NY Post Comic and commentary
Post your own stance about the comic.
Write an in-depth response to the strip.
FCAT style. 3-5 paragraphs.
Class information for the 2008-2009 Piper Lair Yearbook
working on pages!!
monique j block 3
I believe this strip is very races because if you see that comic in the New York post and then turn to the next page u will see Obama signing the Stimulus Bill. Now how did they not that he was signing it. I mean i can see that they were trying to be funny, witch it was a little, but that fact of the matter is it was wrong to say.
People are very mad about this and the United States would like an apoligy from the writer.The cartoon is a clear parody of a current news event, to wit the shooting of a violent chimpanzee in Connecticut. Also the chimp just got wild and crazy, so what, big deal. The chimp stayed at home his whole like and then just snaped. i think the monkey was druged up and didnt kno what he was doing.
Okay now everyone should get an apoligy and just let it go. We shouldnt let a little thing like this discurage the presidents goals and the people freedom or anything i missed.
Shawn Z
3rd BLK
name :carly
block :3
comment:this article can have a positive way or a negative way.i think that it may be a joke cause that is what cartoon are about ,it suppose to make people laugh was a bad move. The cartoonist should have thought a little further ahead when trying to shoe-horn two disparate ideas like that into the same cartoon.
I don't really find it racist, the fact that racial inferences can so easily be implied does make it questionable. it hard to believe that no one along the chain of getting this thing into the paper didn't have a thought along the lines of 'Wait.this may not go well.
Clearly the majority of American public isn't too terribly concerned about skin color, we have a black president, but there are plenty of people who still are. Which means, everyone is going to have to pay a little more attention in the coming years.
The symbolization of this cartoon is very negative.First of all they shoot and kill a monkey this was a symbol to insult blacks and It just so happens you have two caccasion cops. WEll i understand they were tring to be funny but to hold outstanding reputation should apolgize to the media.This skect focuses on the current signing of the stimuls bill by president obama.This is a very popular part of the magazine and is very sharp when it comes to these current matters.
Lynwood walker
The comic strip relating President Obama to a dying chimpanzee was uncalled for. The comic strip wasn't funny in the least.
First off it was disrespectful to portray Obama as a monkey. It's like they are saying that Obama has no intelligence. Also, the comic is portraying that the police would shoot Obama if his stimulus plan doesn't work out.
helped Andrice with some ideas and i went with Desiree to find out names for Club pictures
Gabby Galvan
Block 3
i think that the strip is just being races the one who made the picture just really hates tha President Barack Obama is the president so they just wanted to used this to make a really ogly comment.I think that the one that made it is just really dumb.But if the president had been someone who was white they wouldn't had made this strip.
People shouldn't be races like they look so dumb doing all theses things that they think are so funny and they are not.i think that they should do something to the one that did it because they are being really racees to the president.
So i think he should get a punishment like he should go to jail for what he is doing or get his career taking away because they shouldn't be doing this stuff.In this country their is no racism allow so they should do something.
catherine Sarmiento
I think this Comic is absolutely Racist and so uncalled for.To my understanding this looks like theyre tring Obama as a monkey because he passed the stimulus deal.
Alot of people are upset about this and totally doesnt approve of it including me!!Its like theyre saying theyre shooting President Barack Obama.And the people who are responsible for this picture should be very ashamed of themselves!!1
i believe this strip is very races because if you look atthey are trying to say bthat obama is a bad person
The picture shown from the ny press is wrongand racist as said. And i agree to the fullest extent. Its rude to animal activists and animal lovers all over amaerica. Why would someone make a cartoon of two cops shooting a monkey? Because they have nothing else to draw about?? Thats what i believe...
Just because a chimpanzee was brutally killed for mauling a woman on monday doesnt mean that its a joking matter. The artist was out of line and then to connect it to two irrelavant situations in this country is dumb too. Okay wee know that obama screwed up SO WHAT! everyone does! Just look at bush, how many mistakeshas he made?? And yet we re-elected him for another four LONGGGGG and dreadful years.
So all in all the artist and the new yorkpress was wrong. endofstory.
kaitlyn m.
block four
The picture to me looks like its trying to show what the officers did to the monkey in Conneticut,when it attacked the women.But it say something about the stimulus bill which caught me off guard that maybe their talking about President Obama and if he messes things up by signing the stimulus bill that they are going to kill him... i dont know its a little weird.
Block 4
To me Obama had the right to do what he did because he's President he's going to do whats by him and whats good for use as American citizens. But down to the problem with the chimpanzee i think it was wrong for the peloice to kill the chimanzee but at the same time the chimanzee shouldnt have attacked the woman and the woman shouldnt have opened the cage for the monkey to get out in the first place that was her mistake. but in the end peolpe learn from heere mistakes so hopefully she has and she will stay away from wild animals. Regardless if she thinks there harmless or not.
De'Onna Rush Block 4
This picture is making a mockery of our president Obama. This picture is just plain retarded. Saying he doesn't like what Obama is doing is one thing but using a monkey to symbolize him is going too far.
This picture is implying that he wants another president because in the picture the monkey,obama, is shot and the policeman is saying we need someonelse to sign the stimulis bill.
I bet this whomever made this picture didn't even vote for anyone and he is complaining. Well tough if you didn't vote than don't complain. He should make another picture in apology for Obama.
Bao Nguyen
Block 4
I think this pic is very stupid..it seems like the mans are trying to kill the monkey because he is black
Maybe they trying to be funny and talk about president Obama on a sly.it was disrespectful to portray Obama as a monkey. It's like they are saying that Obama has no intelligence.
I think that they people are just very races just because the United States has a black president instead of Mcain,,,,vote Obama for a change and thats what we need lol
Cherelle Barnes
i think this comic is really racist because its about obama and hes are new president and people are already making racist remarks about him.
its ecspecailly rude because there realating him to a chimpanzee, and the people shotting the monkey is 2 white people, and the monkey that killed the lady has nothing to do with obama i think they should just let everything go.
this is being blown out of porportion, they shouldnt relate obama to what happened to the lady with the chimp. its not his fault and its really rude, and offends alot of people
I think the strip is very derogatory towards black people. Back in the days white people use to call black people monekys. And since we have a black president i feel as if its very demeaning is every way u can put the picture.
Mark Roach
Blk 4
At a glance it looked pretty funny but then when I read it and understood what it meant i was apploded and shocked that the monkey in the descriptoin was obama i was furios and mad a black man made a pic of obama into a monkey his stiumles pact is good so ive heard and i know i may be over reacting by getting anger but there is a certin way to make fun of peolpe
Knowing that people can still be racist,is amazing to me! This country has been through so much, that for someone to still be racist, kinda needs help. I wish I could say there is a little bit of humor in the comic strip, or should I say racist strip, but nothing is amusing. Having a black president, is an amazing experience and one of the best things that we could have recieved. To anyone who isn't racist and is proud of president, is hurtful to the rest, whether your black white or orange. I hate to think people would go this far, and what if they meant this as a joke?! Personally, I hate this "comic" strip.
Well in my prespective view of this so called comic strip of and some two white/caucasian cops shooting a monkey(supposed obama),is maximum racial whatever they call it these days.It would seem that alot are racist towards our president.I want to understand why they made this and what good reasons they have.
Obama is doing a good job as the president so far, so why would people bother hating him if he is black?I'm sure Obama can take care of the stimulus bill,im sure obama isn't dull brained as a monkey.If people have such doubts about the man, why dont they just move somewhere else where they have a different colored leader and see how good of a president that person is?
Who ever has made this Extremely racist strip needs to get jail time because in my knowledge i dont think people would like this very much if this was published(which it may have been already.).Its not fair if they ridicule our president and think he is like that idiotic as found in a chimp.I bet they shot the chimp because i think they think that it would waste the stimulus bill on things rather than the country and do good to the economy.This has ended my view/prespective on this dumb racist thing.
Roderick lacroix
Block 3
I think that the comic strip is completely ridiculous, they say that it does not refer to our president or anybody because there is no sign with a name on the monkeys neck, so why was it the comic strip made in the first place.They know exactly who its for , they're just trying to be a- holes about it and not say who it is for.
What's the reason to combine two completely different incidents that have nothing to do with eachother? None. They did leave it up to the reader to determine who the cops were refering to but obviously if you are anywhere next to being smart then you would realize who it is for.
I just think that whole incident was a publicity stunt just so they could be noticed.
In the comic i dont think it was made out to be a joke or something to laugh at. I think the editors had bad intenstions and didnt mean what they said about the comic. although they said that the monkey had no relation to Obama i think thier all lies to cover up for thier foolishness.
I think that the comic offends many americans and that more than an apology should be asked from the editor. The comic is obviously a comparison to the violent chimpanzee event in connecticut.
But many people are believing the monkey is a comparison to our president barack obama due to the fact that he is african american.
despite all of the misunderstandings i think that we should just accept the editors apology if they really seem sincere about it because it could've been meant to be just a harmless joke. this comic shouldnt be something to discourage the president and his actions
sadei ceran block 4
This strip is very races because if you see the comic in the New York post and then turn to the next page u will see Obama signing the Stimulus Bill. How did they not know that he was signing it.
People are very mad about this and the United States would like an apoligy from the writer. The cartoon is a clear parody of a current news event, to with the shooting of a violent chimpanzee in Connecticut. Also the chimp just got wild and crazy. The chimp stayed at home his whole life and then just snapped.
Okay now everyone should get an apoligy and just let it go. We shouldn't let a little thing like this discurage the Presidents goals in helping the United States.
Michael Weiner
3rd Block
If you were to open up the New York Post and see this comic, I'm pretty sure one thing would come to your mind;the author is racist and doesn't like our new president.
Some may say, that is not the case, but I don't see any other explanation besides that. The cartoon just looks disrespectful and mean.
It's not amusing at all. Especially when African Americans were once reffered to as monkeys and gorillas. Just because someones roots are based in a country of wild animals, doesn't make them one too.
Whoever drew this cartoon really didn't think it through completly. There is no way to RELATE an attacking chimpanzee to our new president. The author thought it was a joke and could seriously get away with it. Well, he was very wrong. People these days don't take things lightly and for someone to publish something like that in the newspaper is just unintelligent.
Tridecia Henry
Block 3
In comic strip it depicts some racist act. It shows violence to African Americans.Since our president is an African American and he invented the stimulus plan. It is his way of helping the nation.
The author might have some problem with the idea,but should not post this in the paper. It is not funny to print something like that. Everyone will be talking and might take it differently.
Alliea BAcchus
Block 3
This comic pretty negative it is a harmful picture and is very offending. Who ever drew this is crazy and needs some serious help. I think that this means that aome one really feels strongly about the presidents and wants to kill him. This shows that this place is really unsafe and that people are starting to have to relly protective everything around them. But putting a monkey as the person getting shot is really cruel and that that person is starting to prepare theirselfs.
Cathy Belony
First of all, I totally agree with everything the author of this article wrote. He said, "anyone with half a brain, especially someone knowing the history of African-Americans being called monkeys and gorillas, would have said, 'We need to rethink this.'" That makes complete sense!
As soon as I read the cartoon when my mom showed me, It was totally obvious to me who they were talking about. And I don't know or care about any politics. But thats the point. If they claim that it wasn't about Obama and they had no idea, their either liars, or just plain stupid.
So now that they have been caught, and they "just realized" how it could seem wrong, they should make a public apology. Thats what kills me, they didn't even bother apologizing or trying to fix the situation. So yeah, maybe they are just stupid.
Megan O'Connor
block :)
*i was absent
The symbolization of this cartoon is very negative.First of all they shoot and kill a monkey this was a symbol to insult blacks and obama .It just so happens you have two white cops. but they did it so worng it was not call for they should have not done that.apolgize to the media.This skect focuses on the current signing of the stimuls bill by president obama.Also they should say sorry and just be ashmaed of what they done.
nishelle johnson
i dont think that this comic strip is funny at all. it is ignorant and disrespectful. they were obviously racist and put Obama as a monkey instead of himself. also someone could get in alot of trouble for this because this is a threat to the president. they were reffering that Obama was being shot in the comic and they would have to get someone else to sign the bill. I was very upset when i got to understand what it meant and people need to grow up and come together..
lauren godwin blk.3
I believe this comic was very uncalled for. Even though the comic does not come out and say that it is talking about President Obama directly, it is safe to assume that it is. Everyone knows that in a racist light, most Afican-American people are seen as monkeys, and for a National newspapaer to have this comic does raise some questions about what was truely intended.
It is not the first time the NY Post has published a segment about President Obama in the bad light, so for it to happen again is bound to make people angry. The comic was not nessesary, and was very disrespectful. Showing a chimpanzee that has been brutally killed and refering to the stimulus bill that was just signed by thr president is wrong, and should not be published, even of it was intended to be a joke.
In conclusion, i believe that this comic should not have been published. The NY Post should definitely be punished because this isnt the first time it has happened. I do find this comic to be racist, and disrespectful towards the president, and people shouldn't be allowed to do this.
This illustration can be looked in both and negative and positive perspective. At first glance, you assume that the chimp is supposed to be President Obama. Many people get this impression because of how hard President Obama is pushing the stimulus package. It shows the views of many Americans that the stimulus package is unnecessary and should not be passed.
It is negative because it seems racist. People's first impression is that the chimp is representing President Obama. Comparing him to a chimp seems racist because its like calling him a monkey just because he is black, which is not right. Also, the chimp is supposed to symbolize the chimpanzee that went crazy in Connecticut and killed a woman. The comparison is like saying that Obama is going to mess everything up by passing the stimulus package.
Looking more into the picture, you can compare the chimp to other members of the government. For example, people in the Senate and House who have to approve the package before it can be passed. Most people automatically assume Obama just because he is the President. But others can see that this picture may refer to anyone in the government.
I think this illustration was made to be funny. However, not many people will see it that way. There are different ways to interpret what is meant by this picture. Depending on how you look at it and how open minded you are will determine your view of the illustration.
-Kelly Budhu
-Block 3
This cartoon is extremely racist. The message is very evident and clear: its comparing President Barack Obama to a chimpanzee. In the comic, there are two ironically white polic officers who just shot the chimp. Basically, this comic is saying that before President Obama signs the stimulus bill, he will be shot dead.
With reading the accompanied commentary, I also find that the shooting of the chimp in the cartoon has to pertain to a violent chimpanzee in Connecticut. Its saying that it is ridiculing the efforts and ideas of President Obama's of reviving the economy.
The cartoonist claims that the cartoon has to do wtih the violent chimp accident and the economic stimulus bill. But what doesnt make any sense is why would you mix these two very different stories? It is plain to see that he was tryin gto call President Obama a monkey and this is definitely not funny. To make matters worst, blacks have been called monkeys, gorillas, and et cetera throughout history.
Being black myself, I am extremely offended by this cartoon. I t was tasteless and rude. You would expect more from a grown man who is suppose to be a professional. It just goes to show that racisim is sill very much alive in America.
Kristen Walden
Block 3
late because absent
To me, this picture is horrible, its hurtful &mean to make it seem like Obama is a monkey or how the white cops shoot a black monkey or [person].
Therefore theyre trying to make it seem like black people are bad &should get shot? &How Obama is a monkey &signing the next bill saying hes not intelligent or not smart?
Afterall, Theyre portraying black people or Obama to monkeys?! Which is sooo wrong &disrespectful he needs to APPOLIGIZE OR G0 TO JAIL, SO0OO0 RUDEEE!!!
brittany graham
took pictures for the year book
The picture is very rascist.To see a comic like that in The New York Times,which many people read was very offensive to me.People need to have more respect for the president.He is one of the most powerful man in the world.
Portraying our president as a monkey shows hatred.Some People still cant get over the fact that the president of the United States Of America is African American.If persident Obama was white this rascist comic would have never been posted.
Aisha Henry
Block 4
i think that the strip is not funny because its raceist. why think that is beacse obama just signed the bill to try and help out country. why i think that this person decited to draw this comic is probily they want to get back at america for voting obama as the prsident and also that his black decent
justin reid
obviously the man who drew this is not a fan of obama and he is racisit. comparing a black man to a monkey, what a fool. i think he needs to be removed from his job immediately and obama should have his way with him
christina p
blk 3
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