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Angry Monkey!!!
Answer the 5 W's AND let me know what you think about the article?
Days at school, nights in JAIL!
Answer the 5 W's AND let me know what you think about the article?
Ouch!! That is NOT a funny joke, Dad!
Answer the 5 W's AND let me know what you think about the article?
Some couples do everything together
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
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I edited and wrote my final draft for the Literary Magazine Body Copy.
--Kelly Budhu
--Block 3
Working and editing pages.
monique j block 3
Angery Monkey
Who:A chimp
What:The chimp attacked a 55 year old man
Why:Herold had given the monkey anti-anxiety drug Xanax in some tea
I think the owner should be charged for something and if the monkey's not died, then they should put it to sleep.
Days in school, Nights in Jail
Who:Donald Colpaert
What:sentenced on Jan. 27 to 30 days in jail for civil contempt for violating a court protective order for threats he allegedly made against a co-worker's husband, and was released from jail to to work at an alternative school at the Thomson Community Center.
When:earlier this month
Why:he had good behavior
I think that he should be allowed to teach. He didnt do anything wrong to the kids.
Child abuse charge
Who:David J. Peschl
What:shot his 9-year-old son in the buttocks with a BB gun
When:Monday or Tuesday
Why:he was trying to watch TV in his home in the southern Wisconsin town of Oregon but the boy was blocking his view and didn't move out of the way when asked to do so
I think that is the stupidest reason I've ever heard to shot someone, espically a 9 year old.
Couple has weight loss surgery together
Who:Trish and Jeff Tryon
What:They had gastric bypass operations on the same day
When:Feb. 17
Why:they were both very over weight
I think that's amazing how they can take all that weight off in just a matter of hours.
Todd Akselrod
Block 3
Angry monkey
Who:desperate owner of a chimpanzee.i think his name was herold.
What:ripping the ladies face off.
When:Wednesday, February 18, 2009.
Where:Stamford, Conn.
Why:idk the monkey went ballistic for no reason.
I think this was crazy absolutly crazy,id never keep a chimp in my house.its nasty i wanna see that ladies face.
Days at school, nights in JAIL!
Who:Donald Colpaert.
What:sentenced to 30 days in jail.for violating a protective order.
When:feb 18th,2009.
Why:he was harassing her.
It is just dumb,i really cant understand why these people do these things.he needa go to jail.
Ouch!! That is NOT a funny joke, Dad!
What:he shot his son in the butt with a bb gun
Where:OREGON, Wis
When:Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Why:he asked his son to move but he didnt so he shot him in the butt.
I think this is very funny.That kid should man up and stop complaining.
Some couples do everything together
Who:married couple
What:these couple got weight loss sugery together
When:Feb. 18, 2009
Why:they were etermined to lose large amounts of weight to improve their health and up their odds of living long lives.
i think this is cute.i think this is an interesting type of article.
Roderick l
Block 3
"Angry Monkey"
WHO: Travis the chimpanzee,
WHAT: Went on a rampage
WHEN: Monday
WHERE: Stamford, Conn.
WHY: Freak accident
I feel bad for the owner of Travis, it must be hard to kill your pet. Hopefully the friend heals and gets back to the way they were.
"Days at school, nights in jail"
Who: Donald Colpaert
What: Sentenced to 30 days in jail
When: Jan.27th
Where: Macomb County
Why: For civi; contempt for violating a court protective order for threats he allegedly made against a co-worker's husband
I don't know if he wants to teach i say let him. He want to make a diffence in someone elses life.
"Ouch!! That is NOT a funny joke, Dad!"
Who: A Wisconsin boy who is nine years old
What: Wrote a school essay about his dad shooting him in the butt with a BB gun.
When: Was charged Friday, Feb.13th
Where: OREGON, Wis.
Why: The boy was blocking his view and didn't move out of the way when asked to do so.
This has to be one of the dumbest things i've ever read. The kid doesn't move so you shoot him? that just makes no sense to me.
"Some couples do everything together"
Who: Trish and Jeff Tryon
What: Weight-Loss Surgery Together
When: Wednesday. Feb. 11th
Where: Poughkeepsie, in upstate New York
Why: They were both obese, medically defined as more than 100 pounds overweight. Jeff was 440 pounds, Trish weighed in at 399.
Michael Weiner
3rd Block
helped Desiree enter body copies onto online yearbook
Who-Travis the chimpanzee.
What-Went on a rampage.
Where-Stamford, Conn.
When-Monday, February 16, 2009.
Why-The chimp attacked a women.
i think this monkey was on something to make him do that or he was trained to attack.
Who-Donald Colpaert.
What-Sentenced to 30 days in jail for violating a protective order.
When-Jan. 27
Why-Threats he allegedly made against a co-worker's husband.
i think that this man should face more then 30 days!
Who-David J. Peschl.
What-shot his 9-year-old son in the buttocks with a BB gun.
When-Charged on Friday.
Why-Because his son wouldnt move out the way.
If shooting your kid with a BB gun is a joke to you then youy are one crazy ass person.
Who-Married couples.
What-Do lots of things together.
When- Feb. 18, 2009.
Why-They wanted to lose weight.
i dont think couples should do everything together.
Shawn Z
3rd BLK
Who:chimpanzee and sandra
What:15-year-old, 200-pound chimp, Travis, was attacking 55-year-old Charla Nash.
Why:HE HAd A rare disease
This is a serious matter but in a way its funny because i never Thought a human freindly monkey could do this.
Who:Donald Colpaert
What:Has to spend 30 nights in jail for civil contempt for violating a court order.
Why:sent threating letters to coworkers husbanhd.
This matter is very rare and funny like the idea i would do the same.
Who:David J. Peschl, 36
What:son wrote essay about when dad shoot him in the butt.
Why:He clamied his son was in the tv veiw.
this is funny and a big top gutbuster.
Who:Trish and Jeff Tryon
What:Both decided to take that one step further: They had gastric bypass operations on the same day.
Why:The claim to do every thing togehter.
this is a love bound that cant be broken i guess.
Lynwood walker
Angry Monkey
Who: Travis the Monkey
What: He attacked his owner's friend, Nash.
When: Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Where: Stamford, connticut
Why: They say it may seem Harold had given him the anti-anxiety drug Xanax in some tea.
Poor lady, she was growing old with the chimp. It was probably his time to come and go. And wild animals can go crazy any time so i'm not that surprised.
Days at school, nights in JAIL!
Who: Teacher, Donald Colpaert
What: Sent to jail for violating a protective order.
When: Feb. 18, 2009
Where: Michigan
Why: Because he was Harrasing her.
Too bad, it's hard to trust any one to be a teacher. Especially since it has to do with kids.
Ouch!! That is NOT a funny joke, Dad!
Who: David J. Peschl
What: He hit his 9 year old son with a bb gun on the butt.
When:Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Where: Oregon, Wisconsin
Why: When the dad was watching t.v, the kid wouldn't move from his view when asked to
That jus show's immaturity. But i dont see no big deal, alot of kids have been shot in the face with those. It's usualy because their jus playin around with their friends. I see the dad's action was jus a mistake, he does have a record from bein a child abuser.
Some couples do everything together
Who: Trish and Jeff Tryon
What: They had gastric bypass operations on the same day.
When: Feb. 18, 2009
Where: Poughkeepsie, N.Y
Why: Because they we're in a life threatening situation.
Thats the sweetest thing ive heard from a couple. Im glad to hear they are commited to stickin to a healtheir life and as a couple. its so nice to see people make better of themselves. Also, it was so cute when the lady mentioned she's going to be able to see her kids get married now. :P
Gabby Galvan
Block 3
Desmond Brown
Block 3
Angry Monkey
Who:A chimp
What:The chimp attacked a 55 year old man
When:Monday February 16
Why:Herold had given the monkey some drugs.
I think that the man is crazy and should me charged.
Days in school, Nights in Jail
Who:Donald Colpaert
What:Go to jail for 30 days
Why:Good behavior in Jail.
I think that should go for everyone too.
Child abuse charge
Who:David J. Peschl
What:Shot his son with a bb gun.
Why: His son was disturbing him from watching tv.
I think that a bb gun does not hurt that bad for him to go to jail.
Couple has weight loss surgery together
Who:Trish and Jeff Tryon
What:They had gastric bypass.
When:February 17.
Why:They were overweight.
I think that the really love each other and really wanted to lose weight.
name :Carly Chery
who :Travis,the200-pound Chimpanzee Attack
what :The desperate owner of a chimpanzee that went on a rampage in Stamford, Conn., pleaded with police over the phone to help her stop the animal from mauling her friend, telling them they had to "shoot him" when they arrived.
where:Stamford Connecticut
when :Wednesday, February 18, 2009
why :the chimp was agitated earlier Monday and that Herold had given him the anti-anxiety drug Xanax in some tea. Police said the drug had not been prescribed for the 14-year-old chimp.
the story is a sad story.i think that they should arrest the owner of the chimp for giving him the drug.
who :Donald Colpaert, a public school teacher
what:was sentenced on Jan. 27 to 30 days in jail for civil contempt for violating a court protective order for threats he allegedly made against a co-worker's husbAND
where: Michigan
when :Feb. 18, 2009
why :Colpaert had a brief relationship with his co-worker, Cindy Spohn, which Spohn broke off to reconcile with her husband.
I think that they shouldn't fired him cause it is not really his fault,it is a every time life matter .its is both them fault.
who :David J. Peschl, 36
what: A father allegedly shot his 9-year-old son in the buttocks with a BB gun, a revelation that came to light after the boy wrote a school essay about the incident was charged Friday with one felony count of child abuse. The charge carries a maximum penalty of 6 years in prison and a $10,000 fine.
where:OREGON, Wis.
when :Tuesday, February 17, 2009
why :It was not out of violence or anger or hatred. It was not a disciplinary action," he said. "It was horseplay.It was not with any evil intent."
I think that the father was trying to be a good father,having fun with his kids and it was an accident,however i don;t know what kind of child abbuse he was accuse in 2005,there i could see if he did it on purpose.
who : Married couples do lots of things together
what:Trish and Jeff Tryon decided to take that one step further: They had gastric bypass operations on the same day.
where:POUGHKEEPSIE, N.Y.danbury connecticut
when :Feb. 18, 2009
WHY :They were both morbidly obese, medically defined as more than 100 pounds overweight. Jeff was 440 pounds. Trish weighed in at 399. it was a life threatening situation.they have to choose between Sign a contract to have the surgery and add 25 years to your life. Or sign a contract with a funeral home."
i think that it is a good idea to have the weight loss surgery if they want to live longer
brittany graham
helped out with the yearbook
Angry Monkey!!!
Who:Sandra Herold,Charla Nash.
What:frantic call to police Monday as her beloved 15-year-old, 200-pound chimp, Travis, was attacking 55-year-old Charla Nash.
Where:Stamford, Conneticut
When:Tuesday., February 17, 2009
Why:Police said that the chimp was agitated earlier Monday and that Herold had given him the anti-anxiety drug Xanax in some tea. Police said the drug had not been prescribed for the 14-year-old chimp.
noone should be able to own a wild animal as a pet.
Days at school, nights in JAIL!
Who:Donald Colpaert
What:He was sentenced on Jan. 27 to 30 days in jail.
When:Jan. 27
Why:For civil contempt for violating a court protective order for threats he allegedly made against a co-worker's husband.
He did the crime he does the time.
Ouch!! That is NOT a funny joke, Dad!
Who:David J. Peschl (Father)
What:shot his 9-year-old son in the buttocks with a BB gun,
Where:OREGON, Wis
When:Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Why:The kid was standing in front of the t.v and his dad told him to move, he resisted, he had the bb gun in his hand aimed it at his son's padded pocket but unfortunately got him on his buttocks.
Children should lidten to their parents.simple as that
Some couples do everything together
Who:Trish and Jeff Tryon
What:They had gastric bypass operations on the same day.
Where:Danbury Hospital,Conneticut
When:Posted: Feb. 18, 2009
Why:Tehy were tired of being overweight and concerned about their health.
Thats really good for them shows real love?
Who:Sandra Herold
What:Calls 911 to shoot chimpanzee
When:Feb 17
Where:Stamford, Conn
Why: Chimpanzee went on a rampage and killed people
I don't know why a 70 year old would have a pet chimp. MOnkeys are very dangerous and are just as powerful as humans.
Who:Donald Colpaert
What:Spends Days at School, Nights in Jail
When:Jan 27
Why:civil contempt for violating a court protective order for threats he allegedly made against a co-worker's husband
Why doesn't the teacher just stay in jail for the full days. he's not really being punished if he has freedom for half a day.
Who:David J. Peschl
What:penalized for 6 years in prison and a $10,000 fine
When: Feb 17
Where:OREGON, Wis
Why: Shot his son with a BB gun.
Accidents happen but im pretty sure that the shot was on purpose. He says he was just playing around but he must of been on something to do something that stupid
Who:Trish and Jeff Tryon
What:Got weight loss surgery together
Why:to improve their health and up their odds of living long lives.
surgery is not the best way to lose weight. eatting healthy and less food take with exercise is the best.
Bao Nguyen
Block 4
Angery Monkey
Who:15-year-old, 200-pound chimp, Travis
What:attack 55-year-old Charla Nash.
Why:give him pills
Days in school, Nights in Jail
Who:Donald Colpaert
What:was sentenced on Jan. 27 to 30 days in jail for civil contempt for violating a court protective order for threats he allegedly made against a co-worker's husband.
When:Jan. 27
Why:He was granted work release earlier this month and has been commuting from the Macomb County jail to work at an alternative school at the Thomson Community Center.
Child abuse charge
Who:David J. Peschl
What:allegedly shot his 9-year-old son in the buttocks with a BB gun
where:Dane County
Why:The defendant stated that the round hit (the 9-year-old) in the buttocks and he jumped somewhat and moved away from the TV," the complaint said.
Couple has weight loss surgery together
Who:Trish and Jeff Tryon
What:had gastric bypass operations on the same day.
When:Feb. 18, 2009
Why:Because they we're in a life threatening situation.
brian perdomo block 4
Angry Monkey
who-Travis the chimpanzee,
where-in Stamford
when-Wednesday, February 18, 2009
what-the monkey attacked the owner 55 year old lady.
why-the owner gave him some anti-anxiety drug Xanax in some tea.
I think this is really sad because the monkey was on drugs that's why he was attacking.If the owner wouldn't done that maybe the monkey had not attack the old lady.
Days at school, nights in JAIL
who-Donald Colpaert
when-Feb. 18,2009
what-he went to jail for civil contempt for violating a court protective order for threats he allegedly made against a co-worker's husband.He was realease early from jail.
why-becuase he had really good behavior in jail.
I think that not good i think that he did had to stay in jail.he has to finish his years in there for doing what he did.
Ouch!! That is NOT a funny joke, Dad!
who-David J. Peschl
when-Tuesday, February 17, 2009
where- OREGON
what-David J. Peschl, 36, was charged Friday with one felony count of child abuse
why-he was charge for that because he shot a boy because he was trying to watch t.v and the boy was blocking his view.
I think that he just really has problems and need medical attention.i think the best they did is to put him in jail i feel sorry that little kid.
Some couples do everything together
who-Trish and Jeff Tryon
when-Feb. 18, 2009
what-many couples do thing together like the ones in the article they both had weight-loss surgery together.
why-The couples where over weight.
I think it's nice that couples to things together and that they agree with whta they want to do.I think is a great idea because both of them support each other.
Catherine Sarmiento
block 4
Angry Monkey!!!
who: a women named Charla Nash.
what:she was attacked by a 200ilb 15 year old monkey.
where: i happened in Stamford
when:it happened in monday the 16of feb.
why: why the monkey attacked was becasue she let the monkey out of the cage
reaction: how i feel about the attack is that people shouldn't have wild animals as oets and if you do you take the risk of this happening
Days at school, nights in JAIL!
who: Donald Colpaert was the person involved in the insident
what: he was put in jail for 30 days
where: he lived in Michigan
when: he was sentenced on Jan. 27
why: he treanted his co-workers husband
reaction: i think that people are not all perfect and some people might have problems and let them deal woth it
Ouch!! That is NOT a funny joke, Dad!
who: David J. Peschl
what: he shot his son in the butt with a BBgun
where: it happened in southern Wisconsin town of Oregon
when: friday
why: he said that it was horseplay and he didnt mean to hurt his son in anyway
reaction: i think that it was a pure accident and he shouldn't be charged with that jail time
Some couples do everything together
who:trish and jeff tryon
what: they got bypass surgery on the same day
where: they live in Poughkeepsie, in upstate New York
when: does not say
why: they wanted to have the surgeyon the same day beacus ethey love each other so much and they like to do thing toghter
reaction: i think that its cool that people like to do things toghther and i wouldnt judge someone if they like to do that
justin reid
02 18 09
bl 4
*Angry Monkey
WHO:Sandra Herold
WHAT:gets attacked by a monkey
WHEN:monday 16
WHERE:Stamford, Conn
WHY:because she let him out of his cage
How i feel about the article is that this woman had no right to go towards this mans monkey and open the cage just to pet. I feel bad for her that the monkey attacked her but at the same time waht was she possably thinking because thata was completly stupid know a incionet monkey died.
*days at school nights in jail
WHO:Donald Colpaert
WHAT:violating a court protective order
WHEN:Jan. 27
WHERE:Macomb County
WHY:he threatened his co-workers husband
This guy had no reason to threanten his co-workers husband because he had no motive know he cant even live his life like he wants to for the next 30 days. he just pretty much wasted a month of his life.
*not a funny jioke dad
WHO:David J. Peschl
WHAT:shot his 9 year old son with a bb gun
WHEN:tuesday 17
WHY:he was just playing around with his son because he wouldnt move out of the way of the tv so he shoot him.
One his father had no reason to shoot him just so that he cold watch tv. Ther are so many oter things that he could of done to get his son out of the way so that he could see the tv. At the same time he said he was playing but he was still wrong.
*some couples do everything together
WHO:Trish and Jeff Tryon
WHAT:got gastric bypass operations on the same day
WHEN:doesnt say
WHERE:Poughkeepsie, in upstate New York
WHY:because they both wanted to get surgery together because they love each ohter
I think that it is really romantic that they love each other and care enough that they both want to lose weight together. and its good that there both worried about there weight so that they could live long happy lives and be able to be around for there families.
De'Onna Rush Block 4
Who:Sandra Herold , A 55 year old man, and a Chimp
What:A 15-year-old, 200-pound chimp, Travis, was attacking 55-year-old Charla Nash.
Where: Stamford Conn.
When: Monday
Why:Police said that the chimp was agitated earlier Monday and that Herold had given him the anti-anxiety drug Xanax in some tea
Response: I feel bad for the people involved. If my face got mugged by a chimp like that i would probably cry.
Who:Donald Colpaert
What:was sentenced to 30 days in jail
When:Jan. 27
Why:civil contempt for violating a court protective order for threats he allegedly made against a co-worker's husband.
Who: David J. Peschl, his son and a teacher
What:David J. Peschl, 36, was charged Friday with one felony count of child abuse. The charge carries a maximum penalty of 6 years in prison and a $10,000 fine.
Where:the southern Wisconsin town of Oregon
Why: His wrote it in his class essay and the teacher Repoted it
Response:Wow, its funny how a simple joke can turn into a huge complication.
Who:Trish and Jeff Tryon
What:They had gastric bypass operations on the same day.
Where:The Doctor
Why:They were both morbidly obese, medically defined as more than 100 pounds overweight. Jeff was 440 pounds. Trish weighed in at 399.
Response:This is a good thing for them to get this sergery so that they can change their lifestyle around.
Xavier Dent
Block 4
This article was interesting. Some people can have their animals for so long and then have been attacked and they have to do something instead of being killed.
Days in school, Night in jail
WHO-The man's name was Donald Colpaert
WHAT-30 days in jail for breaking the law.
WHEN-This happened in January 27th
WHERE-In the state of Michigan
WHY- He went to jail for the treats he made about a co worker's husband.
He did not harm anyone I think he should of gotten a chance.
Child abuse charge
WHO-Wisconson boy at the age of nine and his father.
WHAT-The father shot his son.
WHERE -Oregon Wisconson
WHEN -Febuaray 13th
WHY-The little boy was asked to move but did not listen so he shot him in the butt.
This father has a problem. You just don't shoot your son for that reason. You don't shoot your son at all that's inhumane.
Couple has weight loss surgery together
WHO -Trish and Jeff Tryon
WHAT-They both decided to have gastric bypass surgery.
WHEN-On febuary 18th
WHY-They were both obese
I believe it was great because they wanted to do something to help them happy together.
Alliea Bacchus
Block 3
Who:A chimp
What:The chimp attacked a 55 year old man
Why:Herold had given the monkey anti-anxiety drug Xanax in some tea
I think the owner should be charged for something and if the monkey's not died, then they should put it to sleep.
Who:Donald Colpaert
What:sentenced on Jan. 27 to 30 days in jail for civil contempt for violating a court protective order for threats he allegedly made against a co-worker's husband, and was released from jail to to work at an alternative school at the Thomson Community Center.
When:earlier this month
Why:he had good behavior
I think that he should be allowed to teach. He didnt do anything wrong to the kids.
Who:David J. Peschl
What:shot his 9-year-old son in the buttocks with a BB gun
When:Monday or Tuesday
Why:he was trying to watch TV in his home in the southern Wisconsin town of Oregon but the boy was blocking his view and didn't move out of the way when asked to do so
I think that is the stupidest reason I've ever heard to shot someone, espically a 9 year old.
who; Travis a Chimpanzeee;
what; He went on a rampage.
when; Monday feb 16
where; Stamford, Conn.
why; Jusst a freak accident,
who; Donald Colpaert
what; Sentenced to 30 days in jail
when; January 27
where; Macomb County
Why: violating court orders &protective order.
who; A 9yr 0ld wisconsin boy.
what; wote how his dad shot him with a BB gun.
when; Feb13 he was charged.
where; 0rgegon wiss.
why; The boy was blocking his view and didn't move out of the way when he asked.
who; Trish & Jeff Tryon
what; They had weight-loss surgery together.
when; Feb 11
where; Poughkeepsie in UpState New York
why; They were both obese, medically defined as more than 100 pounds overweight. Jeff was 440 pounds &Trish weighed in at 399.
Who:A chimp
What:The chimp attacked a 55 year old man
When:Monday February 16
Why:Herold had given the monkey some drugs.
the man should go to jail.
Who:Donald Colpaert
What:Go to jail for 30 days
Why:Good behavior in Jail.
I think that should go for everyone too.
Who:David J. Peschl
What:Shot his son with a bb gun.
Why: His son was disturbing him from watching tv.
i think the dad is crazy.
Who:Trish and Jeff Tryon
What:They had gastric bypass.
When:February 17.
Why:They were overweight.
lauren godwin blk.3
who: travis the chipmanzee
what: he attacked his owners friend
when: on monday
where: stamford
why: the owner gave him a couple zanax in his tea.
my views: shes retarded 1 and 2 its a monkey!! why would you give him bars??? obviously it didnt work.
who:Donald Colpaert
what:was sentenced on Jan. 27 to 30 days in jail for civil contempt for violating a court protective order for threats he allegedly made against a co-worker's husband.
when: january 27, 2009
why: he threatened a co-workers hubby
my veiws: he deserved it.
who:David J. Peschl
what:shot his 9-year-old son in the buttocks with a BB gun
when:February 17, 2009
where: OREGON, Wis.
why:not stated
my veiws: why are parents getting so lazy! smack him with your hand or a belt crap man. use your energy for once.
who:Trish and Jeff Tryon
what: They had gastric bypass operations on the same day
when:Feb. 18, 2009
why: they needed to loose it??
my views: its cute they'll both get to start over together.
kaitlyn m.
block four :)
"Angry Monkey"
Who: A 15-year-old, 200-pound chimp named Travis.
What: The chimp attacked ,55-year-old, Charla Nash.
Where: In in Stamford, Connecticut.
When: Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Why: the chimp was agitated earlier Monday and that the owner had the chimp the anti-anxiety drug Xanax in some tea, and this drug wasn't prescribed for the chimp.
Response: This is actually really scary and shows that you need to beware of everything at all times. Things can happen out of nowhere and you always need to be cautious. Even though the owner didn't have a clue that the chimp could be harmless, the owner still should have been on the watch of him, especially giving the chimp and unprescribed drug.
"Days at school, nights in JAIL"
Who: A Michigan teacher named Donald Colpaert, 37.
What: He was sentenced to 30 days in jail.
Where: In Michigan.
When: On January 27, 2009.
Why: For civil contempt for violating a court protective order for threats he allegedly made against a co-worker's husband.
Response: This article shows how dumb some people can be. He did something he could of easily avoided, yet now hes behind bars for 30 days and wasting 30 days of his life. Also, it gives him a bad reputation for his future and his friends and family.
"This is NOT a funny joke, Dad"
Who: David J. Peschl, a 36 year old father.
What: A father was charged with one felony count of child abuse, which carried a max. of 6 years in prison and a $10,000 fine.
Where: Oregon, Wisconsin.
When: On Friday, February 13.
Why: He allegedly shot his 9-year-old son in the buttocks with a BB gun.
Response: I don't understand what kind of father would even have the will-power to even point a gun of any type at their son, or anyone as a matter of fact. People have guts these days and i don know where they get them from. Guns should be forbidden to everyone except police officers because they are the only ones using them for the right reasons.
"Some couples do everything together"
Who: Trish and Jeff Tryon, a married couple.
What: The husband and wife both had gastric bypass surgery on the same day.
Where: Poughkeepsie, New York.
When: The article did not metion when the operations took place.
Why: Their overweight struggle was becoming life threatening and they were comsidered "morbidly obese", 100lbs. overweight.
Response: This married couple had made a big decision in their life, but it paid off. It must have been really scary to go through with this, especially since they did it together, it would be hard for them to take care of one another. But on the otherhand, it was actually pretty cute that they decided to take the risk and go together;)
block 04
who?: a 15 year old chipanzee named travis
what?:attacked 55-year-old Charla Nash.
why?:the monkey was given medicine to help his disease, which maybe caused the attack.
I think that this is insane, the women held responsible should be pressed with major charges.
who?:Donald Colpaert
what?:a public school teacher, was sentenced to 30 days in jail for violating a protective order.
when?:earlier in the month.
why?:his good behavior got him out.
i didnt reallly get why he even went to jail, but if he broke a law, he has to face realitly and go with what the law says and the consequences.
who?:David J. Peschl
what?:shot his 9-year-old son in the buttocks with a BB gun
when?:saturday evening.
why?:boy wouldnt move out of his fathers way so he shot him on his left pocket with more padding.
i think this is horrible becuase its a 9 year old boy and the father didnt seeem to be kidding about it and even if he did he shouldve told him to get out the way.
who?:Trish and Jeff Tryon
what?:both got gastric by pass on the same day together.
when?:Feb 17th
why?:They lost 180lb together.
i think thats awesome that they got it, but that they got it togther shows they really love each other.
Angry Monkey!!
Who: Travis and Sandra Herold
What: The owner of a chimpanzee that went on a rampage pleaded with police over the phone to help her stop the enraged animal.
When: Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Where: Stamford, Connecticut
Why: The chimp was agitated because the owner, Herold, gave him Xanax mixed with tea Monday. The drug was not prescribed to the chimp.
*This story demonstrates why ignorance is NOT bliss. Because Herold was not informed that the Xanax drug could cause damage to the chimp, he went on a rampage. It is unfair that Travis, the chimp, must pay for his ignorant owner’s mistake.
Days at school, nights at JAIL
Who: Donald Colpaert
What: Donald Colpaert was sentenced to jail
When: Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Where: Michigan
Why: Colpaert violated a court protective order
*I think that his sentence is unjust.
Ouch!! That is NOT a funny joke, Dad!
Who: David J. Peschl
What: Peschl is getting charged for child
When: Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Where: Oregon, Wisconsin
Why: because he shot his son in the butt with a BB gun
*I do not think Peschl should be charged with child abuse. It is highly unlikely that he deliberately shot his son in the buttocks with a BB gun. They were probably just having fun and he accidently hit him.
Some couples do everything together
Who: Trish and Jeff Tryon
What: They had gastric bypass operations on the same day.
Where: Poughkeepsie, New York
When: February 18, 2009
Why: They had gastric bypass surgery because they were both obese and needed to lose weight immediately.
*I think it’s weird that a couple would choose to get gastric bypass operations together. However, I believe it’s a good thing they did get this surgery because their weight was posing a great danger on their health. This surgery will allow them to be on their way to a healthier life.
Kristen Walden
Block 3
late because absent
Angry Monkey!!!
WHO: Sandra Herold, Travis(chimp) and Charla Nash
WHAT: Travis had a “freak accident” and began ripping Charla’s face to pieces.
WHERE: Stamford, Conn.
WHY: It is said that the chimp was given anxiety pills mixed in tea(Xanax).
WHEN: Monday
Wow!! I can’t believe a monkey actually did that. It was horrible that he did that to the woman and even worse that the owner had to kill him with her own two hands. It was also interesting how the monkey was able to open the police officers car door.
Days at school, nights in JAIL!
WHO: Donald Colparet
WHAT: Sentenced to jail for 30 days.
WHERE: Michigan
WHY: Violated a court protective order for threats he allegedly made against a co-worker's husband.
WHEN: Jan. 27
I don’t think someone who is in jail should be teaching at a school. It’s really not setting a good example for the students he teach.
Ouch!! That is NOT a funny joke, Dad!
WHO: David J. Peschl
WHAT: A father shot his 9-year-old son in the buttocks with a BB gun.
WHERE: Oregon, Wis.
WHY: His son was supposedly blocking his view of the tv and wouldn’t move out of the way when he asked him to.
WHEN: 13th of Feb.
What kind of father shoots his son?? Especially for not moving out of the way. That was really messed up. No matter who’s standing in your way, you don’t go and shoot them to get them to move. I think he only did that because of the essay the boy wrote.
Some couples do everything together
WHO: Trish and Jeff Tryon
WHAT: They got gastric bypass operations together.
WHY: Wanted to lose weight because they were obese.
WHEN: Feb. 18.
That was very interesting. It’s true that couples do almost everything together, but this just tops it. They must have been a rich couple too!
Tridecia Henry
Block 3
Who:Trish and Jeff Tryon
What:They had gastric bypass operations on the same day
When:Feb. 17
Why:they were both very over weight
I don't know if he wants to teach i say let him. He want to make a diffence in someone elses life.
i am helping get Drama pictures and uploeading cheerleading pics!!
Angery Monkey
Who:A chimp
What:The chimp attacked a 55 year old man
Why:Herold had given the monkey anti-anxiety drug Xanax in some tea
I think the owner should be charged for something and if the monkey's not died, then they should put it to sleep.
Days in school, Nights in Jail
Who:Donald Colpaert
What:sentenced on Jan. 27 to 30 days in jail for civil contempt for violating a court protective order for threats he allegedly made against a co-worker's husband, and was released from jail to to work at an alternative school at the Thomson Community Center.
When:earlier this month
Why:he had good behavior
I think what they gave him is okay and he will get throught it.
Child abuse charge
Who:David J. Peschl
What:shot his 9-year-old son in the buttocks with a BB gun
When:Monday or Tuesday
Why:he was trying to watch TV in his home in the southern Wisconsin town of Oregon but the boy was blocking his view and didn't move out of the way when asked to do so
I that the father really neeeds helop or had problems when he was yougher and probably shot his son cause of anger problems.
Couple has weight loss surgery together
Who:Trish and Jeff Tryon
What:They had gastric bypass operations on the same day
When:Feb. 17
Why:they were both very over weight
I think that is just werid how they didi that which is really werid and unnomraly
Cathy Belony blk4
1. Angry Monkey
Who: Travis the Monkey
What: He attacked his owner's friend, 55 year old Nash.
When: February 17, 2009
Where: Stamford, Conn.
Why: Harold had given him the anti-anxiety drug Xanax in some tea.
It's great that the lady would tell the police to kill the chimp so it wouldn't kill her friend, especially a chimp she had for so long.
2. Days at school, nights in JAIL!
Who: Teacher, Donald Colpaert
What: was sent to 30 days of jail
When: February 18, 2009
Where: Michigan
Why: because he was harrassing another co-worker and her husband.
I think the guy should go to jail for longer than 30 days, because harrassment is a big deal to people these day, and I don't think he got as much as he deserves.
3. Ouch!! That is NOT a funny joke, Dad!
Who: David J. Peschl
What: He hit his 9 year old son with a bb gun on the butt.
When:Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Where: Oregon, Wisconsin
Why: the dad was watching t.v & his son was blocking the view, and he asked his son to move, but he didn't.
thats horrible, a kid shouldn't be punished by being shot. that sets a bad example for the child and he really could have gotten badly injured from that.
4. Some couples do everything together.
Who: Trish and Jeff Tryon
What: They had gastric bypass operations on the same day.
When: February 18
Where: Poughkeepsie, N.Y
Why: because they were extremely overweight and they needed to lose a lot of weight to live longer.
I think they did a very sweet thing by having each other backs and doing that experience together. im sure it made them both feel so much better to have one another. plus they lost a total of 180 pounds.
Megan O'Connor
block 4 :)
*i was absent
Who:A chimp
What:The chimp attacked a 55 year old man
Why:Herold had given the monkey anti-anxiety drug Xanax in some tea
Who:A chimp
What:The chimp attacked a 55 year old man
Why:Herold had given the monkey anti-anxiety drug Xanax in some tea
nishelle johnson
Who:A chimp
What:The chimp attacked a 55 year old man
Why:Herold had given the monkey anti-anxiety drug Xanax in some tea
Who:A chimp
What:The chimp attacked a 55 year old man
Why:Herold had given the monkey anti-anxiety drug Xanax in some tea
nishelle johnson
Angry Monkey!!!
Who:A chimpanzee
What:Ripped a woman apart
Why:The monkey took an anti-anxiety drug
Days at school,nights in jail
Who:Michigan teacher Donald Coalpaert
What:sentenced to 30 days in jail
Why:civil contempt for violating a court protective order for threats he allegedly made against a co-worker's husband
Wisconsin Boy's Essay Leads to Dad's Child-Abuse Charge
Who:David J. Peschl
What:was charged Friday with one felony count of child abuse
Where:OREGON, Wis
Couple Has Weight-Loss Surgery Together
Who:Trish and Jeff Tryon
What:had gastric bypass operations on the same day.
Where:Poughkeepsie, in upstate New York
Why:determined to lose large amounts of weight to improve their health and up their odds of living long lives.
Aisha Henry
Block 3
Angry Monkey!!
Who:Chimp, Travis, and 55-year-old Charla Nash.
What:200-pound chimp, Travis, was attacking 55-year-old Charla Nash.
Where:Stamford, Conn.
When:Monday. Feb. 16. 2009
Why: The owner had given the monkey Xanax, and tea prior to
the altercation.
I think people should not own wild animlas, no matter how trained they are. It is a sad situation, but the monkey did brutally attack someone so it needed to be restrained.
Days at school, nights in JAIL!
Who:School teacher, Donald Colpaert.
What:Spends his days at school, and nights in jail.
Where:Macomb County
When:Feb. 18, 2009
Why: He was sentenced to 30 days in jail for violating a protective order, for harassing a co-workers husband.
I think its stupid that he still gets to teach, even though its not at a tradional school. I believe that since he was convicted, he should serve his whole sentence without work release.
Ouch!! That is NOT a funny joke, Dad!
Who:David J. Peschl
What:Was charged Friday with one felony count of child abuse.
Where:OREGON, Wis.
When:Friday, Feb. 13
Why:Shot his 9-year-old son in the buttocks with a BB gun.
I think that he deserved to get charged because technically it was child abuse. Shooting your child is not funny and even though it was just a BB gun, he could've got hurt.
Who:A chimpanzee
What:Attacks owners friend
When:Feb 18, 2009
Where:Stamford, Conn
Why:Police said that the chimp was agitated earlier Monday and that Herold had given him the anti-anxiety drug Xanax in some tea.
Crazy chimp! I would hate him!
Who:Donald Colpaert
What:was sentenced on Jan. 27 to 30 days in jail for civil contempt for violating a court protective order for threats he allegedly made against a co-worker's husband.
When:Feb 18, 2009
Why:Colpaert had a brief relationship with his co-worker, Cindy Spohn, which Spohn broke off to reconcile with her husband.
Crazy teachers, thats why students dont like them
Who:David J. Peschl
What:was charged Friday with one felony count of child abuse
When:FEB 17,2009
Where:OREGON, Wis
Wow.....that's messed up. I wouldnt take that from my dad. And that wasen't that first time that happened!
Who:Trish and Jeff Tryon
What:decided to get gastric bypass operations on the same day.
When:About 3 months ago or more
Why:They were both morbidly obese, medically defined as more than 100 pounds overweight
Mark Roach blk 4
Angry monkey
Who:desperate owner of a chimpanzee.i think his name was herold.
What:ripping the ladies face off.
When:Wednesday, February 18, 2009.
Where:Stamford, Conn.
Why:idk the monkey went ballistic for no reason.
I think this was crazy absolutly crazy,id never keep a chimp in my house.its nasty i wanna see that ladies face.
Days at school, nights in JAIL!
Who:Donald Colpaert.
What:sentenced to 30 days in jail.for violating a protective order.
When:feb 18th,2009.
Why:he was harassing her.
It is just dumb,i really cant understand why these people do these things.he needa go to jail.
Ouch!! That is NOT a funny joke, Dad!
What:he shot his son in the butt with a bb gun
Where:OREGON, Wis
When:Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Why:he asked his son to move but he didnt so he shot him in the butt.
I think this is very funny.That kid should man up and stop complaining.
Some couples do everything together
Who:married couple
What:these couple got weight loss sugery together
When:Feb. 18, 2009
Why:they were etermined to lose large amounts of weight to improve their health and up their odds of living long lives.
i think this is cute.i think this is an interesting type of article.
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