Class information for the 2008-2009 Piper Lair Yearbook
Friday, November 14, 2008
post # 30
Post # 30
Watch the video. Tell me the 5 W's. Comment on what you think.
Who: 2nd graders What: Are reading stories about kids robbing a store. Where: Castle Hill Elementary When: doesn't say, but im assuming its recently. Why: Apparently, it was a mistake and the practice test should not have been handed out to the kids.
I think the parents are over reacting. Im sure the kids know that there are bad people in the world that do bad things and i would assume they understand. The school made a mistake and gave them the wrong practice test. So i think the parents should just accept the mistake and move on.
who? second graders what? given pratice test about robbery when? did not say where? Castle Hill Elementary Why? it was an isolated incident within the school
who: second graders what: they were givin a story about a guy robbing a store. when: did not say where: castle hill elementary why: it was a practice test for the sat
Who: 2nd graders. What: They were asked to take a test that was not suitable for their age. Where: Castle Hill Elementary When: Not Mentioned. Why: It was not suitable because the story was not supposed to be handed to them because it was old and it was an accident.
People in schools should be more careful in what they give to their students. The students can end up telling their parents and the school can get in a lot of trouble.
I dont understand why the principle would even give a test to second graders on the sat in the first place. The whole thing was an incident and the priciple shouldve read the stories before aprroving it.
Who: 2nd graders. What: They were asked to take a test that was not suitable for their age. Where: Castle Hill Elementary When: Not Mentioned. Why: It was not suitable because the story was not supposed to be handed to them because it was old and it was an accident.
The test was not really for their age but as long as they know you cant do things like that its not that big of a deal, but i guess its teaching kids the wrong thing. The school should be more careful.
Why: A teacher handed out a test that is old and shouldnt have been given to the students.
The teacher that handed out the test, should of read the story before handing it out. If the teacher would of read it then this stituation wouldnt have happend. Also that story could make little kids do bad things in the future.
who: 2nd grader class what: read stories about robbing stores . where: castle hill elementary when:recently why: because they shouldnt have been given those stories to read about .
I think the principal shouldnt have given 2nd grader's that story to read because it might give them idea's to start robbing stores .
Who: 2nd graders. What: They were asked to take a test that was not suitable for their age. Where: Castle Hill Elementary When: Not Mentioned. Why: It was not suitable because the story was not supposed to be handed to them because it was old and it was an accident.
Parents think that kids dont no alot when they actually do i mean everyone nos theres bad people in the world.i think it should be left behind,everyone makes mistakes.
What:Students recieved an inopropriate Practice test
When: recently
Where: Castle Hill Elementary in Lauderhill Florida
Why: The reporter said that it was an accident, it is an old practice test that wasnt suppose to be given out
Comment: at first i didnt understand why it wassuch a big comotion about the test but now i realize that those kids are to young to be exposed to that sort of reading. I hope that they pay better attention next time.
What:Students recieved an inopropriate Practice test
When: recently
Where: Castle Hill Elementary in Lauderhill Florida
Why: The reporter said that it was an accident, it is an old practice test that wasnt suppose to be given out
Comment: at first i didnt understand why it wassuch a big comotion about the test but now i realize that those kids are to young to be exposed to that sort of reading. I hope that they pay better attention next time.
who: a 2nd grade class what: read a story about the robbing of a store . where: Castle Hill Elementary in Lauderhill Fl . when: recently . why: A mistake was made on a practice test that was handed out to the class .
The practice test for the 2nd grade kids is a learning experience for children to know that robbers exist. The parents should see the mistake as a real life situation happening to people these days .
What:Second grade students were given a practice SAT exam that contained a story about a young man robbing a clothing store.
Where: Castle Hill Elementary School in Lauderhill Florida.
When: Some time recently
Why: According to the video the Pre-Test was out-dated and was given to the students by an accident.
Reaction: I think that the parents should be concerned because children learn what to do at a very young age and reading about a guy robbing a store with a weapon would make them think it was proper and what they were supposed to do. I aslo think that the Second graders should be given an FCAT practice exam before they should an SAT pre-test because they will be taking the FCAT next year.
Who: 2nd graders What: Are reading stories about kids robbing a store. Where: Castle Hill Elementary When: doesn't say, but im assuming its recently. Why: Apparently, it was a mistake and the practice test should not have been handed out to the kids.
I think the parents are over reacting. Im sure the kids know that there are bad people in the world that do bad things and i would assume they understand. The school made a mistake and gave them the wrong practice test. So i think the parents should just accept the mistake and move on.
What: 2nd grade students get sat practice test about a student
Where: Castle Hill Elementary
When: Not stated but most likely recent.
Why: The priciple said that the test was old and shouldn't have been handed out.
I think that the teachers that read gave out the test should have proof read it and notice that it was not an appropriate subject in school or for 2nd graders.
who:about second graders what:how they where given a sat test about a robber where:Castle Hill Elementary when: not that far back why: it was a mistak that the test was give reaction: it was dumb that they let the test pass throught the adults and give it the students
who-second garders what-They took a test that was innapropiate for them to take. where-Castle Hill Elementary when-doesn't say why-They said it was a mistake that the students should never had to take that test.
I think that the teachers that gave those test to the kids had to ckeck them first to check what the test were about.If they had done that the kids wouldn't had taking the test and the parents wouln't be mad.I think that the kids that read this story they might do bad things.
who:second graders what:were given an SAT prctice book about robbers where:castle hill elem when:doesnt say why: for practice questions, but the topic was a mistake.
These parents are ridiculous. The story wasnt telling the kids to be robbers! Thats stupid to over react like they did. i would =nt really mind if my child read that.
WHO:2nd grade WHAT: given them books to read about robbing WHERE:Castle hill WHEN: well it doesnt when but maybe recently WHY; maybe the teacher think it okay to do that to show them would happen if they really don that in real life i guess.
i dont think it right for a school teachin kids to read a book about it cause some them dont got the right mind thats what i think
WhO:About 2ND graders What:The teachers are givin the kids an SAT test about robbing stores. Where:Castle Hill Elemtary When:doesn't say Why:It was amistake they didn't mean to hand them out to the students Reaction:I think it was real rude to make them kids take the test and that before the teachers pass them out they should of looked at the papers like they always do.
Who: 2nd graders What: reading books about robbing When: n/a ; maybe recently Where: Castle hill Elem. Why/How: it was a mistake, parents are taking this too seriously.
I think that parents takes things too seriously cause they over react on things that kids know whats right and whats wrong.
who: 2nd grade class what: were taking a test about a young man robbing a store where: castle hill elementary when:recently why: because they should have not gave them the test reaction:I think that the test that was given to them is really not right that the students are to young to be inflenuces by this type of behavior Cathy Belony block4
who: Second graders What: They were given a SAT practice test about robbery. When: It was not mentioned Where: Castle Hill Elementary Why: It shouldn't have been handed to them, it was an isolated incident.
The parents are making a too big of a deal out of it, there kids already know about all this from tv and other sources. They will need to know about it and they can't hide it from them.
who: 2nd graders what:reading a story about a kid robbing a store. where;castle hill elementary when:doesnt say why:they said it was a mistake and should have never been handed out
i think the kids should tell their parents that they took that kind of test and then the parents should decide if it is appropriate for them to take that kind of test
who: 2nd grade class what: were taking a test about a young man robbing a store where: castle hill elementary when:recently why: because they are young and those types of lesson should not be tought reaction:I feel that the test that they gave was very inapporiate for their age and that teachers who pass these test should be more awear. Alvin Walker block4
who?: 2nd graders what?: Are reading stories about kids robbing a store. when?: did not say where?: Castle Hill Elementary Why?: A teacher handed out a test that is old and shouldnt have been given to the students
Who: some 2nd graders What: read a story about other kids robbing a store Where: Castle Hill Elementary When: in the week or just recently Why: they say it was an accident and the kids should have gotten the hand outs
The parents have a reason to mad. Kids in 2nd grade shouldnt get to read that stuff. Its possible that a few kids are horrified by what they read, but some kids will probably try to do that kind of stuff.
Who:Second grader students. What:Reading crimianal stories about robbery. When: Didnt not state. Where: Castle Hill Elementary. Why: It was an incident in the school.
WHO:second graders. WHAT:An s.A.T practice was handed to second graders to take but it waas about a boy robbing a store. WHERE:Castle Hill Elementary WHEN:During school one day(doesn't give specific day) WHY:The princapal say's that it was an old practice test that should of never got out.
Who:2nd graders What:reading a story about a man who robbed a store. Where:Castle hill elmentary. When:during school.doesnt say what day. Why:it was accidenty given to the children to read and answer as a test.
I think the people shouldve read the stuff before they hand it out to the kids.
Who: 2nd graders. What: They were asked to take a test that was not suitable for their age. Where: Castle Hill Elementary When: it doesnt say Why: it was an accident because it was not supposed to be handed out to the students.
the parents are definetly taking it to far. kids know the difference between good and bad. but it was also not a good idea to give them the test and hopefully it doesnt happen in the future.
What:The students where given a practice test with a story on robbery
When: Im not sure
Where: Castle Hill Elementary in Lauderhill Florida
Why: It was said that it was an accident, that it was an old practice test that wasnt suppose to be distributed
The truth of the matter is that those children are probally are=ound the ages 8 and 9 and shouldn't be exposed to that type of stuff we want to keep our kids innocence as long as we can. M.JULME BLK 4
Who: 2nd graders what: a test given to students about a robbery. where: Castle Hill elementary when: recent. why:some parents don't like their child reading the story.
Honestly, i think they making this a big deal, when really its not because they can easily go home and inform their child that robbery is a crime and its just a story.It was'nt appropriate but they need to take it out and move on.
Who: 2nd graderd What: They were reading about people robbing a store. When: Did not say. Where: Castle Hill Elementary Why: The teacher gave them an old story to read.
-It was all the teacher's fault. How can u 'accidently' give little kids a story about somebody robbing a store? The parents had a good mind to react the way they did because, no good parent would expose their young children to violence.
who: second graders what:they ended up reading about people robbing a store by mistake where:castle hill elementary when:didnt say why:they ended up passing out the wrong practice test.
-I dont think the parents should take it so seriously, it was an accident and the students already read it and their isnt anything they can do about it. And you see cartoon characters stealing and beating each other up and isnt that the same thing?
who? second graders what? given pratice test about robbery when? did not say where? Castle Hill Elementary Why? it was an isolated incident within the school
who?some second graders what?was reading a story about children robbing stores. where?castle hill elementary when?not stated why?it apparently was an accident because the story was old and the kids werent suppose to have it!
The parents took it too serious and shoudle took it overboard like that it was a mistake that wasnt meant to happen.
Who? A group Of Second graders What?arereading stories abut a store being robbed. When? The video doesnt tell. Where?Castle Hill Elementary Why?it was a mistake and the practice test wasnt supposed to be handed out to the kids.
The parents arent really over reacting cause parents dont want there kids growing up learning about robbong stores especially not in school.
Who: Second grade students. What:where introduce to a storyline about a robbing a store. Where:Castle Hill Elementary When:N/A Why:It was a mistake and was not looked over before handed out.
It was obviously a mistake the parents shouldn't worry that much if they know theyre kids then they shouldn't worry about them trying to rob a store.
Who; 2nd graders What; How parents are reading about kids robbing stores. Where; Castle Hill Elementary When; Recently. Why; It was a mistake and apractice test.
I think it was dumb to be handed out to second graders but the parents shouldnt freak out so much, it was only a mistake.
Who: 2nd graderd What: They were reading about people robbing a store. When: Did not say. Where: Castle Hill Elementary Why: The teacher gave them an old story to read.
who: second graders what: they were givin a story about a guy robbing a store. when: did not say where: castle hill elementary why: it was a practice test for the sat
i dont think the parents are over reacting you dont know what your child is doing at school and you would think the teachers would give them the right tools and work to educate them.
Who: 2nd graders What: Reading stories about kids robbing a place where they sell things. Where: AtCastle Hill Elementary School When: Sometime recent,2008 Why: It was on accident and the practice test wasnt supose to be passed out
I think its not such a big deal. Things happen the kids arent hurt soo everything is okay
who? second graders what? given pratice test about robbery when? didnt say where? Castle Hill Elementary Why? It was on accident and the practice test wasnt supposed to be given out
who: second graders what:they ended up reading about people robbing a store by mistake where:castle hill elementary when:didnt say why:they ended up passing out the wrong practice test.
who: second graders what: students are given a assessment on a paragraph read about a boy commiting a robbery when: not said where: castel hill elementary school why: old test that never should've been handed out.
the prinicpal is lucky that somepeople bought the whole it was an accident bit.
Who? Second grade students. What? A SAT practice test story was about robbing a story. Where? Castle Hill Elementary School in Lauderhill. When? It's not mentioned in the video. Why? It was an old practice test that a veteran teacher had.
Reaction: This is the reason the world is like it is today; with all kinds of violence. We are teaching kids bad things at the wrong times. They are being exposed to things that, at their age, shouldn't be exposed to.
Who: Second graders. What: Ended up reading stories about kids robbing a store. Where: Castle Hill Elemntary. When: Doesnt say. Why: They were given the wrong practice test.
I think the parents are over reacting kids hear worse stuff than that in cartoons and movies. And it was a mistake and it already happened and they couldnt take it back and they cant do anything about it so get over it.
Who: 2nd graders What: Are reading stories about kids robbing a store. Where: Castle Hill Elementary When: doesn't say, but im assuming its recently. Why: Apparently, it was a mistake and the practice test should not have been handed out to the kids.
I think the parents are over reacting. Kids know that there are bad people in the world that do bad things. The school made a mistake and gave them the wrong practice test. So i think the parents should just accept the mistake and move on, everyone makes them.
Who; 2nd graders What; How parents are reading about kids robbing stores. Where; Castle Hill Elementary When; Recently. Why; It was a mistake and apractice test.
I think it was dumb to be handed out to second graders but the parents shouldnt freak out so much, it was only a mistake.
Who: 2nd graders
What: Are reading stories about kids robbing a store.
Where: Castle Hill Elementary
When: doesn't say, but im assuming its recently.
Why: Apparently, it was a mistake and the practice test should not have been handed out to the kids.
I think the parents are over reacting. Im sure the kids know that there are bad people in the world that do bad things and i would assume they understand. The school made a mistake and gave them the wrong practice test. So i think the parents should just accept the mistake and move on.
Megan O'Connor
Block 3 :)
who? second graders
what? given pratice test about robbery
when? did not say
where? Castle Hill Elementary
Why? it was an isolated incident within the school
bao Nguyen
Block 3
who: second graders
what: they were givin a story about a guy robbing a store.
when: did not say
where: castle hill elementary
why: it was a practice test for the sat
i think the parents are taking this to seirously
jessica young
block 3
Who: 2nd graders.
What: They were asked to take a test that was not suitable for their age.
Where: Castle Hill Elementary
When: Not Mentioned.
Why: It was not suitable because the story was not supposed to be handed to them because it was old and it was an accident.
People in schools should be more careful in what they give to their students. The students can end up telling their parents and the school can get in a lot of trouble.
Valerie V 3rd block
I dont understand why the principle would even give a test to second graders on the sat in the first place. The whole thing was an incident and the priciple shouldve read the stories before aprroving it.
bao nguyen
Who: 2nd graders.
What: They were asked to take a test that was not suitable for their age.
Where: Castle Hill Elementary
When: Not Mentioned.
Why: It was not suitable because the story was not supposed to be handed to them because it was old and it was an accident.
The test was not really for their age but as long as they know you cant do things like that its not that big of a deal, but i guess its teaching kids the wrong thing. The school should be more careful.
monique j block 3
Where: Castla Hill Elimentary.
What: The Wrong SAT test for second graders.
When: During School.
Who: Second grade students.
Why: A teacher handed out a test that is old and shouldnt have been given to the students.
The teacher that handed out the test, should of read the story before handing it out. If the teacher would of read it then this stituation wouldnt have happend. Also that story could make little kids do bad things in the future.
Shawn Z.
3rd Block
the second graders
they are reading stories about students robbing
Castle hill elemantary
when? it didnt say but i gues recent
the princiaple said it was a mistake they never ment to hand out that sat prep worksheet it was old.
i think teachers should read before they pass out stuff to there students.
jessica robles
Block 3
who: 2nd grader class
what: read stories about robbing stores .
where: castle hill elementary
why: because they shouldnt have been given those stories to read about .
I think the principal shouldnt have given 2nd grader's that story to read because it might give them idea's to start robbing stores .
chelsea w
who:second graders
what:They were reading a story about a man robbing a store.
when:This happened recently.
where:Castle Hill Elementary
why: apparently, the test was a old test the staff pulled up. It shouldn't have been handed out.
I think it was a mistake by the staff.
this matter should be taking into consideration because they need to know about life and the things out there.
lynwood walker
block 3
Who: 2nd graders.
What: They were asked to take a test that was not suitable for their age.
Where: Castle Hill Elementary
When: Not Mentioned.
Why: It was not suitable because the story was not supposed to be handed to them because it was old and it was an accident.
Parents think that kids dont no alot when they actually do i mean everyone nos theres bad people in the world.i think it should be left behind,everyone makes mistakes.
Who: 2nd Grader's and Teachers
What:Students recieved an inopropriate Practice test
When: recently
Where: Castle Hill Elementary in Lauderhill Florida
Why: The reporter said that it was an accident, it is an old practice test that wasnt suppose to be given out
Comment: at first i didnt understand why it wassuch a big comotion about the test but now i realize that those kids are to young to be exposed to that sort of reading. I hope that they pay better attention next time.
Name: Xavier Dent
Who: 2nd Grader's and Teachers
What:Students recieved an inopropriate Practice test
When: recently
Where: Castle Hill Elementary in Lauderhill Florida
Why: The reporter said that it was an accident, it is an old practice test that wasnt suppose to be given out
Comment: at first i didnt understand why it wassuch a big comotion about the test but now i realize that those kids are to young to be exposed to that sort of reading. I hope that they pay better attention next time.
Name: Xavier Dent
Block: 3
who: a 2nd grade class
what: read a story about the robbing of a store .
where: Castle Hill Elementary in Lauderhill Fl .
when: recently .
why: A mistake was made on a practice test that was handed out to the class .
The practice test for the 2nd grade kids is a learning experience for children to know that robbers exist. The parents should see the mistake as a real life situation happening to people these days .
block 3
Who: Second grade students and concerned parents.
What:Second grade students were given a practice SAT exam that contained a story about a young man robbing a clothing store.
Where: Castle Hill Elementary School in Lauderhill Florida.
When: Some time recently
Why: According to the video the Pre-Test was out-dated and was given to the students by an accident.
Reaction: I think that the parents should be concerned because children learn what to do at a very young age and reading about a guy robbing a store with a weapon would make them think it was proper and what they were supposed to do. I aslo think that the Second graders should be given an FCAT practice exam before they should an SAT pre-test because they will be taking the FCAT next year.
Brett Sharp
Block 3
Who: 2nd graders
What: Are reading stories about kids robbing a store.
Where: Castle Hill Elementary
When: doesn't say, but im assuming its recently.
Why: Apparently, it was a mistake and the practice test should not have been handed out to the kids.
I think the parents are over reacting. Im sure the kids know that there are bad people in the world that do bad things and i would assume they understand. The school made a mistake and gave them the wrong practice test. So i think the parents should just accept the mistake and move on.
The 2nd graders
2nd grade students get sat practice test about a student
Castle Hill Elementary
Not stated but most likely recent.
The priciple said that the test was old and shouldn't have been handed out.
I think that the teachers that read gave out the test should have proof read it and notice that it was not an appropriate subject in school or for 2nd graders.
block 3
who:about second graders
what:how they where given a sat test about a robber
where:Castle Hill Elementary
when: not that far back
why: it was a mistak that the test was give
reaction: it was dumb that they let the test pass throught the adults and give it the students
justin reid
bl 3
who-second garders
what-They took a test that was innapropiate for them to take.
where-Castle Hill Elementary
when-doesn't say
why-They said it was a mistake that the students should never had to take that test.
I think that the teachers that gave those test to the kids had to ckeck them first to check what the test were about.If they had done that the kids wouldn't had taking the test and the parents wouln't be mad.I think that the kids that read this story they might do bad things.
Catherine Sarmiento
block 3
who:second graders
what:were given an SAT prctice book about robbers
where:castle hill elem
when:doesnt say
why: for practice questions, but the topic was a mistake.
These parents are ridiculous. The story wasnt telling the kids to be robbers! Thats stupid to over react like they did. i would =nt really mind if my child read that.
WHO:2nd grade
WHAT: given them books to read about robbing
WHERE:Castle hill
WHEN: well it doesnt when but maybe recently
WHY; maybe the teacher think it okay to do that to show them would happen if they really don that in real life i guess.
i dont think it right for a school teachin kids to read a book about it cause some them dont got the right mind thats what i think
deandra ellis block 3
WhO:About 2ND graders
What:The teachers are givin the kids an SAT test about robbing stores.
Where:Castle Hill Elemtary
When:doesn't say
Why:It was amistake they didn't mean to hand them out to the students
Reaction:I think it was real rude to make them kids take the test and that before the teachers pass them out they should of looked at the papers like they always do.
Who: 2nd graders
What: reading books about robbing
When: n/a ; maybe recently
Where: Castle hill Elem.
Why/How: it was a mistake, parents are taking this too seriously.
I think that parents takes things too seriously cause they over react on things that kids know whats right and whats wrong.
Alexia Patterson
block 3.
who: 2nd grade class
what: were taking a test about a young man robbing a store
where: castle hill elementary
why: because they should have not gave them the test
reaction:I think that the test that was given to them is really not right that the students are to young to be inflenuces by this type of behavior
Cathy Belony
Who.)2nd graders
What.)the kids were taking a test about a young man robbing a store.
When.)it did not mention when this happened.
Where.)this happened at castil hill elementary.
Why.)it was a mistake and they shouldn't have gave those kids the test in the first place.
who: Second graders
What: They were given a SAT practice test about robbery.
When: It was not mentioned
Where: Castle Hill Elementary
Why: It shouldn't have been handed to them, it was an isolated incident.
The parents are making a too big of a deal out of it, there kids already know about all this from tv and other sources. They will need to know about it and they can't hide it from them.
Natasha Brown
11/14/08 Block 4
who:an elementary school student
what:brings unloaded gun to school.
when:novenber 14
why:i guess to show off
Who.)2nd graders
What.)the kids were taking a test about a young man robbing a store.
When.)it did not mention when this happened.
Where.)this happened at castil hill elementary.
Why.)it was a mistake and they shouldn't have gave those kids the test in the first place.
Daundre Heller
block 4
who: 2nd graders
what:reading a story about a kid robbing a store.
where;castle hill elementary
when:doesnt say
why:they said it was a mistake and should have never been handed out
i think the kids should tell their parents that they took that kind of test and then the parents should decide if it is appropriate for them to take that kind of test
block 4
sebastian alba
who: 2nd grade class
what: were taking a test about a young man robbing a store
where: castle hill elementary
why: because they are young and those types of lesson should not be tought
reaction:I feel that the test that they gave was very inapporiate
for their age and that teachers who pass these test should be more awear.
Alvin Walker
who?: 2nd graders
what?: Are reading stories about kids robbing a store.
when?: did not say
where?: Castle Hill Elementary
Why?: A teacher handed out a test that is old and shouldnt have been given to the students
Gabby G.
Block 4
Who: some 2nd graders
What: read a story about other kids robbing a store
Where: Castle Hill Elementary
When: in the week or just recently
Why: they say it was an accident and the kids should have gotten the hand outs
The parents have a reason to mad. Kids in 2nd grade shouldnt get to read that stuff. Its possible that a few kids are horrified by what they read, but some kids will probably try to do that kind of stuff.
Todd Akselrod block 4
Desmond Brown
Block 4
Who:Second grader students.
What:Reading crimianal stories about robbery.
When: Didnt not state.
Where: Castle Hill Elementary.
Why: It was an incident in the school.
who: 2nd grade class
what: were taking a test about a young man robbing a store
where: castle hill elementary
when:not avalible
why:not sure different opinions but it shouldnt be given to young impressionable minds
keandra grant
block 4
WHO:second graders.
WHAT:An s.A.T practice was handed to second graders to take but it waas about a boy robbing a store.
WHERE:Castle Hill Elementary
WHEN:During school one day(doesn't give specific day)
WHY:The princapal say's that it was an old practice test that should of never got out.
(De'Onna Rush BLOCK4)
Who:2nd graders
What:reading a story about a man who robbed a store.
Where:Castle hill elmentary.
When:during school.doesnt say what day.
Why:it was accidenty given to the children to read and answer as a test.
I think the people shouldve read the stuff before they hand it out to the kids.
Roderick L
4th block
Who: 2nd graders.
What: They were asked to take a test that was not suitable for their age.
Where: Castle Hill Elementary
When: it doesnt say
Why: it was an accident because it was not supposed to be handed out to the students.
the parents are definetly taking it to far. kids know the difference between good and bad. but it was also not a good idea to give them the test and hopefully it doesnt happen in the future.
sadei ceran block 4
Who: Second grade students
What:The students where given a practice test with a story on robbery
When: Im not sure
Where: Castle Hill Elementary in Lauderhill Florida
Why: It was said that it was an accident, that it was an old practice test that wasnt suppose to be distributed
The truth of the matter is that those children are probally are=ound the ages 8 and 9 and shouldn't be exposed to that type of stuff we want to keep our kids innocence as long as we can.
Who: 2nd graders
what: a test given to students about a robbery.
where: Castle Hill elementary
when: recent.
why:some parents don't like their child reading the story.
Honestly, i think they making this a big deal, when really its not because they can easily go home and inform their child that robbery is a crime and its just a story.It was'nt appropriate but they need to take it out and move on.
Kimery Franklin
block 4th
Who:2nd graders
What:giving stories to read about robberies.
Where:Castle Hill Elementary
When: doesn't say.
Why: The test was giving to the students on accident.
Kasey Bartholomew
Blk. 4 =]]
the second graders
they are reading stories about students robbing
Castle hill elemantary
when? it didnt say but i gues recent
the princiaple said it was a mistake they never meant to hand out that sat prep worksheet it was old.
lauren g. yayyyyyyyy
blk 3
Who: 2nd graderd
What: They were reading about people robbing a store.
When: Did not say.
Where: Castle Hill Elementary
Why: The teacher gave them an old story to read.
-It was all the teacher's fault. How can u 'accidently' give little kids a story about somebody robbing a store? The parents had a good mind to react the way they did because, no good parent would expose their young children to violence.
who: second graders
what:they ended up reading about people robbing a store by mistake
where:castle hill elementary
when:didnt say
why:they ended up passing out the wrong practice test.
-I dont think the parents should take it so seriously, it was an accident and the students already read it and their isnt anything they can do about it. And you see cartoon characters stealing and beating each other up and isnt that the same thing?
who? second graders
what? given pratice test about robbery
when? did not say
where? Castle Hill Elementary
Why? it was an isolated incident within the school
Eric Dellaporta
block 3
who?some second graders
what?was reading a story about children robbing stores.
where?castle hill elementary
when?not stated
why?it apparently was an accident because the story was old and the kids werent suppose to have it!
The parents took it too serious and shoudle took it overboard like that it was a mistake that wasnt meant to happen.
marteia brinson
Who? A group Of Second graders
What?arereading stories abut a store being robbed.
When? The video doesnt tell.
Where?Castle Hill Elementary
Why?it was a mistake and the practice test wasnt supposed to be handed out to the kids.
The parents arent really over reacting cause parents dont want there kids growing up learning about robbong stores especially not in school.
Treyon B.
Blk 3
Who: Second grade students
What: Were gave the wrong test
Where: Castla Hill Elimentary.
When: During School.
Who: Second grade students
Why: The teacher mistakenly handed out the wrong test to there students.
Its just a simple mistake the teacher did. It shouldnt be on the news or anything.
Who: Second grade students.
What:where introduce to a storyline about a robbing a store.
Where:Castle Hill Elementary
Why:It was a mistake and was not looked over before handed out.
It was obviously a mistake the parents shouldn't worry that much if they know theyre kids then they shouldn't worry about them trying to rob a store.
Who; 2nd graders
What; How parents are reading about kids robbing stores.
Where; Castle Hill Elementary
When; Recently.
Why; It was a mistake and apractice test.
I think it was dumb to be handed out to second graders but the parents shouldnt freak out so much, it was only a mistake.
Who: 2nd graderd
What: They were reading about people robbing a store.
When: Did not say.
Where: Castle Hill Elementary
Why: The teacher gave them an old story to read.
trevis blk3
who: second graders
what: they were givin a story about a guy robbing a store.
when: did not say
where: castle hill elementary
why: it was a practice test for the sat
i dont think the parents are over reacting you dont know what your child is doing at school and you would think the teachers would give them the right tools and work to educate them.
Who: 2nd graders
What: Reading stories about kids robbing a place where they sell things.
Where: AtCastle Hill Elementary School
When: Sometime recent,2008
Why: It was on accident and the practice test wasnt supose to be passed out
I think its not such a big deal. Things happen the kids arent hurt soo everything is okay
who: 2nd grades
what: Its about kids robbing a store
where:dosen't say at all
when:It was all a big mistake
why:It was a practice but it was still wrong to do.
nishelle johnson
who? second graders
what? given pratice test about robbery
when? didnt say
where? Castle Hill Elementary
Why? It was on accident and the practice test wasnt supposed to be given out
christina p
blk 4
who? second graders
what? given pratice test about robbery
when? did not say
where? Castle Hill Elementary
Why? It was not suitable because the story was not supposed to be handed to them because it was old and it was an accident
who: second graders
what? given pratice test about robbery
when: did not say
where: castle hill elementary
why: it was a practice test for the sat
cherelee barnes
block 4
who: second graders
what: they were givin a story about a guy robbing a store.
when: did not say
where: castle hill elementary
why: it was a practice test for the sat
i think the parents are taking this to seirously
jazzy kse 4th block
who: second graders
what:they ended up reading about people robbing a store by mistake
where:castle hill elementary
when:didnt say
why:they ended up passing out the wrong practice test.
trevis smith blk3
who: second graders
what: students are given a assessment on a paragraph read about a boy commiting a robbery
when: not said
where: castel hill elementary school
why: old test that never should've been handed out.
the prinicpal is lucky that somepeople bought the whole it was an accident bit.
kaitlyn m
block four
Who? Second grade students.
What? A SAT practice test story was about robbing a story.
Where? Castle Hill Elementary School in Lauderhill.
When? It's not mentioned in the video.
Why? It was an old practice test that a veteran teacher had.
Reaction: This is the reason the world is like it is today; with all kinds of violence. We are teaching kids bad things at the wrong times. They are being exposed to things that, at their age, shouldn't be exposed to.
G. Torre
Block 04
Who: Second graders.
What: Ended up reading stories about kids robbing a store.
Where: Castle Hill Elemntary.
When: Doesnt say.
Why: They were given the wrong practice test.
I think the parents are over reacting kids hear worse stuff than that in cartoons and movies. And it was a mistake and it already happened and they couldnt take it back and they cant do anything about it so get over it.
Who: 2nd graders
What: Are reading stories about kids robbing a store.
Where: Castle Hill Elementary
When: doesn't say, but im assuming its recently.
Why: Apparently, it was a mistake and the practice test should not have been handed out to the kids.
I think the parents are over reacting. Kids know that there are bad people in the world that do bad things. The school made a mistake and gave them the wrong practice test. So i think the parents should just accept the mistake and move on, everyone makes them.
4th Block
the second graders
they are reading stories about students robbing
Castle hill elemantary
when? it didnt say but i gues recent
the princiaple said it was a mistake they never ment to hand out that sat prep worksheet it was old.
i think teachers should read before they pass out stuff to there students.
Who; 2nd graders
What; How parents are reading about kids robbing stores.
Where; Castle Hill Elementary
When; Recently.
Why; It was a mistake and apractice test.
I think it was dumb to be handed out to second graders but the parents shouldnt freak out so much, it was only a mistake.
Who: Second graders.
What: Were asked to take a test that was not suitable for their age.
When: Doesn't say.
Where: Castle Hill Elementary.
Why: The teacher handed out a test that was old, and it shouldn't have been handed out to the kids.
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