Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Assignment #21

You MUST answer the 5 W's and RESPOND to the article. A response is more than 1 sentence. Take your time and make sure that you use proper grammar usage. You will not receive full credit just because you answered the 5 W's .

Healthy Snacking

5 W's

Answer the 5 W's AND let me know what you think about the article?

Fighting to become America's Next Top Model
5 W's

Answer the 5 W's AND let me know what you think about the article?

Boat Accident Info emerges

5 W's

Answer the 5 W's AND let me know what you think about the article?

Chimp Accident Update
5 W's

Answer the 5 W's AND let me know what you think about the article?

AIDS in Africa
5 W's

Answer the 5 W's AND let me know what you think about the article?


Anonymous said...

Healthy Snacking

Who:People trying to get in shape
What:There are ways to snack and still be health
Where:To get the nutrient look on the side of the bag
When:The article was published the other day
Why:There are many people out there looking to get in shape and following these steps can help you

I think if you follow those suggestions then I'm sure anyone can lose weight.But only if they work out at the same time.

Fighting for America's Top Model

Who:10,00 people
What:Six people were injured and three arrested as chaos erupted in the queue for America's Next Top Model
Where:midtown Manhattan
Why:As an overheated car rolled past the queue, raising fears of an explosion, pandemonium broke out. Some witnesses said an applicant shouted "there's a bomb". People were knocked down or fainted as the crowd surged, police ploughed in and fights

I think the person that said it was a bomb is very stupid.But there were hot women fighting so that was pretty cool.

NFL players lost at sea

Who:Oakland Raiders linebacker Marquis Cooper, free-agent NFL defensive lineman Corey Smith, who played for the Detroit Lions last season, and former University of South Florida player William Bleakley
What:the three men aboard the small boat in the Gulf of Mexico took off their life vests and eventually disappeared during the ordeal that began the evening of Feb. 28
Where:The coastline of Florida
When:Feb. 28
Why:They started to loss hope of ever being rescued

I think that if that is true, they are very stupid.I would never give up hope of being found at sea, but hopefully they're still alive.

Chimp attack

Who:The family of a Connecticut woman mauled by a chimpanzee
What:A relative of 55-year-old Charla Nash filed the lawsuit against Sandra Herold late Monday in Superior Court in Stamford
Where:In Stamford Superior Court
When:Late Monday
Why:The lawsuit accuses Herold of negligence and recklessness for owning "a wild animal with violent propensities, even though she lacked sufficient skill, strength and/or experience to subdue the chimpanzee

I think the owner deserves that lawsuit. I mean come on how can you keep a wild animal at your house and not expect it to attack someone.

AIDs in Africa

Who:Pope Benedict XVI
What:said on his way to Africa on Tuesday that condoms were not the answer in the continent's fight against HIV
Where:On his way to Africa
Why:He doesnt believe it helps stop HIV

I think that is the stupidest thing I've heard from a person of his power. There are studies that prove that if you use a condom it helps.

Todd Akselrod
Block 3

Anonymous said...

name :Carly
Healthy Snacking
who:Many people
what:think snacks are junk food
where:not there
when:that either
why:Snacking can be part of a balanced diet. Eating small portions between meals provides your body with energy to keep you going throughout the day.
i think that they right snack can be important for your body

fighting to become american next top model
who:american next topmodel wannabes
what:Six people were injured and three arrested as chaos erupted in the queue for America's Next Top Model, a search-for-a-star show hosted by the former supermodel Tyra Banks
where:midtown Manhattan
when:on Saturday
why:all of them want to enter the competition so they be fighting and stuff to participated
i think that money can make a person kill another .unfortunatly it is the rule of competitions

boat accidents info emerge
who:Two NFL players
what:might have taken off their life vests after their hopes of being rescued at sea faded as they clung to their capsized boat, according to Coast Guard records on the eventual rescue of a sole survivor.
where:TAMPA, Fla. (AP
when:2 hours, 5 minutes ago
why:the report said the group ran into trouble: Their anchor was stuck. Schuyler told investigators that he believed it was caught in a coral reef and they tried to free it, but water filled the boat and it capsized.
its is sad story

chimpanze accident updates
who:The family of a woman mauled by a chimpanzee
what:filed a lawsuit seeking $50 million in damages against the primate's owner, saying she was negligent and reckless for lacking the ability to control "a wild animal with violent propensities."
where:STAMFORD, Conn
when:1 min ago
why:the chimpanze may have brain damage
i think that they should lock that wild sick animal and throw the key away cause it is not the 1st time he might do it again

aids in africa
who:Pope Benedict XVI
what:said on his way to Africa on Tuesday that condoms were not the answer in the continent's fight against HIV
where:continent africa
when:2 hours, 32 minutes ago
why:He has said that the Roman Catholic Church is in the forefront of the battle against AIDS. The Vatican encourages sexual abstinence to fight the spread of the disease.
i think that eventhough they teaching them that abstinence is the answer againsthiv,they will not accomplish it cause it is not the first time that i've heard that stuff since i was little .i think that it is up to those people to think about themselves

Anonymous said...

Healthy Snacking
who:Americans in general
what:replacing junk food with healthy snacks
where:not relevant
why:so americans can become more healthy
resonse: i guess this article is helpful to those who have time to eat 3 square meals a day with snacks, but it doesn't help those who only eat junk food because a bag of chips is a dollar versus the many foods you have to put together eg chesse and whole grain crackers or hummus on whole wheat pita bread.
Fighting to become ANTM
who:wannabe models trying out for hit tv show
what:riot breaks out,6 people injured, 3 arrested
when: March 16, 2009
why:when a car drove someone shouted it was a bomb and the contestants panicked along with stress form waiting so long
response: i think the riot was unnecessary and blown out of proportion, common sense should have made people think before reacting, and then instead of rescheduling the audtions or having more security people they turned girls away and crushed dreams. all of this could of been avoided if people weren't so inconsiderate and idiotic.

Boat Accidents
who:two NFL players
what: players took off life vests
when:2 hours and 14 minutes ago...
where: tampa, fl
why:because they gave up hope of getting rescued
response: this is really depressing, it seems to me that they lost complete hope except for one. if the water was as cold as they say for the survivor to catch hypothermia then there is no way they would have survived.

Chimp Accident
who: family of woman mauled by Chimpanzee
what:suing 50mill against the owner
when:11 minutes ago...
why: they claim the owner knew the chimp was aggravated the day of the attack and he allegedly gave the chimp drugs that made it worse
response: i find this whole story hilarious even though its not funny, this woman family have no evidence. Until they can prove any of this the case shouldn't go to trial

AIDS in Africa
who:pope Benedict XVI
what:believes condoms are not the answer
where:YAOUNDE, Cameroon
why: he doesn't belive distributing condoms in Africa is going to help its just going to increase the problem
response: i belive his judgement is clouded by his religious duties and beliefs

Anonymous said...

Healthy Snacking

WHO?: People wanting to eat healthy snacks
WHAT?: Many people think snacking is bad for their diet, but eating healthy snacks can prove to be very nutritional.
WHERE?: America
WHY?: Many people think that snacks are junk food, but they’re not. Eating small portions throughout the day provides you with enough energy to get you through the day.
WHEN?: Recent news
It’s true that snacking throughout the day does give you added energy. I always bring something to snack on during the day, whether it’s fruit or a granola bar.

Fighting to become America’s Next Top Model
WHO?: America’s Next Top Model Contestants: Jennifer Brown, Kiara McCarthy and other contestants.
WHAT?: A wave of America’s Next Top Model contestants went wild through the streets stampeding on one another.
WHERE?: Manhattan, New York
WHY?: All the girls had camped out waiting to be a contestant for the show.
WHEN?: A couple days before the Saturday when the doors to the auditions would open.
I think people will go to any extent to become stars. Honestly, I’m not that desperate to camp out for 24hrs and be crushed by thousands of girls. But I do have to give those girls props for being out there for so long. It really shows how determined they are.

Boat Accident Info Emerges
WHO?: Marquis Cooper, Nick Schuyler and Corey Smith
WHAT?: The boat ran into some rough seas and the boat began to fill with water and capsized. The men on the boat were all tossed overboard and it seems like the two NFL stars removed their vests.
WHERE?: Tampa, FL
WHY?: One man started panicking and the other was getting unruly. Once they removed the vests they weren’t seen again.
WHEN?: Feb. 28 at around 5:30pm
It’s sad that two star players had to go this way. I think one of them purposely took the vest off. It seems like he didn’t want to fight death anymore and jus t let himself drown.

Chimp Accident Update
WHO?: The family of a Chlara Nash, the woman mauled by a chimpanzee not too long ago.
WHAT?: The family is filing a $50 million dollar lawsuit against the chimps owner.
WHERE?: Stamford, Conn.
WHY?: They say that she was negligent and reckless for lacking the ability to control the animal.
WHEN?: It was written 15mins ago.
I can’t believe a chimp could do so much damage. The poor woman no longer has any eyelids, nose, lips, and both her hands. I don’t know how I would be able to live after something like that.

AIDS in Africa
WHO?: Pope Benedict XVI
WHAT?: The Pope feels that condoms are not the answer when it comes to the continents fight against HIV.
WHERE?: YAOUNDE, Cameroon (Africa)
WHY?: He feels that sexual abstinence works better than the distribution of condoms to protect ones self.
WHEN?: 11am ET was when the comment about condoms was made.
I really didn’t expect to be hearing the Pope say something like that. But he is right. Condoms will not protect anyone against HIV. It’s best if one practices abstinence instead.

Tridecia Henry
Block 3

Anonymous said...

Healthy Snacking
Where:In America.
Who:Many people
What: Believe tht while dieting, snacks are junk food.
Why: Because they don't know the right thinggs to eat.

I think that eating the right thing and being healthy is the best way to live, not constantly dieting. I do agree with this article.
Fighting to become America's Next Top Model
Who:Models auditioning for the new season of America's Next Top Model.
What:Six people were injured and three arrested.
Where: midtown Manhattan, New York.
When: Saturday, March 14th.
Why: A car overheated, and someone yelled "there's a bomb!" causing a stampede.
I think this artical is hilarious. For so many people to be scared of the same thing, and running away from nothing is funny to me.It also being called "9/11 part 2" is also funny.

Boat Accident Info emerges
Who:Marquis Cooper, Corey Smith, and William Bleakley.
What:Might have taken off their life vests after their hopes of being rescued at sea faded as they clung to their capsized boat
Where:TAMPA, Fla.
When:evening of Feb. 28
Why: They fell over board.
I think this is a very tragic story, for three people at such high points in their lives to suddenly go missing is very unfortuanate. Although it is very sad, I don't think they will be found.

Chimp Accident Update
Who: The family of the woman mauled by a chimpanzee.
What:The family of a woman mauled by a chimpanzee filed a lawsuit seeking $50 million in damages against the primate's owner.
Where:STAMFORD, Conn.
When: Febauary 16th.
Why: The owner allegedly gave the chimp medication, which triggered the incidnet.
To me, this situation is kind of funny. I don't believe people should make wild animals pets, or be in their face like how she was so she got what she deserved. I don't think anyone should pay her $50 million dollars for her false judgement.

AIDS in Africa
Why: He believes it increases the problem.
What: Believes that Condoms are not the answer in AIDS fight.
Where:Yaounde, Cameroon,
Who:Pope Benedict XVI
When: Tuesday.
In a way, i do agree with the Pope. Even though using a condom does help with preventng the disease, it does promote having sex with people that may have the disease.


Anonymous said...

Healthy Snacking

Who-This goes out to the public.
what-How to snach healthy and have a balanced diet.
when-This article was written currently to the public on the ways they should eat healthy.
where- It goes out to antone in America on a bad diet.
why- This was written to give you tips how to eat healthy. Eating healthy and in correct portions.

*I thought this article was beneficial to anyone who is on a diet or wants to loose weight.

Wannabes go wild in fight to be 'Next Top Model'

Who- People auditioning for America's next top model.They start a riot for a chance to model.
what-Some contestant riot to have a chance at becoming a model. The show was auditioning and they were fighting for a spot.
when-Monday, 16 March 2009 was the date the article was written.
where-This event took place in New york
why-The contestants make a riot to have a spot on the show.

*I think this is preety interesting because I watch this show.I had no idea people were actually rioting to be on the show.

NFL players lost at sea may have shed life vests

WHO-Marquis Cooper and Corey Smith are the two players.
WHAT- The two football player get saved after freak accidents of taking off there life jackets.
WHERE-IN TAMPA Florida two players are lost at sea off the coast of the gulf of mexico.
WHY- Luckily they were saved before it was too late. They were trying to save something in the coral reef. One of the players took off his life jacket.

* I think the football players are lucky that they were saved in time.

Family of Conn. chimp attack victim seeks $50M

Who-Miss Nash
what-Miss nash was severly attacked by a Chimp. She has alot of damage done to her.
when-It was written 14 minutes ago.
Where-This took place in Standford connecticut.
Why-She lost control of the animal.Even though she knew the chimp was in no shape to be in her house.

*I think this is crazy. This is like the second time an animal(such as a chimp)has attacked a person.

Condoms not the answer in AIDS fight

Who-The pope claims that condoms do not help the spread of aids.
When-It was written 2 hours ago.
What- He wants everyone to practice abstinence. That way the disease is not spread to other people.
Where-In Africa
Why-This article was to inform us that the spread of aid is getting worse. Also that condums do that help the spread of aids in Africa.

*This is preety important to everyone.

Alliea Bacchus
Block 3

Anonymous said...

brittany graham .

1.(who) people who try to get in shape are the ones that are out of shape.

2.(what)some ways of staying healthy is eating things like frozen fruit or dried .Whole wheat muffins and crackers .

3.(where)The Nutrition Facts Label on packaged foods .

4.(why)following these steps could help you because the steps are all about keeping in shape and staying on a healthy diet.

5.(when) These artical was published in August 2006.

Anonymous said...

Healthy Snacking
Who:Many Peolple
What:Think snakcs are junk food.
When:Doesnt say
Where:Doesnt say
Why/How:Spacing out meals and snacks can help prevent weight gain.
Personal Comment: The way i feel about the article is that snacks are a good thing for most people but not if you have a slow matabilious.

Fighting To Become America's Next Top Model
Who:Ladies in New York
What:Street of New York was left with shoes, clothing and torn sleeping bags after a stampede by thousands of wannabe models waiting to audition for a reality television show.
When:Monday March 16,2009
Where:New York
Why/How:Females wanting to be America's Next Top Model.
Personal Comment: I feel thats foolish of them grown woman wanting to be America's Next Top model , there's nothing wrong with it but fight to be come one is stupid.

Boat Accident
Who:Two NFL players ;Marquis Cooper and Corey Smith.
What:have taken off their life vests after their hopes of being rescued at sea faded as they clung to their capsized boat.
When:Doesnt Say
Where:TAMPA, Florida
Personal Comment: I feel that they dont care about there safety because if they did they wouldnt had tooken off there life vest.

Chimp Accident
Who:Charla Nash
What:The family of a woman mauled by a chimpanzee filed a lawsuit seeking $50 million in damages against the primate's owner.
When: Doesnt say
Where:STAMFORD, Conn.
Why/How:She was negligent and reckless for lacking the ability to control "a wild animal with violent propensities.
Personal Comment: Thats crazy. She shouldnt had been reckless on controling it. That makes me not want to like no chimp EVER .!

AIDS in Africa
Who:Pope Benedict XVI
What:Pope Benedict XVI said on his way to Africa on Tuesday that condoms were not the answer in the continent's fight against HIV.
When:It happened 11 a.m in Cameroon
Where:YAOUNDE, Cameroon
Why/How:his first explicit statement on an issue that has divided even clergy working with AIDS patients.
Personal comment: I would never go to Africa just for that i love my clean healthy body and i dont need no disease manuvering around in my body.

Alexia Patterson .!
Block 3.

Anonymous said...

Who:Americans needing to eat healthy.

What:People should eat a balanced snacks foods in between meals.


Where:not important

Why:This is because sugery and fatty foods are not always good for foods to snack on. sometimes eating a healthy yogurt will help.

This artilce gives great advice and tips on weight wacthers.This should be looked at.
Who:Americans next top modle audition airs.

What: a big chaotic riot broke out as tempers flared becuse of the wait in lines that seemed never ending.


Where:Manhattan ,NY

Why: tempers flared.

This is a very sacry situation to have been in.My heart goes out to the people dreams who have been taken from them. this was poorly organized and should be fined.
Who: Corey Smith, Marquis Cooper and Schuyler.

What: Their boat capsized and two of them lost at sea



Why: boat began to feel up with water.

This is a very sad story.The thought of loseing a famliy member at sea is heartbreaking.
Who:A relative of Charla Nash

What: Is sueing chimp owner for 50m. For animals behavior.



Why:She says animal should have been in controlled.

The lawsuit pay is rediculous and crazy.So you are going to sue someone for that amount for a animal that could not be controoled. she should be ashamed of her self for even putting up such a margin.
Who:Pope Benedict XVI

What:he stated condoms arent the key to the fight against aids.


Where:YAOUNDE, Cameroon

Why:He says the Vatican encourages sexual abstinence to fight the spread of the disease.

Even though this is a serious matter it is very funny. This is coming from a high power so it seems weird.

Lynwood walker

Anonymous said...


What:Its tips on how to eat healthy, kind of.



Why: They gave these tips because Many people think snacks are junk food, though it doesn't have to be that way. Snacking can be part of a balanced diet. Eating small portions between meals provides your body with energy to keep you going throughout the day.

Response:Since im doing track, its very important that i eat healthy
Who:More than 10,000 model wanna be's

What:Anger caused all of this chaos in the street as thousands of of people were waiting to try out

Where:New York

When:this past weekend

Why:They were mad
Who:Marquis Cooper and Corey Smith

What:waves crashed down on there boat while out at sea, the men went missing with one survivor

Where: On Florida coastline

When:A few weeks ago


Response: Im an NFL fan nd i feel sorry for the fans and family of those players
Who:Charla Nash her family and a chimp

What:The family of a woman mauled by a chimpanzee filed a lawsuit seeking $50 million in damages against the primate's owner, saying she was negligent and reckless for lacking the ability to control "a wild animal with violent propensities."

Where:In Stamford Conn.


Why:The Chimp attacked the lady

Xavier Dent
Block 4

Anonymous said...

Healthy Snacking

WHO?: People wanting to eat healthy snacks
WHAT?: Many people think snacking is bad for their diet, but eating healthy snacks can prove to be very nutritional.
WHERE?: America
WHY?: Many people think that snacks are junk food, but they’re not. Eating small portions throughout the day provides you with enough energy to get you through the day.
WHEN?: Recent news
It’s true that snacking throughout the day does give you added energy. I always bring something to snack on during the day, whether it’s fruit or a granola bar.

Fighting to become America’s Next Top Model
WHO?: America’s Next Top Model Contestants: Jennifer Brown, Kiara McCarthy and other contestants.
WHAT?: A wave of America’s Next Top Model contestants went wild through the streets stampeding on one another.
WHERE?: Manhattan, New York
WHY?: All the girls had camped out waiting to be a contestant for the show.
WHEN?: A couple days before the Saturday when the doors to the auditions would open.
I think people will go to any extent to become stars. Honestly, I’m not that desperate to camp out for 24hrs and be crushed by thousands of girls. But I do have to give those girls props for being out there for so long. It really shows how determined they are.Boat Accident Info Emerges
WHO?: Marquis Cooper, Nick Schuyler and Corey Smith
WHAT?: The boat ran into some rough seas and the boat began to fill with water and capsized. The men on the boat were all tossed overboard and it seems like the two NFL stars removed their vests.
WHERE?: Tampa, FL
WHY?: One man started panicking and the other was getting unruly. Once they removed the vests they weren’t seen again.
WHEN?: Feb. 28 at around 5:30pm
It’s sad that two star players had to go this way. I think one of them purposely took the vest off. It seems like he didn’t want to fight death anymore and jus t let himself drown.
Chimp Accident Update
WHO?: The family of a Chlara Nash, the woman mauled by a chimpanzee not too long ago.
WHAT?: The family is filing a $50 million dollar lawsuit against the chimps owner.
WHERE?: Stamford, Conn.
WHY?: They say that she was negligent and reckless for lacking the ability to control the animal.
WHEN?: It was written 15mins ago.
I can’t believe a chimp could do so much damage. The poor woman no longer has any eyelids, nose, lips, and both her hands. I don’t know how I would be able to live after something like that.
AIDS in Africa
WHO?: Pope Benedict XVI
WHAT?: The Pope feels that condoms are not the answer when it comes to the continents fight against HIV.
WHERE?: YAOUNDE, Cameroon (Africa)
WHY?: He feels that sexual abstinence works better than the distribution of condoms to protect ones self.
WHEN?: 11am ET was when the comment about condoms was made.
I really didn’t expect to be hearing the Pope say something like that. But he is right. Condoms will not protect anyone against HIV. It’s best if one practices abstinence instead.

Anonymous said...

WHO:People who thinks snacks are junk food.
WHAT:Snacking can be part of a balanced diet.
WHERE:Healthy snacks provide fiber and nutrients your body needs
WHY:Because they are not good for you.

WHO:More than 10,000 people
WHAT:Six people were injured and three arrested
WHERE:America Next Top Model

WHO:Two NFL players
WHAT:2 men lost at sea
WHEN:evening of feb 28
WHERE:Gulf of Mexico
WHY: They were fishing and hapened to be on some bad weather then the boat flipped over and the two of them didnt survive.

WHO;The family of a woman mauled by a chimpanzee
WHAT:Nash, 55, lost her hands, nose, lips and eyelids in the 12-minute mauling. Many bones in her face were crushed, and the attack may also have left her blind and brain damaged

who:Pope Benedict XVI
what:said on his way to Africa on Tuesday that condoms were not the answer in the continent's fight against HIV, his first explicit statement on an issue that has divided even clergy working with AIDS patients.
when:at around 11 a.m. ET to start his first visit to Africa as pontiff shortly after making the statement about condoms and AIDS.
why:To encourages sexual abstinence to fight the spread of the disease

deandre armbrister
block 4

Anonymous said...

Healthy Snacking

Who:fat people
What:eat healyhly snacks
Why:to get in shape

Fighting for America's Top Model
Who:alot of people
What:6 people and some were injured
Why:bomb theart

NFL players lost at sea

Who:football players
What:boat cap sized and they died or are missing

Where:middle of the sea
When:feb 28
Why:there about to give up lookin for them

Chimp attack

Who:the lady that attacked by a monkey

What:got attacked by monkey
Where:stamford superior Court
Why:she wants money for the attack

BRIAN PERDOMO BLOCK 44444444444444

Anonymous said...



WHO: people who want to reduce unhealthy snacking
WHAT: want to lose weight
WHERE: in america
WHEN: recently
WHY: They want a easy way to lose weight and healthy snacking is there choice.

I think its a good idea because its a simpel way to lose weight.


WHO: wanabe models
WHAT: created a riot waiting to audition for amercias next top model
WHERE: newyork
WHEN: 3/16/09
WHY: because they wanted to participate in the up coming season of americas next top model.

I think its crazy, but if i wanted to be americas next top model I would do the same thing.

WHO: 3 Nfl players lost at sea
WHAT: their boat got stuck in an anchor and capsized
WHERE: Tampa
WHY: their boat goat caught on reef. and two of the guys suposedly gave up on the struggle to stay alive.

It think its sad that they a probably dead. But Iam also questioning why the two that are lost are black?..


WHO: family of woman mauled
WHAT: the family are pressing charges on the owner because they say it was a wild animal etc..
WHERE: Stamford, Conn.
WHEN: recently
WHY: the animal was agitated and attacked.

I think that animals like that shoudnt be in captivity and that the only person that is at fault is the lady that kept it.

WHO: poper benedict XVI
WHAT: says condoms are not the answer to AIDS
WHERE:yaonde, cameroon
WHEN: 3/17/09
WHY: he says that distributing condoms wont help the problem, it will just increase it.

I personally think AIDS was created by American govt as a population control..but now were trying to find a cure because its affecting our loved oness..whoopss!


Anonymous said...

Who: People who need to eat healthier.
What: Should eat healthier snacks When: Anytime Where: Everywhere
Why: to become healthier

A snack is very important to get through your day with energy but many people usally eat chips and a soda and that slows you down. Eatting crackera is much healthier for a snack choice.

Who: Wannabe models
What: were fighting
When: March 16
Where: Manhattan, New York
Why: To eliminate the competition and to audition for America's Next Top Model.

It's crazy what girls would do to be on a T.V show. It's even more crazy that they were fighting and injuring poeple.

Who: Nfl Players
What: Lost at sea.
When: Feb. 28
Where: Gulf of Mexico
Why: Their anchor got caught in a coral reef and their boat capsized.

Its too bad that some of the NFL players disappeared because they had pratice in 1 week. I do wonder where their bodies went and why they took off their vest in the first place.

Who: The family of a woman mauled by a chimpanzee
What: filed a lawsuit seeking $50 million
When: March 17
Where:STAMFORD, Conn.
Why: To get money from the primate owner for mauling the women.

I wondered what was going to happen after the chimp accident. I still don't know why an old women had a pet chimp and let him out the cage in the first palce.

Who:Pope Benedict XVI
What:said condoms were not the answer in the continent's fight against HIV
Where:On his way to Africa
Why: It's his opinion

The pope is right because condom's can still spread AIDS. abstinence is the answer.

Bao Nguyen
Block 4

Anonymous said...

Healthy Snacking

Who:alot of different people
What:you can snack and be healthy at the same time.
Where:refer to the nutrition facts label on packaged foods to help u eat the right portions.
When:doesnt say
Why:many people are trying to get in shape, and if they follow certain rules they can help thierselves look and feel better.

I think that anyone can do anything they put thier mind too. If these people really want to lose wieght they will do what it takes.

Fighting for America's Top Model

Who:10,000 people
What:a chaos erupted in the queue for Americas Next Top Model and 6 people were injured and 3 were arrested.
Where:midtown Manhattan
When:March 14,2009
Why:a car rolled past the queue raising fears of an explosion pandemonium broke out. Some witnesses said someone shouted "there's a bomb". People were knocked down or fainted as the crowd surged.

Whoever screamed out about the bomb is very inconsiderate and childish. I think the whole thing is stupid and pointless.

Boat Accident Info Emerges

Who: Marquis Cooper, the oakland raiders linebacker. Corey Smith, and William Beakley.
What:they took off thier life vests and disappeared during the event that began that evening
Where:The coastline of Florida
Why:they lost all hope of being rescued

Hopefully they get rescued but it was really dumb to just give up hope and risk thier lives like that.

Chimp Attack

Who:the family of a woman in Connecticut who got mauled by a chimp
What:A relative of hers (Charla Nash) filed a lawsuit against Sandra Herold in the Stamford
Where:Stamford Superior Court
When:Late monday (march 16,2009)
Why:The lawsuit is to accuse Herold of negligence and wrecklessness for owning a wild animal with violent ways even if she could do nothing to stop the chimpanzee.

I think that chimpanzees need to stay in the zoo where they belong because look what happens when these wild animals get some freedom.

AIDS in Africa

Who: Pope Benedict XVI
What:He said that condoms arent whats going to stop HIV in Africa
When:March, 17, 2009
Why:He doesnt think its going to help stop or slow down Aids in his country.

I think that condoms will help them it has reduced alot of risk in America so it can help Africa also. but at the same time they live in a totally different atmosphere and could be effected by other things surrounding them.

Sadei Ceran, block 4

Anonymous said...

healthy snacking

who-people who gettin inshape
what-they trying to get in shape
where-toget some nutrients form the side of the bag
when- the other day dnt know the date
why- cause they want to be in shape an they want dnt want to be overwieght.

fighting for america top model

who-1000 people
when-in manhattan,newyork
what- six people got arresed because of firghtin
why because someone shout outbomb and everyone got scared and went cazy.

NFLplayers lost at sea

who- Oakland Raiders linebacker Marquis Cooper, free-agent NFL defensive lineman Corey Smith, who played for the Detroit Lions last season, and former University of South Florida player William Bleakley

what-they where on a boat which was not working right an things went worng

where- in florida some area
why- just hang out an they where going fishing an enjoying thereslveres

chimp attack

who- a family in north connunite
where-in connuinetie
why- the chimp lost control and went cazy
what- she was feeding the chimp an he just went cazy just lost contorl

aids in afica

Who:Pope Benedict XVI
What:said on his way to Africa on Tuesday that condoms were not the answer in the continent's fight against HIV
Where:On his way to Africa
Why:He doesnt believe it helps stop HIV

nishelle johnson

Anonymous said...

Healthy Snacking

What:Healthy eating
Where:not stated
When:not stated
Why:Getting peopl to eat alot healthier to stay in shape.

This is really good that they are trying to pusuade peopel to eat healthier but its definetly up to them to make that decision to eat well.

Fighting to become America's Next Top Model

Who:Wannabe models
What:Six people were injured and three arrested as chaos erupted in the queue for America's Next Top Model.
Where:Midtown Manhattan
When:March 14,2009
Why:To try out for the competition.

That sounds like mass hysteria that went douwn that day, I mean to stampede across Nyc over women to try out fotr something that propbably wont make it far in the career unless your reallly good, is a waste.

Boat Accident Info emerges

Who:Two NFL players
What:Might have taken off their life vests after their hopes of being rescued at sea faded as they clung to their capsized boat
Where:TAMPA, Fla
When:Feb. 28.
Why:Their boat tipped over and they were lost at sea.

Chimp Accident Update

Who:Charla Nash
What:Update about the chimp attack
Where:STAMFORD, Conn
When: Feb. 16 posted:today
Why:She is sueing because of what happenen she is iin ciritcal condition due to the attack.

Charla Nash has a right to sue because first she was attacked by a wild animal who should have been trained to not attack but be friendy if its a family "pet", but instead that all backfires, so she should do whatever she has to do.

AIDS in Africa

Who:Pope Benedict XVI
What:That condoms are not the answer to fight against the AIDS/ HIV virus
Where:YAOUNDE, Cameroon
When:March. 17, 2009
Why:People should be treeated and he's trying to get the message across that it wont help fight against it.

Pope Benedict is right but it help prevent the virus from spreading more and he's just really close-minded thinking the way he does.

flower said...

WHO:many people
WHAT:they think snacks are junk food
WHY:because they have done studies to find reasons of proof.

WHO:10,000 wannabe models
WHAT:they broke out into a fight
WHEN:a street in New York
WHERE:New York
WHY:they broke out in a fight about nothing

WHO: Corey Smith,Marquis Cooper,Bleakley
WHAT:three guys ingured in a boating accident two never found
WHEN:fEB. 28
WHERE:Gulf of Mexico
WHY:They got lost in a boatin accident and only one of them surived yhe other two where never found.

WHO:Charla Nash
WHAT:she filled a law suite against chimpanzee owner for $50 million
WHEN:44 min. ago
WHERE:Stamford Conn.
WHY:because she has recived serious injuries.

WHAT:Pope Benedict XVI wnt to Africa to talk about aids
WHEN:today he arrived at 11am
WHERE:Yaounde, Cameroon
WHY:he went to talk about aids to the people

De'Onna Rush block 4

Anonymous said...

Healthy Snacking

Who:alot of different people
What:you can snack and be healthy at the same time.
Where:refer to the nutrition facts label on packaged foods to help u eat the right portions.
When:doesnt say
Why:many people are trying to get in shape, and if they follow certain rules they can help thierselves look and feel better.

I think that anyone can do anything they put thier mind too. If these people really want to lose wieght they will do what it takes.

Fighting for America's Top Model

Who:10,00 people
What:Six people were injured and three arrested as chaos erupted in the queue for America's Next Top Model
Where:midtown Manhattan
Why:As an overheated car rolled past the queue, raising fears of an explosion, pandemonium broke out. Some witnesses said an applicant shouted "there's a bomb". People were knocked down or fainted as the crowd surged, police ploughed in and fights

nfl players lost at sea

Who:Oakland Raiders linebacker Marquis Cooper, free-agent NFL defensive lineman Corey Smith, who played for the Detroit Lions last season, and former University of South Florida player William Bleakley
What:the three men aboard the small boat in the Gulf of Mexico took off their life vests and eventually disappeared during the ordeal that began the evening of Feb. 28
Where:The coastline of Florida
When:Feb. 28
Why:They started to loss hope of ever being rescued

chimp attack

Who:The family of a Connecticut woman mauled by a chimpanzee
What:A relative of 55-year-old Charla Nash filed the lawsuit against Sandra Herold late Monday in Superior Court in Stamford
Where:In Stamford Superior Court
When:Late Monday
Why:The lawsuit accuses Herold of negligence and recklessness for owning "a wild animal with violent propensities, even though she lacked sufficient skill, strength and/or experience to subdue the chimpanzee

AIDs in Africa

Who:Pope Benedict XVI
What:said on his way to Africa on Tuesday that condoms were not the answer in the continent's fight against HIV
Where:On his way to Africa
Why:He doesnt believe it helps stop HIV

deandra ellis

Anonymous said...

Healthy Snacking

WHO?:People wanting to eat healthy snacks

WHAT?: Many people think snacking is bad for their diet, but eating healthy snacks can prove to be very nutritional.

WHERE?: America

WHY?: Many people think that snacks are junk food, but they’re not.

WHEN?: Recent news
It’s true that snacking throughout the day does give you added energy.

Fighting to become America’s Next Top Model

WHO?: America’s Next Top Model Contestants: Jennifer Brown, Kiara McCarthy and other contestants.

WHAT?: A wave of America’s Next Top Model contestants went wild through the streets stampeding on one another.

WHERE?: Manhattan, New York

WHY?: All the girls had camped out waiting to be a contestant for the show.
WHEN?:A couple days before the Saturday when the doors to the auditions would open.

I think people will go to any extent to become stars. Honestly, I’m not that desperate to camp out for 24hrs and be crushed by thousands of girls.

Boat Accident Info Emerges

WHO?: Marquis Cooper, Nick Schuyler and Corey Smith

WHAT?: The boat ran into some rough seas and the boat began to fill with water and capsized.

WHERE?: Tampa, FL

WHY?: One man started panicking and the other was getting unruly. Once they removed the vests they weren’t seen again.

WHEN?: Feb. 28 at around 5:30pm
It’s sad that two star players had to go this way. I think one of them purposely took the vest off. It seems like he didn’t want to fight death anymore and jus t let himself drown.

Chimp Accident Update

WHO?: The family of a Chlara Nash, the woman mauled by a chimpanzee not too long ago.

WHAT?: The family is filing a $50 million dollar lawsuit against the chimps owner.

WHERE?: Stamford, Conn.

WHY?: They say that she was negligent and reckless for lacking the ability to control the animal.

WHEN?: It was written 15mins ago.
I can’t believe a chimp could do so much damage. The poor woman no longer has any eyelids, nose, lips, and both her hands. I don’t know how I would be able to live after something like that.

AIDS in Africa

WHO?: Pope Benedict XVI

WHAT?: The Pope feels that condoms are not the answer when it comes to the continents fight against HIV.

WHERE?: YAOUNDE, Cameroon (Africa)

WHY?: He feels that sexual abstinence works better than the distribution of condoms to protect ones self.

WHEN?: 11am ET was when the comment about condoms was made.
I really didn’t expect to be hearing the Pope say something like that. But he is right. Condoms will not protect anyone against HIV. It’s best if one practices abstinence instead.

Cherelle Barnes
blk 4

Anonymous said...

WHEHealthy Snacking








Fighting to become America's Next Top Model








Boat Accident Info emerges

WHO: Marquis Cooper,Corey Smith, William Bleakley








Anonymous said...

Healthy Snacking
who-people that want to get a better body.
where-doesn't say .
what-they have founds many ways to eat snacks that are healthy.
why-because people want to have a good snack so they can lose weight.

Fighting for America's Top Model
who-girl's that want to be America's top model.
where-New York
when-March 16, 2009
what-six people where injured and 3arrested.
why-because they wanted to be america's top model so they wanted to be the first one's to go inside.

I think this is crazy but i wanted to be in it i think i would react the same because you want to do want you always wanted to do.So i would let anyone else ruin it for me.

Boat Accident Info emerges
who-Two NFL players
where-TAMPA, Fla
what-The boat ran into some rough seas and the boat began to fill with water and capsized. The men on the boat were all tossed overboard and it seems like the two NFL stars removed their vests.
why-They got lost in a boatin accident and only one of them surived yhe other two where never found.

I think that they should had more careful because being in a boat can be really dangerous.

Chimp attack
who-The family of a Connecticut woman mauled by a chimpanzee.
where-STAMFORD, Conn
what-filed a lawsuit seeking $50 million in damages against the primate's owner, saying she was negligent and reckless for lacking the ability to control "a wild animal with violent propensities."
why-They say that she was negligent and reckless for lacking the ability to control the animal.

I think this is too much.Many thinks happen that sometimes are so ridicoulis.

AIDs in Africa
who-Pope Benedict XVI
what-Pope Benedict XVI said on his way to Africa on Tuesday that condoms were not the answer in the continent's fight against HIV.
why-he doesn't think it helps stop hiv.

I think each everyone's decision.Everyone belives in different things so i think it depends on what you belive.

Catherine Sarmiento
block 4

Anonymous said...

Healthy snacking

who:people trying to get in shape.
what:how to eat healthy, be in shape.
where:doesnt sayy.
when:doesnt say.
why:because people need to eat more healthier.

i think people should watch what they eat, and excersie at the same time to stay in shape.

Fighting for America's Top Model

who:10,000 people.
what:Six people were injured and three arrested as chaos erupted in the queue for America's Next Top Model.
where:New York
when:Monday, 16 March 2009
why:As an overheated car rolled past the queue, raising fears of an explosion, pandemonium broke out.

i think thats crazy i dont think anyone should be playing around that there is a bomb.

NFL players lost at sea

who:Oakland Raiders linebacker Marquis Cooper, free-agent NFL defensive lineman Corey Smith, who played for the Detroit Lions last season, and former University of South Florida player William Bleakley
what:they were lost at sea.
where:Gulf of Mexico
when:Feb. 28
why:they lost hope of ever beinbg rescued so they just gave up.

i think this is crazy! i think they were stupid for lossing hope, because anything is possible and they were obviously saved. so it was good.

Chimp attack

who:55 year old woman that was mauled by a chimp.
what:The family of a woman mauled by a chimpanzee filed a lawsuit seeking $50 million in damages against the primate's owner, saying she was negligent and reckless for lacking the ability to control "a wild animal with violent propensities."
where:STAMFORD, Conn
when:late monday.
why:she is left with no nose, or eyelids or hand. she might have brain damge and they are pressing charges.

i think that they are doing the right thing by pressing charges even though it wasnt her fault, its the only thing she could do, any animal that distructive needs to go.

AIDs in Africa

who:Pope Benedict XVI
what:says that condoms were not the answer to prevent stop HIV aids.
where:on his way to africa.
why:he doesnt belive that condoms stop HIV aids.

i dont think its 100% preventable, but there a good source of protection, and there necassry at all times to prevent pregnacy, or diseases.

Anonymous said...

What:Think that snacks are all unhealthy
When:No particular date
Where:No particular date
Why:People think snacks are unhealthy becausewe think chips and cookies. But in the article they're is plenty of tips, such as eating dried fruit and nuts, etc.
I mean I always knew snacks means more than junk food. If anything those are the "correct snacks". I should start having some of those snacks!

Who:Girls trying to audition for modeling
What:A "riot" was caused at the auditions for "America's Next Top Model"
When:Over the weekend
Where:New York
Why:Many girls are trying to get their shot, and their solution was to go crazy and start a mess.
Good job! They want this sooo bad, but yet they start a crazy mess, and ruin it for everyone. People, including women, need to take control of themselves, and realize we can't act like animals for every little thing!

Who:The 3 players
What:One of them was found
When:Late Feb. early March, I think this article was from today
Where:Tampa, Florida
Why:Two of the guys are still missing, the one that was found said what had happened the past couple days
I hope they're all found. This may sound very weird or ignorant or whatever but it's weird that this is happeneing to them. Like celebrity's!?? It sounds weird I know....

Who:The owner of the chimp
What:Is being sued by the victim
When:Late Monday
Where:Stamford, Conn
Why:The victim is in serious condition && they think it's the owners fault
Wow I hope the person recovers. I don't think it's the owners fault, well maybe because of the medication, but after that how can it be her fault?!

Who:Africans population && the pope
What:The spread of AIDS in Africa only gets worse
When:Updated today
Where:YAOUNDE, Cameroon
Why:The pope sayd not even condoms can help the situation.
I think this so sad. No one deserves to have AIDS, and it's sad how thousands, only in Africa, keep getting it.

Valerie Vargas block 4

Anonymous said...

Healthy Snacking;

Who: Eating Healthy
What: How to eat well snacks and stay in shape.
Where: Anywhere
When: I guess the other day
Why: There's many different type of snacks you can eat without gettin fat and good tips for staying healthy.

This is a good way for me learn what snacks i could still eat. and when i don't want to get hungry, i could limit my meals. I'm defently in a diet to lose weight.

Fighting for America's Top Model

Who: 10,000 Women that we're going to audition for America's Top Model
What: It got out of hand, people attacked each other and alot we're injured so they had to cancell the audition. Many victims lost opportunities
When: Monday, 16 March
Where: Manhattan, NY
Why: an overheated car rolled past the queue, raising fears of an explosion, pandemonium broke out. Some say there was a bomb, people paniced and began fights.

Wow that sucks. This is what happens when something really popular happen, people don't know how to control themselves and things get out of hand. See now a lady who'se 5'3 and they'd never accept her in the Model Agency, just lost her oppurtinity for something like this.

NFL players lost at sea

Who: NFl Players Nick Schuyler, Marquis Cooper, Detroit Lions
What: Those 3 players got lost near the golf coast.
When: Today
Where: Tampa, Florida.
Why: They took out their vests and some got lost. Only one was found

That's real sad, good nfl players getting lost like that it must be pain for the fans and Family of theirs. I hope everything turns out for the best and if there not alive, rest in peace.

Chimp attack

Who: Travis' the chimp's owner Nash's best friend Herold.
What: A relative of 55-year-old Charla Nash filed the lawsuit against Sandra Herold late Monday in Superior Court in Stamford
When: Late monday
Where: Stamford Superior Court
Why: The owner allegedly gave the chimp medication, which triggered the incidnet.
To me, this situation is kind of funny. I don't believe people should make wild animals pets, or be in their face like how she was so she got what she deserved. I don't think anyone should pay her $50 million dollars for her false judgement.

I'm glad the lady is at least still alive, althought she's fightin for her life. i Hope she makes out okay. They did what they had to do, it's a real hard time for the lady, she should get some time alone or counsiling. Things happen for a reason.

AIDs in Africa

Who: Pope Benedict XVI
What: Condoms are not the answer to Africa's fight against HIV
Where: Yaounde, Cameroon
When: Tues., March. 17, 2009
Why: He doesn't believe it will stop the HIV, it actually increases the percentage. It should stop

This is all true. He has a point with condoms, there not the best thing. All type's of STD can spread, it depends if you use a special protection. Very wise of him to say

Gabby Galvan
Block 3

Anonymous said...

Healthy Snacking

who:Americans in general
what:replacing junk food with healthy snacks
where:not relevant
why:so americans can become more healthy.

I guess this article is helpful to those who have time to eat 3 square meals a day with snacks, but it doesn't help those who only eat junk food because a bag of chips is a dollar versus the many foods you have to put together eg chesse and whole grain crackers or hummus on whole wheat pita bread.

fighting to become american next top model.

who:american next topmodel wannabes
what:Six people were injured and three arrested as chaos erupted in the queue for America's Next Top Model, a search-for-a-star show hosted by the former supermodel Tyra Banks
where:midtown Manhattan
when:on Saturday
why:all of them want to enter the competition so they be fighting and stuff to participated.

I think that money can make a person kill another .unfortunatly it is the rule of competitions.

Boat Accident Info emerges

who:Two NFL players
what:Might have taken off their life vests after their hopes of being rescued at sea faded as they clung to their capsized boat
where:TAMPA, Fla
when:Feb. 28.
why:Their boat tipped over and they were lost at sea.

i think these NFL players should kept there life jackets on so that if some 1 was coming by they could see them a lot easier.

Chimp Accident

who:Charla Nash
what:The family of a woman mauled by a chimpanzee filed a lawsuit seeking $50 million in damages against the primate's owner.
when: Doesnt say
where:STAMFORD, Conn.
why:She was negligent and reckless for lacking the ability to control "a wild animal with violent propensities.

Thats crazy. She shouldnt had been reckless on controling it. That makes me not want to like no chimp ever.

aids in africa

Who:Pope Benedict XVI
What:said on his way to Africa on Tuesday that condoms were not the answer in the continent's fight against HIV
Where:On his way to Africa
Why:He doesnt believe it helps stop HIV

I think that is the stupidest thing I've heard from a person of his power. There are studies that prove that if you use a condom it helps.

Shawn Z
3rd BLK

Anonymous said...

Healthy Snacking

Who: the public
What: tell that you can have snacks and be healthy
When: recently
Where: all around (global)
Why: to inform people on how to snack healthy

*This article was beneficial to anyone who wants to lose weight. It also can be helpfully to people who are concerned about staying healthy and eating healthy.

Fighting for America's Top Model

Who: American Idol contestants
What: riot erupted amongst contestants
When: Saturday, March 14, 2009
Where: Manhattan, New York
Why: the riot broke out because someone yelled "bomb"

*This article proves that ignorance causes fear. Because many people feared that an overheated car was going to explode, they started running. It did not help that someone shouted "bomb." Many people were pushed because of this and that led to the riot.

NFL Players Lost at Sea

Who: Marquis Cooper and Corey Smith
What: football players got lost at sea
When: Saturday, Feburary 28, 2009
Where: they got lost off the Gulf Coast
Why: the boat capsized because anchor got stuck

*I think its a sad story. Luckily the players were saved before they lost their life. I think they shouldn't go on boats anymore. lol

Chimp Attack

Who: Nash
What: a relative of Charla Nash files a lawsuit against 55 year old lady
When: March 16, 2009
Where:Stanford, Conneticut
Why: the chimp attacked a lady and now the family wants reconcilation

*It's very unfortuante that the chimp attacked that family. However, it is not the lady fault that the chimp atttacked. I think it is right of the family to sue though.

AIDS in Africa

Who: Pope Benedict XVI
When: March 16, 2009
What: the pope wants people to practice abstinence
Where: Africa
Why: to inform the world on the spread of AIDS and how condoms don't prevent this

*I think that the pope has a great idea about people not having sex because of the speard of AIDS. However, I do not believe that this request of the public is realistic. Some might practice abstinence, but for the most part I don't think the public would genuinely accept this idea.

Kristen Walden
Block 3
late because

Anonymous said...

"Healthy Snacking"

who: people thatwant to get into shape
what: trying to tell people that some snacks are healthy
when: some time last week
why: too many people are unhealthy

anything that will help people i am all for.

"fighting to become america's next top model"

who: thousands
what: a big fight broke out
when: saturday
where: manhattan, new york
why: too many people in to small of a place

this has to be a joke. i qwould of loved to see this happen, just because theres so many people. i just think that it would have been funny to watch.

"nfl players lost at sea"

who: Oakland Raiders linebacker Marquis Cooper, free-agent NFL defensive lineman Corey Smith,
what: were on a boat that went missing
when:feb. 28th
where: off the coast of the gulf of mexico
why: got lost in the current of the water

this is a sad story, and the reason why i dont like boats and open water.

"chimp attack"

who: the family of the woman that got attacked by the chimp
what: is sueing the owner of the chimp
when: monday night
where: Connecticut
why:the chimp attack the lady and because of that the lady will never look the same again.

i feel bad for the owner of the chimp, because she had to kill her pet and now she is being sued, that must be hard. but i also feel bad for the lady that got attacked because she will never be the same again.

"aids in africa"

who: Pope Benedict XVI
what: said on his way to Africa on Tuesday that condoms were not the answer in the continent's fight against HIV
when: tuesday
where: africa
why: because he doesn't feel that they will stop the aids problem in africa.

i am all for helping save peoples lifes, so if passing out condoms will save people then i disagree with the pope.

michael weiner
3rd and 4th block

Anonymous said...

Healthy Snacking
Who:People trying to get in shape
What:There are ways to snack and still be health
Where:To get the nutrient look on the side of the bag
When:The article was published the other day
Why:There are many people out there looking to get in shape and following these steps can help you

I think that this is something everyone does already.But the differences is that some people think that snaks are just junk food when their not and they can save you when your really hungry.

Fighting for America's Top Model

Who:10,00 people
What:Six people were injured and three arrested as chaos erupted in the queue for America's Next Top Model
Where:midtown Manhattan
Why:As an overheated car rolled past the queue, raising fears of an explosion, pandemonium broke out. Some witnesses said an applicant shouted "there's a bomb". People were knocked down or fainted as the crowd surged, police ploughed in and fights

I think that people are very crazy.The person who yelled out that their is a bomb is really dumb and needs to go back to middle school and get a life.If i were their I would have went looking for the person and said wow you some serious help.

NFL players lost at sea

Who:Oakland Raiders linebacker Marquis Cooper, free-agent NFL defensive lineman Corey Smith, who played for the Detroit Lions last season, and former University of South Florida player William Bleakley
What:the three men aboard the small boat in the Gulf of Mexico took off their life vests and eventually disappeared during the ordeal that began the evening of Feb. 28
Where:The coastline of Florida
When:Feb. 28
Why:They started to loss hope of ever being rescued

I think that this is really very sad because people are lost at sea and their are going to be searching like crazy right now but all you can do is hope their alive.

Chimp attack
Who:The family of a Connecticut woman mauled by a chimpanzee
What:A relative of 55-year-old Charla Nash filed the lawsuit against Sandra Herold late Monday in Superior Court in Stamford
Where:In Stamford Superior Court
When:Late Monday
Why:The lawsuit accuses Herold of negligence and recklessness for owning "a wild animal with violent propensities, even though she lacked sufficient skill, strength and/or experience to subdue the chimpanzee

I think that she is going insane trying to get 50million bucks man that crazy and with the chip I think that the chipm was just not feeling normal that day.

AIDs in Africa

Who:Pope Benedict XVI
What:said on his way to Africa on Tuesday that condoms were not the answer in the continent's fight against HIV
Where:On his way to Africa
Why:He doesnt believe it helps stop HIV

It is kind of true but it does help reduces alot from the chance of getting HIV and the pope shouldnt even be talking.
Cathy Belony blk3

Anonymous said...

healthy snacking
who:many people who are trying to get in shape by eating healthy.
what:they're finding new ways to snack between meals and still be healthy
when: not stated
where: not stated
why: to become healthier
my veiws: its worth it.

fighting to become americas next top model
who: people who want to become americas next top model
what:Wannabes go wild in fight to be 'Next Top Model'
where: manhattan, ny
why:an overheated car rolled past the queue, raising fears of an explosion, pandemonium broke out
my veiws: their all retards. if they wanted to be a model why now? why waste the time money and your jobs?

boat accident info emerges
who: those nfl players
what: info on them just came up
where:the gulf of mexico
why: the boat capsized
my veiws: no comment.

chimp accident update
who:The family of a woman mauled by a chimpanzee
what: filed a lawsuit seeking $50 million in damages against the primate's owner
when: tuesday
why: apparently the chimp was neglected and not controlled
my veiws: thats too much money, give the family the total ammount from the hospital bills and thats it.

kaitlyn m.
block 4

Anonymous said...

Who:People trying to get in shape

What:There are ways to snack and still be health

Where:To get the nutrient look on the side of the bag

When:The article was published the other day

Why:There are many people out there looking to get in shape and following these steps can help you

I think if you follow those suggestions then I'm sure anyone can lose weight.But only if they work out at the same time.

Fighting for America's Top Model

Who:10,00 people

What:Six people were injured and three arrested as chaos erupted in the queue for America's Next Top Model

Where:midtown Manhattan


Why:As an overheated car rolled past the queue, raising fears of an explosion, pandemonium broke out. Some witnesses said an applicant shouted "there's a bomb". People were knocked down or fainted as the crowd surged, police ploughed in and fights

I think the person that said it was a bomb is very stupid.But there were hot women fighting so that was pretty cool.

NFL players lost at sea

Who:Oakland Raiders linebacker Marquis Cooper, free-agent NFL defensive lineman Corey Smith, who played for the Detroit Lions last season, and former University of South Florida player William Bleakley

What:the three men aboard the small boat in the Gulf of Mexico took off their life vests and eventually disappeared during the ordeal that began the evening of Feb. 28
Where:The coastline of Florida

When:Feb. 28

Why:They started to loss hope of ever being rescued

I think that if that is true, they are very stupid.I would never give up hope of being found at sea, but hopefully they're still alive.

Chimp attack

Who:The family of a Connecticut woman mauled by a chimpanzee
What:A relative of 55-year-old Charla Nash filed the lawsuit against Sandra Herold late Monday in Superior Court in Stamford
Where:In Stamford Superior Court
When:Late Monday
Why:The lawsuit accuses Herold of negligence and recklessness for owning "a wild animal with violent propensities, even though she lacked sufficient skill, strength and/or experience to subdue the chimpanzee

I think the owner deserves that lawsuit. I mean come on how can you keep a wild animal at your house and not expect it to attack someone.

AIDs in Africa

Who:Pope Benedict XVI
What:said on his way to Africa on Tuesday that condoms were not the answer in the continent's fight against HIV
Where:On his way to Africa
Why:He doesnt believe it helps stop HIV

I think that is the stupidest thing I've heard from a person of his power. There are studies that prove that if you use a condom it helps.

Anonymous said...

Who:People trying to get in shape

What:There are ways to snack and still be health

Where:To get the nutrient look on the side of the bag

When:The article was published the other day

Why:There are many people out there looking to get in shape and following these steps can help you

I think if you follow those suggestions then I'm sure anyone can lose weight.But only if they work out at the same time.

Fighting for America's Top Model

Who:10,00 people

What:Six people were injured and three arrested as chaos erupted in the queue for America's Next Top Model

Where:midtown Manhattan


Why:As an overheated car rolled past the queue, raising fears of an explosion, pandemonium broke out. Some witnesses said an applicant shouted "there's a bomb". People were knocked down or fainted as the crowd surged, police ploughed in and fights

I think the person that said it was a bomb is very stupid.But there were hot women fighting so that was pretty cool.

NFL players lost at sea

Who:Oakland Raiders linebacker Marquis Cooper, free-agent NFL defensive lineman Corey Smith, who played for the Detroit Lions last season, and former University of South Florida player William Bleakley

What:the three men aboard the small boat in the Gulf of Mexico took off their life vests and eventually disappeared during the ordeal that began the evening of Feb. 28
Where:The coastline of Florida

When:Feb. 28

Why:They started to loss hope of ever being rescued

I think that if that is true, they are very stupid.I would never give up hope of being found at sea, but hopefully they're still alive.

Chimp attack

Who:The family of a Connecticut woman mauled by a chimpanzee
What:A relative of 55-year-old Charla Nash filed the lawsuit against Sandra Herold late Monday in Superior Court in Stamford
Where:In Stamford Superior Court
When:Late Monday
Why:The lawsuit accuses Herold of negligence and recklessness for owning "a wild animal with violent propensities, even though she lacked sufficient skill, strength and/or experience to subdue the chimpanzee

I think the owner deserves that lawsuit. I mean come on how can you keep a wild animal at your house and not expect it to attack someone.

AIDs in Africa

Who:Pope Benedict XVI
What:said on his way to Africa on Tuesday that condoms were not the answer in the continent's fight against HIV
Where:On his way to Africa
Why:He doesnt believe it helps stop HIV

I think that is the stupidest thing I've heard from a person of his power. There are studies that prove that if you use a condom it helps.

jasmine sawyer

Anonymous said...

Healthy Snacking
who: people trying to stay in shape
what: should eat snacks throughout the day
where: all over the country
when: now
why: because it keeps your body enegized & in shape

I agree because sometimes during school, if you feel tired you can just have a little snack so you can be energized, rather than falling asleep & failing.

'Next Top Model'
who: More than 10,000 people
what: waited for auditions
where: midtown Manhattan
when: Saturday
why: for America’s Next Top Model’s new season.

I love that show, new episode on tonight :) but really, that’s just rediculous, females are crazy. But I give them props for doing anything they have to, to follow their dreams.

Boat Accident
who: four football players
what: disappeared while fishing
where: in the tampa waters
when: feb. 28th
why: their boats anchor got stuck, & when they tried getting it, the boat filled with water & it capsized.

I think the one that survived either has some brain problems from the accident, or he is a just a liar. He is making up 10 different stories. Some one needs to find out the truth because he’s lying about something here.

Chimp Accident
who: The family of a woman mauled by a chimpanzee
what: filed a lawsuit seeking $50 million in damages against the primate's owner
where: in court
when: this week
why: saying she was negligent and reckless for lacking the ability to control "a wild animal with violent propensities."

I think the family is doing the right thing by suing them, because the lady that got attacked it really injured badly & she needs to get money to pay for all of her medical concerns.

AIDS In Africa
who: Pope Benedict XVI
what: say are not the answer to Africa's fight against HIV
where: YAOUNDE, Cameroon
when: Tuesday afternoon
why: It was the pope's first explicit statement on an issue that has divided even clergy working with AIDS patients.

That’s good that the pope is stepping in to try & save lives in a different continent. That’s something the whole world should be doing, we should all help eachother.

Megan O’Connor
Block 4 :)

Anonymous said...





WHO:Marquis Cooper,Corey Smith, AND William Bleakley






Anonymous said...

healthy snacking
who: people who want to reduce unhealthy snacking
what: trying to lose weight
where: u.s
when: recently
why: They want a easy way to lose weight and healthy snacking is there choice.

Fighting for America's Top Model
who: aspiring models
what: created a riot waiting to audition for amercias next top model
where: ny
when: 3.16.09
why: because they wanted to participate in the up coming season of americas next top model.

nfl players lost at sea
who: 3 Nfl players lost at sea
what: boat got stuck in an anchor and capsized
where: Tampa
when: 02.28.09
why: their boat goat caught on reef. and two of the guys suposedly gave up on the struggle to stay alive.

chimp attack
who: family of woman who was attacked
what: the family are pressing charges on the owner because they say it was a wild animal.
where: Stamford, Conneticut
when: recently
why: the animal was agitated and attacked.

AIDS in africa
who: poper benedict XVI
what: says condoms are not the answer to AIDS
where:yaonde, cameroon
when: 3.17.09
why: distributing condoms wont help the problem, it will just make it worse.

christina p
blk 3

Anonymous said...

"Healthy Snacking"

Who:People trying to get in shape
What:There are ways to snack and still be health
Where:To get the nutrient look on the side of the bag
When:The article was published the other day
Why:There are many people out there looking to get in shape and following these steps can help you

I think these people are making complete fools iof themselves they should just watch what they freakin eat and exercise daily and stay active.i think they rate of obesity is getting crazy!!

"Fighting for America's Top Model"

Who:10,00 people
What:Six people were injured and three arrested as chaos erupted in the queue for America's Next Top Model
Where:midtown Manhattan
Why:As an overheated car rolled past the queue, raising fears of an explosion, pandemonium broke out. Some witnesses said an applicant shouted "there's a bomb". People were knocked down or fainted as the crowd surged, police ploughed in and fights

This is just hurendous people do the darnest things for money and fame if that was me i would be cursing people out..lol.but hey its hard out here people got to do what they can for money!!

"NFL players lost at sea"

Who:Oakland Raiders linebacker Marquis Cooper, free-agent NFL defensive lineman Corey Smith, who played for the Detroit Lions last season, and former University of South Florida player William Bleakley
What:the three men aboard the small boat in the Gulf of Mexico took off their life vests and eventually disappeared during the ordeal that began the evening of Feb. 28
Where:The coastline of Florida
When:Feb. 28
Why:They started to loss hope of ever being rescued

Now this is sad i really hope theyre ok and they find them..maybe theyre chilling on some island trying to get away from the paparazzi!!lol

"Chimp attack"

Who:The family of a Connecticut woman mauled by a chimpanzee
What:A relative of 55-year-old Charla Nash filed the lawsuit against Sandra Herold late Monday in Superior Court in Stamford
Where:In Stamford Superior Court
When:Late Monday
Why:The lawsuit accuses Herold of negligence and recklessness for owning "a wild animal with violent propensities, even though she lacked sufficient skill, strength and/or experience to subdue the chimpanzee.

If that was me i waould of sued that women she had no right having that monkey!!

"AIDs in Africa"

Who:Pope Benedict XVI
What:said on his way to Africa on Tuesday that condoms were not the answer in the continent's fight against HIV
Where:On his way to Africa
Why:He doesnt believe it helps stop HIV.

I think everyone need to strap up!!matter fact just stop having sex!This STD crap is getting ridiculous im so scared to even talk to any guy!!lol

Anonymous said...

Healthy Snacking

Who: To the general public. The article is to encourage everyone to eat healthy snacks.
What: Snacks are not as bad as many people think. They see it as junk food. However, healthy snacking is beneficial for a person's diet.
Where: America.
When: Currently.
Why: Eating healthy snacks is good for your body. People will be more energetic and bee healthier. The article wants to promote healthy eating.
I believe that healthy snacking is good for everyone. It will ultimately help you out in the long run.

Fighting To Become America's Top Model
Who: People who want to audition to become America's next top model.
What: Wannabe models stampeded through New York trying to audition for America's Next Top Model.
Where: Manhattan, New York.
When: Saturday March 14, 2009.
Why: The potential contestants all wanted a chance to audition so they rushed to get a spot.
These girls want to make something of themselves and they proved that they will go to any lengths to get what they want. I see it as admirable. They all really want to be America's Next Top Model and did what they had to do. I do not condone their actions because people were hurt in the stampede but it does show their dedication and determination.

Boat Accident Info Emerges
Who: Corey Smith, Marquis Cooper and Nick Schuyler.
What: Their fishing boat capsized. Shuyler was rescued but Cooper and Smith's bodies have yet to be recovered.
Where: Florida Gulf Coast.
When: 3 weeks ago.
Why: The fishing boat capsized in stormy waters. One man removed his life jacket and wasn't seen again.
I think this is sad. It is a horrible loss to lose 2 amazing people.

Chimp Accident Update
Who: Charla Nash and family.
What: Her family is seeking $50 million in damages against the owner of the chimp that mauled her.
Where: Stamford, Connecticut.
When: February 16, 2009.
Why: The family is seeking compensation for the 200- pound chimp mauling Charla Nash. Sheis still in critical condition at the hospital. They want the owner to pay because they say she was negligent and reckless when it came to the chimp.
I think the owner should pay the family. She apparently knew that her chimp was agititated yet she still invited Nash over. She deserves to pay for the trouble she inflicted on Nash and the family.

AIDS In Africa
Who: Pope Benedict XVI
What: Pope Benedict XVI does not believe that condoms are the answer when it comes to fighting AIDs in Africa.
Where: Africa
When:March 17 while the Pope is on a weeklong trip to Africa.
Why: He believes that condoms increases the outbreak of AIDs because it promotes sex. He believes that "responsible and moral attitude toward sex would help fight the disease. "
I do not agree with the Pope. Condoms do not promote sex. People are responsible for what they do. I do agree,however, that condoms shouldn't be seen as the only way to fight AIDs. Greater steps should be taken to stop the outbreak of AIDs in Africa.

-Kelly Budhu
-Block 3

Anonymous said...

Who:healthy snacks
What:provide fiber and nutrients your body needs
Why:snacking can be part of a blanced diet.

I never knew that snacking can enhance rather than hurt your diet.

Who:People auditioning for America's Next Top Model
What:Six people were injured and three arrested as chaos erupted in the queue for America's Next Top Model
Where:New York
Why:They want to be contestants on America's Next Top Mpdel.

It's crazy what people would do to be on a reality television show.

Who:The detroit Lions
What:The Detroit Lions will retire the number 93 for the 2009
Why:football season in memory of player Corey Smith,

This is very unfortunate.

Who: Charla Nash
What:filed the lawsuit against Sandra Herold late Monday in Superior Court
Why:Nash lost her hands, nose, lips and eyelids in the 12-minute mauling.

This article is crazy,I would never want to give a monkey drugs or be around a drugged up monkey.

Who:Pope Benedict XVI
What:Said "Condoms are not the answer to Africa's fight against" HIV
Why:About 22 million people in sub-Saharan Africa are infected with HIV

It's great that the pope is taking time out to talk to people in Cameroon about HIV.Maybe someone might actually listen.

Aisha Henry
Block 4

Anonymous said...

Healthy Snacking

What:Healthy eating
Where:not stated
When:not stated
Why:Getting peopl to eat alot healthier to stay in shape.

Fighting to become America's Next Top Model

Who:Wannabe models
What:Six people were injured and three arrested as chaos erupted in the queue for America's Next Top Model.
Where:Midtown Manhattan
When:March 14,2009
Why:To try out for the competition.

Boat Accident Info emerges

Who:Two NFL players
What:Might have taken off their life vests after their hopes of being rescued at sea faded as they clung to their capsized boat
Where:TAMPA, Fla
When:Feb. 28.
Why:Their boat tipped over and they were lost at sea.

Chimp Accident Update

Who:Charla Nash
What:Update about the chimp attack
Where:STAMFORD, Conn
When: Feb. 16 posted:today
Why:She is sueing because of what happenen she is iin ciritcal condition due to the attack.

AIDS in Africa

Who:Pope Benedict XVI
What:That condoms are not the answer to fight against the AIDS/ HIV virus
Where:YAOUNDE, Cameroon
When:March. 17, 2009
Why:People should be treeated and he's trying to get the message across that it wont help fight against it.

lauren godwin blk.3

Anonymous said...


Who; People trying to stay in shape

What; Should eat snacks throughout the day

Where; All over the country

When; Now &recently

Why; Because it keeps your body enegized & in Better shape

I agree Because If im tired or not focused I wanna eat a snack to stay awake &concentrate


Who; More than 10,000 people

What; Waited for auditions

Where; Midtown Manhattan

Where; Saturday

Why; for America’s Next Top Model’s new season.

I wish i could be on that show, I would love to model but im Too effffin short =( I am happy for them though &glad they are persuing their dreams.


Who; Four FootBall players

What; Disappeared while fishing

Where; In the tampa waters

When; Feb. 28th

Why; Their boats anchor got stuck, & when they tried getting it, the boat filled with water & it capsized.

I think the one that survived either has some brain problems from the accident.


Who; The family of a woman mauled by a chimpanzee

What: Filed a lawsuit seeking $50 million in damages against the primate's owner

Where: In court

When: This past week

Why; Saying she was negligent and reckless for lacking the ability to control "a wild animal with violent propensities."

I think the family is doing the right thing by suing them, Because the lady that got attacked it really injured badly.


who: Pope Benedict XVI

what: Say are not the answer to Africa's fight against HIV

where: YAOUNDE, Cameroon

when: Tuesday afternoon

why: It was the pope's first explicit statement on an issue that has divided even clergy working with AIDS patients.

Thats good the Pope is trying to help with everything &Changing things,

BLOCK 3 & 4