarzenegger Wants To Tax Golf, Auto Repairs
When: Jan 26, 2009
Where: Sacramento
Why: Schwarzenegger wants to implement the taxes on appliance and furniture repairs, golf, veterinary care and vehicle repairs by March 1.

Valerie V block 4

Anonymous said...

I had my body copy for the Horizon Club edited and began to revise it for my final draft.

-Kelly Budhu
-Block 3

Anonymous said...

working on pages

monique j block 3

Anonymous said...

who? an unidentified man.
what? a part of his hand was bitten off by an alligator.
where? at Lake Osborne.
when? january 27 about 1 pm.
why? it wasnt clear how the man was bitten.

who? golf course owners, their customers, and governor Schwarzenegger.
what? Schwarzenegger wants to tax rounds of golf.
where? California.
when? in the upcoming years.
why? to help close a nearly $42 billion state budget deficit.

g. torre
block 04

Anonymous said...

Ouch Gator Bite

What:Hand bit off by an alligator.
Where:Lakeworth, fl
When:jan. 27, 2009 1 pm

New Taxes in Ca.

Who:Arnold Schwarzenegger
What:He wants to tax golf and auto repairs.
Where:Sacremento, california
When:Jan. 26, 2009
Why:He wants to close a $42 billion state budget deficit by taxing.

Alexia P.
Block 3.

Anonymous said...

Who:The man was unidentified.

What:An alligator bit off a mans arm.

Where:Lake Worth, Miami

When:January 27, 2009

Why:I guess it was hungry.
Who:Govenor Arnold Schwarzenegger

What:He wants to tax golf, Auto repairs.


When:Starting Feb. 6.

Why:To stop budget deficits

Anonymous said...

Who:The man wasen't identified
What:An alligator bit off part of his hand
When:Jan 27, 2009
Where:near Lake Worth
Why:Doesn't show or say how

Who:Arnold Schwarzenegger
What:He Wants To Tax Golf, Auto Repairs
When:Jan 26, 2009
Where:Sacramento, california
Why:Schwarzenegger wants to implement the taxes on appliance and furniture repairs, golf, veterinary care and vehicle repairs by March 1.

Mark roach blk 4