Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Assignment #12 - Something SMALL

For this assignment, post an article and picture about something SMALL!

It could be something interesting from a cartoon.
It could be something from an encyclopedia.
It could be ANYTHING (school appropriate) as long as it is SMALL!

Post a picture to go along with your article.

Explain why you chose that item.


Make a comment on Twitter and let me know that you have a new post on your blog by using the reply option, the DM option or sending an update using "@condeyearbook I have a new post on my blog, here is my url" (Cut and paste this if necessary)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It stilll says im locked out of twitter. i have to keep trying to mak eone so just letting u know i made up my posts &did todays kk =)
