Thursday, September 25, 2008

Post # 18

Fightin’ Fifth-Grader in Obama T-Shirt Causes Flap at Colorado School

Read the article and comment. What do you think about the student's right to voice his (or his parents') opinion?

1. Comment
2. Name
3. Block


Anonymous said...

i dont know why he would say that but it is kind of hillarious

Eric Dellaporta
block 3

Anonymous said...

I dont think he should have been suspended.
He has his right to wear whatever he wants if he doesnt like Obama oh well.

Kirstyn Kronsbein
Block 3



Anonymous said...

People say its wrong to suspend the kid but its a public school and that kid has the first amendment on his side but the school didnt care! Also if any one wants to ware a shirt that doesnt harm any one or discriminate someones feeling then they should be able to ware it.

Shawn Z.

3rd block

Anonymous said...

The student does have the right to voice his opinion and should not have been suspended as long as it doesnt go against the conduct of the school.

Block 3

Anonymous said...

what i think about the article is that its dumb for a student to get suspneded for repin his opion and i would not take that if i was to get suspened for somehting i belive in

justin reid

Anonymous said...

I think that the student should have taken the shirt off because it was very disrespectful and did not represent the Red,White, and Blue that the school wanted the students to wear for that day. Freedom of speech only applies on a non-offensive prinipal which this case was.

Brett Sharp

Anonymous said...

i think he telling the truth because its like he's human to so of course he still have an opinion even if he's young too...because its a free country


Anonymous said...

i think if he wanted to wear the shirt he can wear it and he shouldnt have been suspended.

Logan Peltz
Block 3

Anonymous said...

My point of view on the matter is that he has the freedom of speech to say whatever he wants to say. if he wants to express how he feels about OBAMA then so be it. i think "Daxx" has a lot of guts to do what he did at such a young age.

Treyon B.
Block 3

Anonymous said...

Even though im a supporter of OBAMA!!! Its freedom of speech.If thats what you believe and want to put it on your shirt, thats your opinion. He can wear anything he wants. He not hurting nobody.Its AMERICA!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think that the boy had every right to wear the shirt to voice his opiniion against Obama as i have every right to voice my opinion against Mccain!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

i think he has a right to wear whatever he wants to wear but i think it was rude but hey if that's how he feels then.

chelsea block 3

Anonymous said...

I think that the article about freedom of speech is right, but having a t-shirt about something going towards other people is not right. So i feel that that child should have gotten suspended for that but it also doesnt solve anything.

Alexia p.
Block 3.

Anonymous said...

The student had every right to wear the shirt and not be suspended for what he thinks about Obama or whomever.

Anonymous said...

The student had every right to wear the shirt and not be suspended for what he thinks about Obama or whomever.

Bao Nguyen

Block 3

Anonymous said...

if the boy wants to represent how he feels he can. the school shouldnt stop him from doing that.


Anonymous said...

The kid has a point and he has every right to say anything about obama because it freedom of speech


Anonymous said...

i dont think the student should of been suspended because he has the right to wear what he want to wear

t.smith 3 blk

Anonymous said...

They shouldn't have suspended the boy from school because hecan wear what ever he want.What they had to do was just tell him to take the shirt out if the school didn't want him to wear it.

Catherine Sarmiento

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, the student has the right to a freedom of speech by wearing the shirt. I don't think he should've been suspended for it. But I think it should've been the parents to take the initiative and wear the shirt instead of the child because Im sure the student doesnt really know much about politics and was pressured by his parents into wearing it.

Jovan Martinez

Anonymous said...

1.i think it wasnt as bad as people think it was because it was that kids opinion..

2.Dominic Grieco
3.block 3

Anonymous said...

I understand the young man's freedom of speech.Though i am a supporter of obama the shirt did not harm any one. this just go to show you the tolerance of school's.

Anonymous said...

I understand the young man's freedom of speech.Though i am a supporter of obama the shirt did not harm any one. this just go to show you the tolerance of school's.

lynwood walker

Anonymous said...

i think this is all a whole bunch of politcal phooey.kinda funny.

Roderick l
block 4

Anonymous said...

i support obama i dont think it was right to suspend him for somthing he belived in thats just dumb

flower said...

I think it was kind of wrong to suppend him because it was freedom of speech but at the same time it was wrong for him to say what he said if he doesnt even know him.

(De'Onna Rush block4)

Anonymous said...

Wow! That kid shouldn't have been suspended. If he doesn't like Obama then that is his opinion and nobody can take that away from him. He also should have the right to announce his opinion. In life there are going to be disagreements with other peoples point of views and you have to respect that.

Kasey Bartholomew
Blk. 4

Anonymous said...

I think he should get suspended. I also think that it is based on freedom of speech although it is very disrespectful.

Desmond Brown
Block 4

Anonymous said...

I find like that was really disrespectful for what the shirt said even though he was a little kid and probably didnt know that the shirt meant something harmful.But I find that funny and sad at the same time.
Cathy Belony

kevaughn said...

I think that it is ridicolous that they would suspend a child for wearing a barack obama shirt when he represents change.

Anonymous said...

i tink that the kid shouldnt have said that in his shirt and share his opinion with public. it hink he can talk about it in his house with his family but not with others. i think it was wrong to suspend him because he might do something bad. he should be seen by a counceler and help his problem.

sebastian alba.

block 4

Anonymous said...

I think that the fifth grader should be able to voice his opinion!!!

Keandra Grant
Blk. 4

Anonymous said...

i think its good that he got suspended for doing something stupid like that . yeah people should have freedom of speech, but he took it too far by wearing a shirt that says our soon to be president a terroist best friend . thats like wearing a shirt saying all black people are nappy headed or something of that nature . and i dnt know why his parents think is ok that he bought that shirt; let alone wear it too school .

c h r i s t i a p.
blk 4

Anonymous said...

I dont think he should of gotten suspended for that. Students have the right to wear what they want and the shirt wasnt so offensive that caused him to get suspended. He'll just be another hater added to Obama's list.

OBAMA '08 =)
Kimmoye Waugh
Block 4

Anonymous said...

I Think that the student shouldn't have goten suspended beacuse the student could wear anything that he wants to wear,but at the same time i think that he should have got suspended beacuse of what the shirt said,that's my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I think that the shirt that he was wear is was not right. Even though he was trying to express his feelings it was worng. He could just had put on red white and blue in his own way. Not toward Obma and saying he and negative type of preson. It was worng I didn't like it

nishelle johnson
blk 4

kevaughn said...

I think that it was correct of them to suspend him for wearing that shirt because it shows disrespect to obama and rules.

Anonymous said...

i personally like obama but in that same way i do believe we all have the right to wear and say what we want. Thats his opinion for who he likes. Even though the words used on the shirt were sort of mean its his opinion. I feel that if people make a big deal its because of there own insecurity.

obama rules.
some people beg to differ.



Anonymous said...

I find this suspension very lame becuase like E. Christopher Murray said kid's do have rights too. The father is doing the right thing. Sure the t shirt does represent something rude but not so serious to the point you'd have to suspend him. This goes with politics and should be discussed by the government, not by the school.

Gabby G.
Block 4

Anonymous said...

the kid is 11 and obviously was told to wear this by his parents. his parents most likely knew that the kid was going to get in trouble, so that's why they did. Daxx deserves to get suspended not only for his actions, but his parents also.

Block #4

Anonymous said...

I think he should not have gotten suspended. America has the right of freedom of speech and if that is his opinion then he can speak it. A person wearing a vote obama shirt should have gotten suspended to becuase its the same thing.

jessica robles
block 3

Anonymous said...

I think it's up to him what to wear. It's called the power of free rights, and it's stupid that he got suspended for voicing his opionion.

todd akselrod block 4

Anonymous said...

Come on the kid is only eleven years old how much does he really know about this country and how it runs! The parents are at fault ,they shouldn't have allowed their child to wear something that was bound to cause so much drama! Plus I think the kid got what was coming to him he should be sticking his nose into something he knows nothing about!!!!
Desiree Irizarry
Block - 4

Anonymous said...

They made a good choice by suspending him because yes, you do have the right for freedom of speech, but school's have specific rules about not wearing things that will disrupt the whole school.

Megan O'Connor
Block 3

Anonymous said...

i dont think why would he that but i guess it okay doe

deandra ellis block3

Anonymous said...

Its really not that big of a deal if he wants to wear it thats his choice. Some people may not agree with it but guess what....... their not wearing it!!!!!!

monique j
block 3

Anonymous said...

I dont think the kid should have been suspended because he has a freedom of speach and could say whatever he likes. Honestl yits his choice to think that.

Lauren Godwin
Block 3

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I don't see anything wrong with someone expressing themself. Quite acutally don't our elders tell us to express how we fell??
Why should this little boy be ridiculed for his actions after all hes just expressing himelf...

Kaitlyn M.
Block- Four

Anonymous said...

I believe that this kid has every right to wear this shirt. Although I do not think that he should use his freedom of speech this way, because all it is is negativity, he does have every right to wear this shirt.

J. Faulkner
Block 4

Anonymous said...

i AM GOing for obama but i personally think that if the shirt doesnt offend anyones race, or sexual orientation then it shouldn't really matter there was no reason for him to get suspended.i believe in freedom of speech and even though i dont agree with the way he used it i still dont think it was that big of a deal

Sadei Ceran
BLock 4

Anonymous said...

I dont agree with the way the boy expresses his opinion with that shirt,but a student has very right to express his/her feelings and shouldnt be punished for it

Aisha Henry
block 3

Anonymous said...

he has every right to wear the shirt but if an administrator told him to take it off then he should have too.

Anonymous said...

its bad that he got supeneded but something you gotta get to your self.

alvin walker
4th block